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Carbohydrates and Low-Carb Diets

Carbohydrates are vital part of a healthy diet. Carbohydrates do not cause weight gain unless they are eaten in excess. Low-carb diets are dietary programs which regulate carbohydrate intake to prevent weight gain.

5,534 Questions

What role do carbohydrates play in the survival of animals and plants?

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Carbohydrates are used as an energy source for plants. They become crucial after a long hard winter where photosynthesis has not taken place. In this case, the plants rely on carbohydrate stores to provide the energy they need to produce new growth.

What is the fastest easiest way to lose bellyfat?

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The fastest way to lose bellyfat is to diet. Set a amount of calories, and stick to it. No SODAS...POTATOE CHIPS...cookies...ect. Exercise. Workout at least three times a week for 2 hours. You will lose this fast!

What foods contain saturated fats and cholesterol?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Cholesterol and saturated fats are found mainly in meat and dairy products.

How do you lose 30 or 35 lbs in 4 months?

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Lose 12 pounds in 2 months

That's a good goal, and it can be accomplished by improving how you eat and how you exercise.

It terms of eating better, the most important tactic is to eliminate (or strictly limit) all refined (processed carbohydrates). For a list of refined (processed) carbohydrates, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

Keep your daily consumption of carbohydrates below 60-80 grams (you decide how strict you need to be) and get your carbohydrates from natural sources such as fresh (preferably organic) vegetables and fruits. Furthermore, eat a protein rich (small) meal every three or four waking hours and (unless you are vegetarian) get most of your protein from natural sources such as grass fed beef and sockeye salmon.

A protein rich meal will be at least 15 grams per feeding for an adult woman and 20 grams per feeding for an adult man. Get your fats from natural sources, too. Drink plenty of water. Just eating this way may, by itself, enable you to drop 12 pounds in eight weeks.

However, it's also important to exercise. It's best to do cardio as well as strength/weight training. The cardio will burn extra calories during and immediately after exercising and the strength training will increase your lean muscle mass, which will burn extra calories 24 hours a day and not just when you are exercising. This is the way that all natural bodybuilders and fitness models train.

For cardio, as soon as possible walk two miles in just under thirty minutes every morning before breakfast. For strength training, do an intense, whole body routine twice weekly. Concentrate on the basic exercises (squats, deadlifts, presses, rows, dips, and chins) and their variations.

Do not, however, change either your eating or exercise habits without the prior blessing of your physician or other health care professional. This program requires work. However, if you work this program hard and stick with it, you should be able to reach your goal and lose 12 pounds in 2 months. For more information, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

How can a 270 pound male lose weight?

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It is unhealthy for any person to try to lose 30 pounds in one month. They can try to lose weight by eating healthier foods, restricting their calorie intake, drinking more water and exercising more often.

5 cabohydrate foods their nutritional value?

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Potatoes, bread, candy Some B vitamins . Mostly no nutritional value except for calories.

How do you loss weight fast if you are 128 pounds?

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Asked by Wiki User

Meticore is nutritional supplement, it is formulated to increase fat burning by raising your internal temperature, causing a boost in cellular activity levels found to be helpful in metabolic function.

Other diet pills conquer your appetite, kickstart ketosis, or carry fat burning in other ways. Meticore, however, claims to raise your core body temperature, increasing your metabolism and boosting the rate at which your body start to burns fat. This unique approach to burning fat and losing weight is quickly making Meticore one of the most sought out natural healthy metabolism support formulas on the market with 100% pure ingredients.

more details ( email : bestoffer.20k@gmail. com)

How long do you have to wait after eating to exercise?

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You should eat pasta or some kinds of noodles because it is good for you with salad. Don't eat too much so your full and tired. Drink water so you can stay hydrated.

How much protein do athletes really need?

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Asked by Wiki User

the answer is healthy eating and aslo dieting and then exserzie

What can you drink to reduce your fat belly?

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Asked by Wiki User

Water. Stop drinking sweetened drinks.

Attempting to reduce fat in just one part of your body at a time is likely to be disappointing.

Fat reduction works like this: When you try to lose fat, the reduction occurs all throughout your body. Unlike muscle-building, it cannot be specifically targeted to one region. Also, the reduction in fat will not be quickly apparent because it will not be focused on only one spot on your body. So it's helpful to have a "slowly but surely" attitude.

Note that exercises mostly serve to tone the muscle underneath the fat. But if you want to slim down, the fat has to be burned off. For that, the main thing is to ditch the junk food and the sweetened drinks. Exercise alone might not be sufficient.

Here's a program for the period in which you want to lose weight:

Plenty of moderate aerobic exercise, no sweetened liquids at all, and no junk food at all. Preferably no sugar, and as little added salt and processed foods as possible. Eat 3 small-portioned meals/day; do not skip breakfast; and avoid snacks. Limit your calories (better to consult a doctor or nutritionist concerning the amount), and weigh yourself 2-3 times/week. Ignore the sensation of hunger. If you see your weight diminishing at a safe, reasonable rate (1-2 pounds/week), keep it up.

Once you've reached your target weight, increase your calorie intake somewhat. And you can then have small amounts of sweetened foods or junk food on occasion (if at all), along with your regular foods (not instead of them). But keep checking your weight 2-3 times/week.

Avoid crash diets, diet pills etc. Avoid fatty cuts of meat. Walk as much as possible. Bicycling and swimming are good too.

More guidelines:

Don't concentrate on specific foods so much as on a balanced, healthy diet plus exercise. Plenty of moderate exercise rather than intense exercise, which can damage your joints.

Good nutrition means eating what your body needs, while ingesting as few harmful things as possible. It has also been described as getting enough of each of the major food categories (grains, fruits, vegetables, protein, dairy, etc.; plus plenty of water).

This will vary somewhat from one person to another; and I don't believe that there's any universal diet that can be prescribed for everyone. Avoid best-sellers with their perennial fad diets. And think twice before using any dietary supplements or weight-loss pills.

In general, one's starting point can be a menu of whole grains, whole-wheat bread, a good amount of vegetables, some fruits and nuts, fish, lean meats (in not-large amounts), and some dairy. However, this must be tweaked according to one's health, weight and other factors at the outset; and also adjusted over time, as one sees what works for him/her in particular.

How do you lose 30lbs in a healthy way?

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Asked by Wiki User

Consuming sufficient amount of calories and good working out schedule will help us to lose weight in a healthy manner. To know our calorie intake levels it's always better to get check up by nutrition and we can do exercises as per our strength and stamina. Besides of these diet and exercises, it's must to have good sleeping hours (minimum 8 hours) also us to reduce weight.

How many carbs are in an English muffin?

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A single serving (63g) of an English muffin has 153 calories.

Which small molecules join together to form carbohydrates?

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covalent bond due to dehydration systhesis

How many carbs in carrot juice?

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On average, 5 ounces of carrot juice contains about 9 grams of carbohydrates.

How many calories per day for a 5' 5 girl?

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It depends on your activity level as well as stats. Here are examples:

  • Extremely Active - 2860
  • Very Active - 2431
  • Moderately Active - 2145
  • Lightly Active - 1859
  • Sedentary - 1788

How many grams of fat carbs and protein do you need a day if you are 194 pounds and your goal is 160 and you're 5'6 and 43 years old?

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Answeroh I'm 17 years old.

Can a diabetic eat mashed potatoes?

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It depends. It varies from person to person. For example, some diabetics (particularly diabetics type 1) who are using insulin can eat a small to moderate amount. Whereas some diabetics type 2 who do not need to take insulin (some type 2s do, others do not) can eat only a tiny amount or none whatsoever.