Ave sanctissima Maria

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Text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Ave sanctissima Maria, mater Dei, regina caeli, porta paradisi, domina mundi.
Pura singularis tu es virgo.
Tu concepisti/concepta Jesum sine peccato.
Tu peperisti creatorem et salvatorem mundi in quo [ego] non dubito.
Variant 1
Ora pro nobis Jesum Tuum dilectum filium, et libera nos ab omnibus malis.
Variant 2
Libera nos/me ab omni malo et ora pro peccatis nostris/meis.

English.png English translation

Hail most holy Mary, mother of God, queen of heaven, gate of paradise, ruler of the world.
You are a uniquely pure virgin.
You conceived Jesus without sin.
You bore the creator and saviour of the world in whom I do not doubt.
Variant 1
Pray for us to Jesus, your beloved son, and free us from all evil.
Variant 2
Free us/me from every evil and pray for us sinners/me a sinner.

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