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192,235 Questions

How long would it take to ride a mile at 5 mph on a stationary bike?

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Comparing stationary cycling to real-world cycling is pointless in terms of distances. IRL you might have headwind, tailwind, a hill to climb or descend from and lots of other things that'd affect the distance covered. 5 minute is 5 minutes, that's about it. Besides, the speed of a bike ride can be anything between 5-35 MPH. Assuming an easily reachable 12 MPH 5 minutes of riding would see you covering one mile, but the result could well be entirely different. And while 5 minutes is indeed better than nothing it's way too short to have any significant health/weight benefits by itself.

What kind of girls fit better with one-piece swimsuits?

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I'll say only skinny girls are allow to wear one-piece swimsuit not bikinis. It will fit them better then bikinis and look better too. Just to let you know I HATE! to see girls wearing bikinis. Girls who wear bikinis are just trying to tell the boys "come and feel free to touch my body" otherwise why will girls wear them infront of boys. Any boys who like to look at girls in bikinis are what you call a PERVERTS. In my own world all the girls are wearing one-piece swimsuits mostly competition types and some regular ones. But when it comes to two-piece swimsuits I only perfer the kind that look like a one-piece but with the middle part of the swimsuit cut off. I also like those string straps too but mostly I'll choose to look at girls wearing the regular kind of one-piece swimsuits.

Just remember ONLY skinny girls fit better for one-piece swimsuits and that is the final answer. Like it or not too bad its my style.

How many miles per hour can Usain Bolt reach?

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Usain Bolt can reach up to 23.35 miles per hour

Which sport uses a piece of equipment 5foot wide and 9 foot long?

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Table tennis gear is incredibly easy and inexpensive. The desk is rectangular, 9 through 5 ft (2.7 through 1.5 metres), its top floor a degree airplane 30 inches (76 cm) above the floor. The internet is 6 toes (1.8 metres) long, and its top side alongside the total size is 6 inches (15.25 cm) above the enjoying surface.

What is the circumference of a golfball?

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i agree with that it is 1.68, and the british ball is 1.62, did you know that the average weight of a golf ball is 1.62 ounces, or 43.93 grams

A minimum of 1.68 inches. The old British 1.62 inch standard became obsolete in 1990.
1.68 inches.

Why was the 10-foot height selected for the height of the basket?

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When Dr. Naismith invented basketball he didn't arbitrarily decide that 10-feet was the height he wanted for the goal. That was the height of the bottom of the balcony at his gym so that is where he attached the peach baskets he used as the first goals.

What is the plus minus category in basketball?

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It shows the difference of points the team achieved (scored - scored against) during the time the player was on court. It shows the difference of points the team achieved (scored - scored against) during the time the player was on court.

What problem with campaign financing did the passage McCain-Feingold law in 2002 attempt to solve?

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Soft money was going into political campaigns

If the circumference of the circle is 75.36 what is the radius?

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Divide the circumference by the value of Pi - then divide that answer by 2, and you'll have your solution.

A Tabletop is shaped like a square with an area of 13 square feet. Find the length of one side of the table to the nearest tenth of a foot.?

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Area of a square is the square of the length of any side.

Length of any side is the square-root of the area = sqrt(13) = 3.60555 feet (rounded)

Rounded to the nearest tenth, that's 3.6 feet.

How can you use number patterns to find the LCM of 120 and 360?

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Since 360 is a multiple of 120, it is automatically the LCM of this problem.

What is 16 over 5 divided by 4 over 25?

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16/5 divided by 4/25 is 20.

Write a conjecture about the product of two odd numbers?

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My conjecture (an opinion based on incomplete information) is that the product of two odd numbers is 22.

There is no requirement for a conjecture to be true.

What is 0.72 repeating as a fraction?

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Turning repeating decimals to fractions are quite simple. All you need to do is take a look at what numbers are being repeated. For this question, as the 7 and the 2 are being repeated, we can see that there are only two numbers being repeated. So we put two 9's as the denominator for the fraction and 72 as the numerator. So a simple way to put this would be, however many numbers that are being repeated, that's how many 9's are needed for the denominator. Therefore, 0.72 repeating is 72/99 and simplified is 8/11.

Which is bigger 1.2 or 1.25?

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If you put a place holder after the two you will have 1.20. This should show you that 20 is less than 25


Square root of x to the tenth power?

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√x^10 = √(x^5)^2 = x^5

What is a midpoint in coordinates?

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Mid Point Definition:

The point halfway between the endpoints of a line segment is called the midpoint. A midpoint divides a line segment into two equal parts.

Mid Point Formula:



(x1, y1) (x2, y2) be the end points of a line segment.

MidPoint Diagram

Mid Point Example:

Find the coordinates of the midpoint of the line joining (-1, -3), (-5, -7).

x1 = -1, y1 = -3 and

x2 = -5, y2 = -7

Substitute in the formula as :

The above example will clearly illustrates how to calculate the Coordinates of MidPoint manually.

What type of soda has more sugar brand x brand y or band z what is the dependent variable?

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IV: Amount of Sugar

DV: The Soda

CV: How much sugar is in the soda

What is the volume of an m and m?

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What is the volume of an m and m

What does 9999 equals 1 equal?

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9999 = 9999

It does NOT equal '1'

1 = 1

9999 ~ 10,000 (ten thousand)

When x 3 and y 5 3x y?

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Unfortunately, the browser used by Answers.com for posting questions is incapable of accepting mathematical symbols. This means that we cannot see the mathematically critical parts of the question. We are, therefore unable to determine what exactly the question is about and so cannot give a proper answer to your question. Please edit your question to include words for symbols and resubmit.

What is 512 in exponential form?

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512 .

We note that 512 is even, so it will divide by '2'


2)512 = 256 Continue dividing by '2' (Until you reach '1')

2)256 = 128

2)128 = 64

2)64 = 32

2)32 = 16

2)16 = 8

2)8 = 4

2)4 = 2

2)2 = 1

We have divided by '2' nine time over . So 512 in exponential form is 2^(9)

What is 6 to the power of 3?

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6^3 = 6^2 x 6 = 36 X 6 = 216.