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The article presents a xiphos that was discovered in Sozopol, ancient Apollonia Pontica. There are more such weapons from present-day Bulgaria, but this is the only example discovered during archaeological excavations. The xiphos was... more
Despite the vast research undertaken on hoplite warfare, surprisingly little is known about how hoplite shields were made, the very technology underpinning the transformative military reforms of hoplite warfare. The few forays that have... more
In this paper, I explore the functional aspects of the hoplite shield to determine its effectiveness (and defensive qualities) in combat (hoplite warfare) through a set of controlled practical and simulated experiments.
Ever since humankind first settled down in permanent settlements as the direct consequence of farming of grains and other crops and the raising of livestock in the Late Neolithic era, the territorial imperative has consistently dictated... more
In this chapter - originally Chapter 3 in my 1980 thesis, I examine Alexander's tactics in the second of his three major battles against the Persians. In this expanded account I have been able to also look in much more detail at the... more
The Ancient Greek Warfare - as been presented to the public by the modern scholars -is a multi-dimentional kind of war with various kind of troops , tactics and applications. Recent researches have emerged the importance of archery to... more
Two of the greatest civilizations of the ancient times, Greek and Persian societies were the superpowers of their periods. They gained this title thanks to their warrior features. Both tribes generated a warrior culture by integrating the... more
The subject of the present study revolves around the burials of warriors in the area of Greece during antiquity, with emphasis on the phenomenon of burying the dead with arms. The time period, which is examined here begins from the Iron... more
The paper presents the weapon finds from the Pre-Roman Iron Age on Zealand and in Scania and discusses typology, chronology and interpretation within an Northern European context. It is suggested that the finds represent a longue duree of... more
Άγιος Αθανάσιος, Μακεδονικός τάφος ΙΙΙ. Ο οπλισμός του ευγενούς νεκρού Aghios Athanasios, Macedonian Tomb III: The armor of the dead noble In 1994, during the investigation of the severely disturbed interior of Macedonian... more
This article combines historical analysis with international-relations theory to contend that geopolitical developments around the Eastern Mediterranean in the middle third century BCE were indirectly responsible for the emergence of the... more
The issue of ancient Greek archery looms in mist, as it passed to history as a distrusted weapon, alien to the codes of honorable battle. Though, it had been kept in high respect. There was a full tactical and technical doctrine, as both... more
The Hypaspist corps was an elite unit, most probably established by Philip II and inherited by Alexander the Great along with the other components of the Macedonian army. These troops were actively involved in every operation, be it... more
The Tomb of the Warrior from Málaga (Andalusia, southern Spain) includes among its grave goods a number of weapons: an iron spearhead; an archaic ‘Corinthian’ bronze helmet; and –probably– the badly preserved remains of a round... more
ARHEOLOGIJA I PRIRODNE NAUKE ARCHAEOLOGY AND SCIENCE Published by: Center for New Technology Institute of Archaeology, University of Belgrade, vol 15/2019 pp. 9-18., 2019
The tactics of Epaminondas in surprise, timing, and combined arms are still a subject of study. The direction of the Battle of Mantinea is considered his crowning achievement. Though, it is not universally accepted which exact formation... more
During the 4 th century BC a new literary genre emerges in the Greek world, whose aim is to transfer specialist knowledge, including issues of military technique and strategy. Best practices in the planning and construction of... more
Με αφορμή την επέτειο των 2.500 ετών από την ναυμαχία του Αρτεμισίου, η ανακοίνωση συνδέει επιγραφικά και αρχαιολογικά ευρήματα (όπως το έμβολο αρχαίου πολεμικού πλοίου που ανασύρθηκε από το στενό του Αρτεμισίου πριν λίγα χρόνια) της... more
In the spring of 2007 during the archaeological excavations at Pella, capital of the Macedonian kingdom, part of an attic red-figure pelike was discovered, which is now exhibited in the Archaeological Museum of Pella. The vase preserves... more
Taking the outset in two finds of bone points in Norway, the distribution and use of the artefact type is discussed. Points of bone and antler are frequent¬ly found at settlements and in wetlands in Northern Europe. However, the exact... more
The paper deals with the question about the degree to which the perioikoi were integrated into the structure of the Spartan army. The author draws attention to a number of inconsistencies and contradictions of sources containing some... more
Nováková, L. - Sályová, R. 2019: "Celebrating victory: art and war booty in Classical Greece." Iliria International Review 9/2: 254-267. The celebration of victory, along with the demonstration of power and invincibility, was one of the... more
Success in war over rival kings or barbarian invaders was one of the marks of legitimation for the Hellenistic rulers. Depictions of, or allusions to, war are quite rare in the surviving Hellenistic court poetry; however, we can have a... more
Victory monuments played a vital role in the life of individuals and the civilisation as a whole in ancient Greece. They were an embodied celebration and memorial, both of a specific triumph and of military conflict as such, keeping alive... more
The principal offensive weapons of the greek warrior are sword and spear, named respectively ξίφος and δόρυ. Though at first these two terms designate two different types of weapons, the fact is that, in addition, they are used in the... more
The purpose of this paper is to review the archaeological evidence about warfare in the period during which the late Bronze Age society of the Greek world collapsed and was then transformed into the emerging societies of the Archaic... more
We study the scarce Greek armament found in the southern Iberian Peninsula dated along the first half of the 1st millennium BC, more specifically between the seventh and sixth centuries BC during the so-called Orientalising period. This... more
Eine Wangenklappe aus dem Athenaheiligtum in Milet erweist sich als Bindeglied zwischen urartäischen Helmen des ausgehenden 9. Jhs. v. Chr. und ostgriechischen Helmen des 8. und 7. Jhs. v. Chr. Sie zeigt zugleich auf, dass es in... more
Book review: Abstract: The anthropological study of two late 8th c. BC monumental graves, designated as T144 and T105, at the ancient necropolis of Paroikia at Paros, initially intended to... more
"Contents: 1. Introduction: doriktetos chora and the ‘spear theme’ in Hellenistic court poetry 2. The text of the epigram for Neoptolemus 3. The identity of Neoptolemus 4. Historical background 4.1. Anatolia between Ptolemies and... more
The Alexander the Great's tactic against the enemies had occupied the naturally-forted positions is under consideration in the article. Its determinates that Alexander conquered mountain pass and key heights which were under his enemy's... more
Words are an essential “tool” of each exercise of Psychlological Operation (PSYOP). A message, real or fake, usually include keywords that charges emotionally and causes the immediate reaction of the addressee. Beyond the positively... more
The modern needs on observing and examine the past and the history, demand new and not conventional presentational methods. This article presents with the use of several examples, the ways that Association Koryvantes uses experiential... more
Sergej M. Perevalov Greek Tactics, Chinese Strategy and Eurasian “hybrid warfare”: product and product Heritage of the “Axial Age” The article deals with the origins of three types of ancient warfare during the so-named “Axial Age”... more
Incontro Internazionale di Studio Armi votive in Magna Grecia
Salerno-Paestum 23-25 Novembre 2017
(Università degli Studi di Salerno, RGZM, Fondazione Paestum, Museo Archeologico di Paestum)
Taking the outset in two finds of bone points in Norway, the distribution and use of the artefact type is discussed. Points of bone and antler are frequently found at settlements and in wetlands in Northern Europe. However, the exact... more
Abstract. The use of elephants for military purposes was, for centuries, one of the most important military arms of the armies in the Antiquity. Although, these could get to suppose so many advantages as drawbacks and, for this... more