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Cloud computing is rapidly gaining traction in business. It offers businesses online services on demand (such as Gmail, iCloud and Salesforce) and allows them to cut costs on hardware and IT support. This is the first paper in business... more
We propose a formal framework for interpretable machine learning. Combining elements from statistical learning, causal interventionism, and decision theory, we design an idealized explanation game in which players collaborate to find the... more
Few techniques for guaranteeing a network lifetime have been proposed despite its great impact on network management. Moreover, since the existing schemes are mostly dependent on the combination of disparate parameters, they do not... more
This paper presents a simple implementation of Seven-Segment Displays in very simple way by using “Altera DE2-115 Board” to understand the idea for those students who are not in the field of Electrical and computer science field.... more
Similar to decentralized communication systems, a new technology called Blockchain (BC) has the potential to store and manage data in a decentralized manner. By removing the role of third party, all member in the chain has equal access to... more
Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks offer very promising solutions to monitor the aqueous environments. Due to the distinctive characteristics of UASNs, it is very challenging to design a routing protocol that can achieve maximum data... more
There is a lot of work done in HCI research area, due to this auditory interface develops for visually impaired people that assist them to work with desktop environment easily. To enhance better design, designer faces many challenges to... more
Network infrastructure in the data center is getting more complicated due to heavy network traffic, by increasing a network load leads high storage consumption and high deployment cost. We have proposed an effective traffic management... more
Abstract Modern network traffic classification puts much attention toward producing a granular classification of the traffic, such as at the application service level. However, the classification process is often impaired by the lack of... more