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COVID-19: The Pandemic and The Response in the WHO-South-East Asia Region

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Woman receives an updated records book for her 6 months old daughter after being vaccinated at the community clinic.

Most people with mild and moderate COVID-19 can manage the infection at home with advice from a health care provider. Here are tips on what to do if you have COVID-19, and when to go to the hospital. It also informs on what medicines to take, and what to avoid.

Learn about the COVID-19 variants

The world is in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic. As WHO and partners work together on the response -- tracking the pandemic, advising on critical interventions, distributing vital medical supplies to those in need.

Meeting Reports

Lessons learned from COVID-19 pandemic


Virtual Regional Consultation with Informal Expert Group Virtual meeting New Delhi, India, 19 October 2021

Learning from the COVID-19 response to strengthen health security and health systems resilience


Virtual meeting, New Delhi, India, 20–22 October 2021 Report of the meeting

Feature Stories


report cover

The COVID-19 pandemic posed unprecedented challenges to health globally and in the Region. To more effectively manage current and future epidemics, pandemics...

South-East Asia Regional Roadmap for Diagnostic Preparedness, Integrated Laboratory Networking and Genomic Surveillance (2023–2027)

In the first quarter of this century alone, the South-East Asia Region experienced several outbreaks of influenza A (H1N1), avian influenza A (H5N1),...

Lessons learned from COVID-19 pandemic: virtual regional consultation with informal expert group, 19 October 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed that the pre-pandemic level of preparedness was not sufficient to effectively manage such a severe health emergency. To...

Since 2014 Member States of the WHO South-East Asia Region have strengthened emergency risk management as one of the Region’s Flagship Priority...