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Image representation using bag of visual words approach is commonly used in image classification. Features are extracted from images and clustered into a visual vocabulary. Images can then be represented as a normalized histogram of... more
In this work, we compare the performances of four different classifiers for detection of diabetic retinopathy (DR) in retinal pathology images. The classifiers considered are Naïve Bayes Classifier, Decision Tree Classifier, Support... more
Существует широкий круг задач, где требуется анализ, аудио-визуальных моделей реальности. В частности, для многих военных и гражданских приложений, необходимо наличие поиска нечетких дубликатов видео. Для мирного применения, — это... more
A B S T R A C T Abnormal activity recognition is a challenging task in surveillance videos. In this paper, we propose an approach for abnormal activity recognition based on graph formulation of video activities and graph kernel support... more
Action recognition " in the wild " is extremely challenging, particularly when complex 3D actions are projected down to the image plane, losing a great deal of information. The recent growth of 3D data in broadcast content and commercial... more
In this paper, a human action recognition method is presented in which pose representation is based on the contour points of the human silhouette and actions are learned by making use of sequences of multi-view key poses. Our contribution... more
— we present a new approach to classify breast tissue density which is widely accepted to be an important risk indicator for the development of breast cancer. The computer aided diagnosis (CAD) framework developed, first segments the... more
In this study we present an efficient image categorization and retrieval system applied to medical image databases, in particular large radiograph archives. The methodology is based on local patch representation of the image content,... more
Image representation is an important issue for medical image analysis, classification and retrieval. Recently, the bag of features approach has been proposed to classify natural scenes, using an analogy in which visual features are to... more
Resumen: En este capítulo proponemos la aplicación del modelo bolsa de palabras (BoW, por sus siglas en inglés) para la descripción y clasificación de tepalcates arqueológicos. BoW fue desarrollado para analizar textos de manera... more
Plant leaves provide sufficient features to distinguish them among other species. Identification of plants using leaf images is a classic problem in digital image processing. Usually those image processing systems use shape based digital... more
In this paper, we propose a multi-cue object representation for image classification using the standard bag-of-words model. Ever since the success of the bag-of-words model for image classification, several modifications of it have been... more
The term “Near-duplicate” is an object that is fully or partly similar to another object. There are natural and artificial near-duplicates. Natural near-duplicates are similar objects within the similar environment, while artificial... more
This paper presents a novel method for basal-cell carcinoma detection, which combines state-of-the-art methods for unsupervised feature learning (UFL) and bag of features (BOF) representation. BOF, which is a form of representation... more
Having effective methods to access the desired images is essential nowadays with the availability of a huge amount of digital images. The proposed approach is based on an analogy between content-based image retrieval and text retrieval.... more
The texture is an important property of images, and it has been widely used to image characterization and classification. In this paper, we propose a novel method for texture analysis based on Complex Network theory. Basically, we show... more
Bag-of-Visual-words (BoV) approach to image classification is popular among computer vision scientists. The visual words come from the visual vocabulary which is constructed using the key points extracted from the image database. Unlike... more
The Bag-of-Visual Words has been recognised as an effective mean of representing images for image classification. However, its reliance on a visual codebook developed using Hand Crafted image feature extraction algorithms and vector... more
This paper proposes an adaptive image representation learning method for cervix cancer tumor detection. The method learns the representation in two stages, a local feature description using a sparse dictionary learning and a global image... more
In this paper we propose a recognition system for classifying NBI images of colorectal tumors into three types (A, B, and C3) of structures of microvessels on the colorectal surface. These types have a strong correlation with histologic... more
The Fisher kernel (FK) is a generic framework which combines the benefits of generative and discriminative approaches. In the context of image classification the FK was shown to extend the popular bag-of-visual-words (BOV) by going beyond... more
The Bag-of-Visual Word modelling of images has been recognised as an important step in the categorisation of images for Image retrieval due to its ability to support image semantic content detection. However, its application often leads... more
the similarity or the distance measure have been used widely to calculate the similarity or dissimilarity between vector sequences, where the document images similarity is known as the domain that dealing with image information and both... more
XI All-Russian Conference “Neurocomputers and their application”, Мoscow: MSUPE, 19.03.2013. Понятие «нечеткий дубликат» означает неполное или частичное совпадение текущего документа (изображения) с другим документом подобного... more
Having effective methods to access the desired images is essential nowadays with the availability of huge amount of digital images. The proposed approach is based on an analogy between image retrieval containing desired objects... more
Recognizing human actions in realistic scenes has emerged as a challenging topic due to various aspects such as dynamic backgrounds. In this paper, we present a novel approach to taking audio context into account for better action... more