Anila Noor

Anila Noor is a policy influencer for inclusion, diversity and social justice, Feminist Ecosystem Builder, An activistTEDx  Speaker and Researcher based in the Netherlands. Recently became member European Commission Expert Group and evaluator for AMIF calls. As an Advisor and expert consultant, she works with different institutions on designing engagement projects related to inclusion and diversity. Part of European Commission Expert Group, a former fellow of Open Society Foundation, a former member of European Migrant Advisory Board, EMAB  Urban Agenda and worked as a policy advisor on integration for the City of Amsterdam.

Graduated from Erasmus University Netherlands. Holding many Board positions as ENS, ASYLOS and co-founder of European Coalition(GRN), Global Independent Refugee Wonem Leaders (GIRWL), part of Advisory of UNHCR Taskforce for PoCs, member of Kaldor Centre of Emerging Scholars Network Australia  and core team member of steering committee of Global Refugee Led Network . Noor has presented working papers in academic dialogues at Oxford University, Bristol University and Erasmus University as well.

Anila Noor also initiated  New Women Connectors, a movement striving for mainstreaming the unheard voices of migrant and refugee women living across Europe. New Women

Connectors is a perspective-shift to the refugee agenda and advocates inclusion than integration as a policy choice. Noor is currently working on the subject of Receiving Refugees in Urban Settings: Narratives and meaningful participation. She is creating network to show the Resilience to take charge of building local communities and filling gaps in services and assistance.

Being a founder and Refugee Advocate, Noor is trying to highlight the issue of refugee representation gap in the European Member States and at the EU Institutions. I design and deliver trainings on Refugee Meaningful Participation. She inspires to work to improve refugee diplomatic skills and capacities. And to contribute towards making the international and European refugee system more effective, sustainable and just and therefore ensure that European refugee policy delivers tangible improvements to the lives of refugees across Europe.