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This paper discusses results that arise in specific configurations pertaining to invariance under isoconjugation. The results lead to revolutionary theorems and crucial properties in both Euclidean and Projective geometry. After... more
We present a sketch on a problem related to the isomorphism between the simple group of order 168 and the projective general linear group.
It is a book of solved exercises of polynomials for a quick learning of Algebra
As a response to both the implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and a recent approval of a change by the New York State Board of Regents to allow multiple pathways for graduation, this curriculum project, which will be... more
Graduate Texts in Mathematics
Editorial Board
S. Axler F.W. Gehring K.A. Ribet
Images of Molecules are broadly used to foresee atom properties in educating and synthetic exploration. A prepared physicist can undoubtedly infer particle properties by dissecting its construction and assess its useful gatherings. To... more
El libro “Álgebra escolar y pensamiento algebraico: aportes para el trabajo en el aula” de Rodolfo Vergel y Pedro Javier Rojas presenta una contribución relevante para la educación matemática y en particular en el área de la enseñanza y... more
Con el objetivo de contribuir en el entendimiento de la conceptualización del pensamiento algebraico en la escuela, así como de brindar un acercamiento a elementos detonantes para la actividad docente, los capítulos que componen este... more
Ing. Vivente Felix Véliz Briones Mg. Inf. Tcnlg. Keny Lenín Vinces Mendoza Este libro virtual es un borrador, todavía no está publicado y necesita una revisión final para modificaciones necesarias, encontrarán algunos errores por ese... more
Resumen En este artículo se presenta un itinerario didáctico para la enseñanza de los patrones en Educación Infantil. En primer lugar se argumenta la incorporación de estos conocimientos algebraicos en el currículo por su relevante papel... more
When designers set out to create a mathematics learning activity, they have a fair sense of its objectives: students will understand a concept and master relevant procedural skills. In reform-oriented activities, students first engage in... more
Teachers use their content and pedagogical content knowledge for teaching algebra. For this reason, the examination of how teachers use this knowledge may help shed light on how students learn algebra, especially in determining why they... more
In the context of a design-based research effort to develop a technology-enabled constructivist algebra unit, a new activity architecture emerged that steps students through discovery levels. As they build a virtual model of a problem... more
Una tradición curricular muy bien establecida nos ha llevado a pensar que la enseñanza del álgebra es un asunto de la escuela secundaria. La idea detrás de esta tradición es que, para entender álgebra, es necesario tener una base... more
The Lambert W function is an emerging function, and can be regarded as im'ortant elementary transcendental function like continued fraction etc. It has surpringly rich mathematical structure. Unfortunately in spite of its aplications... more
Este curso tiene como propósito introducir a las(os) estudiantes a la disciplina del álgebra desde una perspectiva más abstracta, en la que los objetivos están mayormente dirigidos hacia el estudio de las diferentes estructuras... more
Formulario de cálculo diferencial, integral, ecuaciones diferenciales, trigonometría, etc.
El objetivo de este artículo es presentar las primeras orientaciones didácticas para desarrollar el razonamiento algebraico en Educación Infantil a través del pensamiento computacional, usando la robótica como recurso. A partir de los... more
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo general analizar, clasificar e interpretar los errores algebraicos que presenta un grupo de 38 estudiantes matriculados en el curso Matemática General de la Universidad Nacional en Costa Rica, que se... more
The knowledge of the processes in the history of mathematics is very useful for a greater and complete comprehension of the foundations and nature of mathematics. The al-gebraization of mathematics was a key process in the transformation... more
The attainment and retention of later algebra skills in high school has been identified as a factor significantly impacting the postsecondary success of students majoring in STEM fields. Researchers maintain that learners develop meaning... more
We show that the permutation of six Sylow 5-subgroups by conjugation is a faithful action, so that G is isomorphic to a subgroup of S 6 .
This paper gives an account of a teaching experiment on absolute value inequalities, whose aim was to identify characteristics of an approach that would realize the potential of the topic to develop theoretical thinking in students... more
En este estudio se analizan las tareas de álgebra temprana en una colección de ocho libros de texto de Educación Primaria chilenos, de amplia difusión. Para la investigación se ha seguido una metodología cualitativa, de carácter... more
Forty 4th and 9th grade students participated individually in tutorial interviews centered on a problem-solving activity designed for learning basic algebra mechanics through diagrammatic modeling of an engaging narrative about a... more
The discovery of a new algorithm, which went unnoticed for centuries, now comes to light to show its characteristics and its contribution to the use of polynomials.
Research findings have established that students often struggle with mathematical symbols including common misconceptions for literal symbolic representations of variables but provide little evidence of when or how these misconceptions... more
This study explored the effects of sequencing students' engagement in mathematical tasks on their level of procedural fluency. The teacher randomly selected two intact classes from a stream of Grade 7 classes. These two classes were... more