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ABSTRACT La rivoluzione verde e le politiche agricole a essa collegate hanno significato un aumento nella produzione di cibo a livello mondiale, ma sono state anche causa di un’ulteriore dipendenza dei paesi del Sud del mondo nei... more
Durante sua historia, a geopolitica russa experimentou diversas transicoes, sem deixar para tras sua essencia imperialista. Apesar dos entraves sofridos pela Federacao no pos-Guerra Fria, Vladimir Putin reergueu o Estado russo,... more
As India successfully positions itself as one of the core, influential nations of the world, its security scenario has become more vulnerable and complex. The roots of India’s security challenges lie not only at the regional and... more
The political, cultural and social make-up of Europe is changing fast. A new European identity is under construction, but old contradictions and diversity challenge its contents, forms and boundaries. Migration, the changing role of the... more
As a recent wave of scholarship has rightly attested, the story of the twentieth century cannot be told without reckoning with the explosion in internationalism in both thought and action. This internationalism was premised on the... more
As a recent wave of scholarship has rightly attested, the story of the twentieth century cannot be told without reckoning with the explosion in internationalism in both thought and action. This internationalism was premised on the... more
Exploring how modern internationalism emerged as a negotiated process through international conferences, this edited collection studies the spaces and networks through which states, civil society institutions and anti-colonial political... more
Omar Alam discusses the proposed China-Pakistan Economic corridor, China’s largest overseas investment project to date. He writes that the corridor, if managed effectively, presents a win-win scenario for Islamabad and Beijing, but also... more
Is the Syrian conflict a religious matter? In this conflict the representations “Shiites versus Sunnites” is correct? We will demonstrate that it is not the case and the geopolitical analyses can help to better understand that it is... more
Il conflitto siriano è sempre più presentato dai media come combattuto da due parti: da una parte gli integralisti salafiti o vicini comunque ai Fratelli Musulmani d’Egitto, dall’altra la comunità cristiana di Siria o altre «piccole»... more
Internal Geopolitics is less popular then the external geopolitics. But the most frequent cases are about the first one. Today we know very well NIMBY and conflicts about territorial planning. This book draw mainly a theoretical frame... more
The Chinese Government has embarked on a new strategy, known as “One Belt, One Road�? or OBOR. This paper concentrates on the maritime part of this development policy, which entails heavy infrastructure investments in ports and railroads,... more