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English: A late-Hellenistic production site was found at the eastern stoa of the agora of Kos. The presence of destroyed fire-structures indicates pyrotechnological processes, related to pigment manufacture and metallurgy. Pigment... more
This book presents a new study of Greek large-scale bronze statuary of the late Archaic and Classical periods. It examines the discovery, origin, style, date, artistic attribution, identification, and interpretation of the surviving... more
Use-wear and residue analyses have come to play a fundamental role in archaeological enquiries into the cultural biographies of past artefacts. Deployed either separately or in conjunction with one another, they have been turned by three... more
The notion of the change caused by smelting and melting technology during the 5th and 4th Millennium in the Levant is not well understood. Chronological errors and socio-economic misconceptions have been shrouding a clear view on the... more
В отходах пирометаллургического производства меди накоплено значительное количество отвальных шлаков. Даже при среднем содержании меди в них 0,30–0,80 %, видно, что потери металлы составляет значительных. В этой связи задача создания... more
Il contributo presenta le osservazioni conclusive in merito alle attività di produzione del ferro a Populonia, fra il periodo etrusco tardo e la romanizzazione. Il periodo di più intensa produzione, stando ai dati restituiti dalle... more
Field experiments in copper smelting were carried out in order to test assumptions about the copper production processes employed at the Vilabouly Complex (VC), an Iron Age extraction and production site in central Laos. VC is one of only... more
En Lorraine, les fouilles des ferriers de Ludres-Chaudeau, Ludres-Village, Messein-Les Noires Terres et Frouard-Nerbevaux ont permis de mettre au jour des fragments de blocs-tuyères. En Suisse, les sites de Boécourt-Les Boulies, de la... more
Cette conférence a permis de présenter le Projet Collectif de Recherche "Le Chablais au second âge du Fer : la nécropole des Léchères à Chens-sur-Léman", qui vise à étudier un ensemble funéraire de La Tène ancienne / moyenne sur la rive... more
Poster zum Tag der Münsteraner Archäologien am 11. 6. 2016.
Im Rahmen des Projekts unter Leitung von Eva Stauch wurde die zentrale frühmittelalterliche Siedlung beim UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe Kloster Maulbronn, Mulinhusen, entdeckt.
A Roman copper ingot recovered from a wreck located in the border region of the provinces of Málaga and Cádiz is presented in the following contribution. With a diameter of 45 to 53 cm and a weight of 75.4 kg it is one of the heavier... more
Le ricerche condotte sul Colle Madore, nel cuore della Sicilia centro-occidentale, hanno messo in luce resti archeologici che documentano uno dei periodi della storia antica dell’isola più interessanti per le grandi trasformazioni... more
The article is devoted to significance of metallurgy of bronze, delivering of copper and tin into Aegean and consumption of bronze in Mycenaean centers of the Late Bronze Age. Metallurgy of bronze was vital for the formation and... more
In many villages in rural Ethiopia, traditional crafts and specialized production still perform an important function in local economies. In particular, the hereditary role and status of the blacksmith is often subject to strict cultural... more
LIEN pour la lecture / LINK to read it Etude archéologique des techniques d’acquisition et de transformation du métal dans le cadre de la production... more
Le titre interrogatif donné à cette contribution renvoie à un constat : l'absence de mention historiographique de dépôt intentionnel et ritualisé d'objets métalliques durant l'âge du Bronze corse. Cette particularité apparaît comme... more
What we know about bronze age metalworking basically relies on finished artifacts and on stone, clay or bronze implements involved in the process of manufacturing (tuyères, crucibles, moulds, hammers, chisels, etc.). Moreover, evidences... more
The article presents chosen aspects of foundry engineering of the settlement dwellers, including the archaeometric characteristics and metal science analysis of the artefacts, as well as an attempted reconstruction of the production... more
Si tratta della bozza del testo, nel file sono presenti alcuni refusi ed errori di formattazione che sono stati corretti in fase di pubblicazione. Mancano inoltre i ringraziamenti a tutte le persone che in varie forme hanno collaborato al... more
Bronze finds from the apse of the early Christian basilica, atop of which was built Saint Sophia’s church in Thessaloniki, are presented and discussed. Namely, a hammered cross-shaped, bronze polycandelon with three of its original glass... more
The work is devoted to studying of one of the basic problems of the early metal age — ancient non-ferrous metal working with the population of the south Low Urals basin (late IVth — IIIrd millennium B.C.), and to the investigation of... more
This conference was the first occasion on which a collection of papers was presented relating to the then new evidence for Bronze Age copper mining in Britain. The publication has 22 papers recording the discovery and early work at the... more
The article addresses the results of the research at the Novotemirsky copper mine in the Chesmensky district of Chelyabinsk region. Exploratory trenches were used to investigate mine dumps during 2017 field season. A fragment of ceramic... more
This article brings light to traditional technique of bronze casting through generation to generation in Tamil Nadu with the help of literary source and practical knowledge. Bronze manufacture shows a remarkable degree of continuity in... more
(in: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa 16 – Jahrbuch 2017, pp. 25-44) In order to review the hardening properties during cold-forging and recrystallization through annealing and subsequent quenching, seven non-ferrous alloys were... more
The subject of this PhD thesis is the study of ancient metallurgical crucible assemblages, with a particular focus on the methodological framework for such studies. This is approached through three case studies from the eastern... more