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1 Answer | Asked in Estate Planning and Real Estate Law for California on
Q: Transfer of real property, intestate estate. 2 of the 6 heirs hope to take over the property, all heirs agree. What now?

I am the personal representative and heir for my father's intestate estate in CA. In regards to my father's real property valued over $166k, the property rights, to my understanding, defaults to be equally divided between his 6 children (heirs). There is an existing mortgage on the... Read more »

Gina B Leguria
Gina B Leguria answered on May 6, 2022

It all depends on who is on the deed. This sounds like a probate case and you should consult with an attorney.

1 Answer | Asked in Employment Law and Employment Discrimination for California on
Q: A co-worker, through text messages, stated my belief as a Jehovah's Witness was "ridiculous" what should I do?

HR was notified and investigation is being conducted, however, the person involved is in a "senior" position. Kind of like supervisory and someone who calls other's religious beliefs "ridiculous" should not be in such a position. What should I do? This company is also a... Read more »

Neil Pedersen
Neil Pedersen answered on May 6, 2022

I am sorry this has happened to you. Let me give you some insight into the concept of religious harassment.

Actionable religious harassment happens in the workplace when you are subjected to unwelcomed comments or conduct related to your religion that are so severe or pervasive so as to...
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1 Answer | Asked in Landlord - Tenant for Florida on
Q: Eviction of a room without lease. Tenant refuses to leave.

I live in Florida and I rent out a room. I have given tenant a 30 day notice eviction. They refuse to leave, it is 5 days past the 30. It is not due to rent payment, is due to the way she acts. I told her I do not want payment for the last month. After that month she was given to leave she is still... Read more »

Terrence H Thorgaard
Terrence H Thorgaard answered on May 6, 2022

You file suit to evict her.

1 Answer | Asked in Gov & Administrative Law for Florida on
Q: I have a question regarding the the 2021 Florida Statutes, section 316.2397(3) pertaining to security vehicles.

Can marked security vehicles drive on public roads with their security light bar on to go from one location to another inside of a community. In other words, from one park to another inside the same community? One of my officers was stopped in the patrol vehicle and told they could not have the... Read more »

Terrence H Thorgaard
Terrence H Thorgaard answered on May 6, 2022

The sub-section you cite seems to contain your answer. "... Vehicles owned or leased by private security agencies may show or display green and amber lights, with either color being no greater than 50 percent of the lights displayed, while the security personnel are engaged in security duties... Read more »

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody for Louisiana on
Q: Am I allowed to ask for transcripts from custody hearings that for unknown reasons have not been allowed in?

Not being allowed in these hearings has caused miscommunication.

Ellen Cronin Badeaux
Ellen Cronin Badeaux answered on May 6, 2022

Sounds like this was a Juvenile Court proceeding. To get the transcript, your attorney will have to file an Intervention on your behalf.

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