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Coronavirus (COVID-19) case numbers and statistics

This page provides updates about the current situation, latest case numbers and related information. It is updated every day by 9 pm AEST and reflects the previous 24 hours.

We are managing the COVID-19 outbreak in Australia as a health emergency.  This page provides a number of visual representations of information about COVID-19 in Australia.

COVID-19 summary statistics



The above tiles show the:

  • number of locally acquired, overseas acquired and under investigation cases in the last 24 hours
  • current number of active cases, hospitalised cases and tests conducted in the last 24 hours. Note: the number of active cases is an estimate as states and territories differ in how they collect this data
  • total number of cases, deaths and tests.

Note: States and territories provide these figures daily. Due to the dynamic nature of case data, state and territory health departments may revise their daily numbers, where historic cases may be added or previously reported cases excluded after further investigation.

NSW locally acquired figures include those reported as locally acquired - investigation ongoing. ACT and Victoria cases reported as under investigation likely represent cases that are locally acquired, however their links to other cases are still under investigation.

Daily data on the status of Australia's COVID-19 vaccine rollout is now available. This includes a detailed infographic and breakdown of vaccine doses administered across Australia. See the latest data on Australia's vaccine rollout.

Top 3 COVID-19 vaccine questions – Omicron, COVID vaccine and male fertility, and unvaccinated at festivities
Read transcript

Good morning. I'm Dr Lucas De Toca and today we will be answering some of the questions you have been asking on social media. We are going to be talking about the Omicron variant, vaccines, and male fertility and how to make sure we can have a COVID Safe festive season even with unvaccinated friends and family and also how to protect unvaccinated friends and family members. As usual I'm joined by Linda, who is doing Auslan interpreting. Thank you, Linda. We are in the land of the Ngunnawal people. I also acknowledge the traditional owners of the land where you may be viewing from.

It is the last day of November which also means the last day of movember. So, I will get rid of this in the last next couple of days. It is a good reminder that men often don't talk about when they are struggling. Men's health often falls behind, and men tend to present less to health care. Even if November is over and some of the mo's start to disappear, it is still a good opportunity to reach out. If you are a man you are struggling, please talk about it. There is nothing wrong with you and help is around you. Of course, also reach out if you're not a man. Today's shout out goes to the National Incident Centre. Which is the Department of Health's emergency response centre, that has been continuously operating for over two years. It was actually activated for the bushfires at the end of 2019 and then went straight into activation for the pandemic and has continued to do so for over 2 years. They have been working incredibly hard and around the clock for over two years. Keeping us safe throughout the pandemic, for the bushfires and for other disasters. So, thank you colleagues at the National Incident Centre for all the work that you do.

The first question today unsurprisingly, is about the Omicron variant. There has been a lot of attention and a lot of concern in media and all around about this new strain of the virus. We have talked before that new strains of any virus regularly emerge, and we have had 13 named variants of COVID-19 or of SARS-CoV-2 which is the virus that causes COVID-19. Given enough time and enough circulating virus around a community, new strains will always emerge. It's just how new viruses work, replication. Every time it makes a copy of itself, it can cause errors. Errors are mostly irrelevant but sometimes errors confer the virus some sort of advantage and then they get selected up like any evolutionary process, so then a new strain emerges. The majority of the strains that have come up have made no significant difference to the epidemic dynamics. But some of them do display some difference in how the virus behaves and then the World Health Organization classes them as a variant under consideration or a variant of concern. Variants under consideration or variants of interest are strains the WHO monitors to see if they have a significant impact on the epidemic in humans. Whereas variants of concern, variants or strains the WHO considers there is sufficient indication that they may change how the epidemic behaves and they deserve more attention. Omicron is the latest of those variants of concern. We have had alpha before or B117 that emerged much early in the pandemic and of course Delta or B16172. That we have been dealing with in Australia for some months now. It has been responsible for the majority of the outbreaks and the cases that we have had in our country. What do we know about Omicron? That is important thing we need to acknowledge. There is a lot that we don't know yet and that is what is important to keep an open mind, make sure we stay across and be reassured that all the experts in the world are working as fast and hard as they can to collect all the information we have so that they can inform policy measures. There are three things that we are interested when we look at a new variant. We need to look at its transmissibility, whether it is infectious or less infectious, whether changes the way it transmits from person to person. We also need to look at its interaction with vaccines. Whether its variant is more or less susceptible to the available vaccines, then of course we need to look at severity. Which is whether if people get infected with new variant, is there any difference in whether the disease is more severe or less severe than with other variants? All those things can change. Ultimately, evolution has offsets and has to achieve a balance. It is almost impossible for a new strain to emerge that is more infectious, more virulent, causes more severe disease and escapes all vaccines. There are offset sometimes in how the virus mutates to evolve into new variants. There is a lot that we don't know. We actually don't have definitive answers to any of the three questions on whether it is more transmissible, whether it evades immunity including vaccines or whether it is more severe. We have some indications and we are hoping in the next couple of weeks will give us way more information as the entire world focuses its attention on this variant. We have early indications that it seems more transmissible. It spiked really quickly in countries in southern Africa particularly in South Africa where it was first identified and a shout out to colleagues in South Africa for the excellent genomics surveillance that allowed for the variant to be identified. It does seem that it is more transmissible, but we don't know that definitively yet. We need to look at broader series of how their variant is spreading. On the question of immune escape, that is whether their variant gives a higher chance for people to get reinfected after they have already had the disease. So, they have antibodies from having been previously exposed to the disease or whether there is immune escape to a vaccine. Which is whether the new variant makes vaccines any less effective. Ultimately, it is all immunity, whether it’s through having had the disease before or through vaccines. There are similar immunologic mechanisms and it is whether this variant is more able to escape those processes. It also whether the vaccines or the previous immunity is less effective at preventing the infection or whether it's less effective at preventing severe disease. The reality is that to date we don't know any of that. All we know is that the vaccines we are using and the vaccines we are using in Australia, Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, have been effective against all previous variants. There was concern with Alpha, there was concern with Delta, but vaccines have actually been incredibly effective with all the new variants. So, we are hoping that that will be similar to this one, but it is really early to tell. With these things it is all is always really unusual that things are black and white. That vaccines are effective or not. There might be some changes in effectiveness and vaccine manufacturers and public health authorities all around the world are looking both at laboratory tests and how they can isolate the new variant to see how in vitro, how in the laboratory the immune response of the vaccine reacts to the variant, but also studies from the field. Looking at the cases we are observing how it is spreading between vaccinated and unvaccinated people. So again, it is too early to tell. The third one which is severity, again we don't yet for Omicron to date, documented and reported. All have been mild, definitely the ones in South Africa, so if anything, we might have a hint that it may be less severe. But again, we can't jump to conclusions and it is too early to tell. That is why governments, including the Australian Government have taken a precautionary approach to give us a bit more time to gather the information that we need and make informed choices about this variant and understanding the impact. It is not time to panic. There is a lot of things that we don't know but there are a lot of things we know. which is the tools we have available, physical distancing, frequent hand washing, good ventilated spaces, masks where required, especially public transport or where you can't keep good social distancing, getting tested if there are any symptoms and of course getting vaccinated. Still provide a lot of protection. There are still Delta outbreaks here. So, while we gather more information over the next couple of weeks, continue to practice those COVID Safe behaviours. Apologies in advance because with any of these issues in which science and scientific findings are scrutinised live on a 24-hour cycle. Things are going to change; information might get a bit confusing. So, keep coming back to health.gov.au where you can find the latest information on this.

Moving away from Omicron, we often get questions about whether the COVID-19 vaccines interact with male fertility, or whether they can cause issues with infertility or erectile dysfunction. There has been a lot of online commentary about that. The answer couldn't be more categorical, that is not true. There is no indication whatsoever that any vaccine causes erectile dysfunction or issues with fertility in men. There has actually been studies that have looked at sperm counts and sperm mobility in vaccinated versus unvaccinated individuals with these vaccines and there is no difference between people. It is a rumour that is circulating online, it is understandably scary but there is no basis whatsoever for it. The Therapeutic Goods Administration does not approve vaccines that have not passed a rigorous assessment of both efficacy and effectiveness as well as safety. They would not approve a vaccine that causes infertility or dysfunction or erectile dysfunction in men. Be reassured, those rumours are not true. These vaccines do not cause male infertility or erectile dysfunction.

he third question is about whether we should have additional precautions to protect unvaccinated friends and family members as we move into the festive season. The reality is that people 12 years and above in Australia, the overwhelming majority are doubly vaccinated. We are over 86% of everyone 16 years and over has been fully vaccinated by now and there is a minority of people 12 years and over that haven't received any vaccine, a really small minority. There is still a lot of people particularly 0 to 11 years old that at the moment cannot receive the vaccine until they get approved, if the TGA considers that it is appropriate for younger people than 12. There is still a significant proportion of our population that remains unvaccinated because they cannot receive a vaccine yet, primarily the children. So, it is important that we continue to practice COVID Safe behaviours especially moving into the festive season where there is going to be more mixing of people. So, wear masks indoors if required and follow jurisdictional advice. Make sure that you yourself are vaccinated. That is always the best protection, both for yourself but also for others around you, including those unvaccinated. If you have had your second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine six or more months ago, go and book a booster. The boosters are incredibly effective at dramatically increasing the strength and duration of your immune response against the virus. If for whatever reason you don't want to wait for six months because you are going to travel, or you are concerned about a particular gathering. ATAGI, the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation does accept that boosters can be given 5 months after the second dose in those circumstances. Talk to your GP or your pharmacist or the nurse in your primary care practice and consider getting your booster from 6 months when you had your second dose. Continue to monitor public health advice, and of course if you or anyone in your party has any symptoms, no matter how mild, please isolate and get a test. It is still our most powerful surveillance mechanism for hidden transmission in the community. Otherwise, enjoy the festive season because it has been a crazy couple of years, and we need a bit of respite. Catch up with your friends and family, get vaccinated if you have not yet and enjoy the season. We will keep you updated on any further changes and of course, as I said, we understand there is a lot of concern about Omicron. Keep checking health.gov.au where you will always find the most up-to-date and credible information on COVID-19 and the vaccines.

Thank you for watching today. See you next time.

We are no longer displaying the ‘at a glance’ infographic on this page. Instead, you can view the daily infographics on the collection page.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) at a glance infographic collection

A collection of daily infographics providing a quick view of the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation in Australia each day since 5 April 2020.

Recently reported cases by state and territory and source of infection

Local, overseas acquired and under investigation cases by states and territories

This table shows the number of cases by source of infection in the last 24 hours and last 7 days as well as the number of active cases that have occurred in Australia.

Expand description of Local, overseas acquired and under investigation cases by states and territories

State and territory totals reflect where a person has been tested and public health management occurred, which may differ from their normal place of residence.

The majority of total confirmed cases and deaths are from Victoria.

The number of confirmed cases and deaths reported in each state and territory since the first case was reported in late January 2020. State and territory totals reflect where a person has been tested and public health management occurred, which may differ from their normal place of residence.

As per the COVID-19 national guidelines, a COVID-19 confirmed case is a person who:

  • tests positive to a validated specific SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid test or
  • has the virus isolated in cell culture, with PCR confirmation using a validated method or
  • undergoes a seroconversion to or has a significant rise in SARS-CoV-2 neutralising or IgG antibody level (e.g. four-fold or greater rise in titre).

Probable and historical cases are currently included in the total number of cases reported by some jurisdictions, these are defined as per the COVID-19 national guidelines.

Probable and historical cases are currently included in the total number of cases reported by some jurisdictions, these are defined as per the COVID-19 national guidelines.

The method used to estimate the number of active cases varies by jurisdiction.

Find out more about the current situation in your state or territory:

Daily reported cases

Daily and cumulative number of reported COVID-19 cases in Australia

This graph shows the total number of new COVID-19 cases in Australia reported each day by states and territories and the cumulative number of confirmed COVID-19 cases reported over time. These figures are collated and updated by 9 pm AEST each day and reflect the previous 24 hours.

Expand description of Daily and cumulative number of reported COVID-19 cases in Australia

This bar chart shows the newly confirmed COVID-19 cases by notification received date.

The line graph shows the cumulative number of newly confirmed COVID-19 cases by notification received date.

The horizontal axis shows the date of notification to state and territory health departments.

The vertical axis on the left shows the number of new COVID-19 cases, represented by the bars.

The vertical axis on the right shows the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases, represented by the line.

As per the COVID-19 national guidelines, a COVID-19 confirmed case is a person who:

  • tests positive to a validated specific SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid test or
  • has the virus isolated in cell culture, with PCR confirmation using a validated method or
  • undergoes a seroconversion to or has a significant rise in SARS-CoV-2 neutralising or IgG antibody level (e.g. four-fold or greater rise in titre).

The first cases of COVID-19 in Australia were identified in late January 2020. Following a peak of cases at the end of March, low numbers of cases were reported each day until early-June 2020. From mid-June 2020, cases increased and peaked in early August 2020 and then declined. Since late-September 2020, a low number of new cases continue to be reported each day. 

Total COVID-19 cases in Australia by source of infection

Total COVID-19 cases in Australia by source of infection

This table shows the number of COVID-19 cases by source of infection for each state and territory, since the first case was reported. The table also shows the total number of cases and deaths by state and territory.

Expand description of Total COVID-19 cases in Australia by source of infection

This table shows the number of COVID-19 cases by source of infection for each state and territory, since the first case was reported. The table also shows the total number of cases and deaths by state and territory.

The source of infection for confirmed cases of COVID-19 can be described as:

  • overseas acquired – the person was infected while overseas (including at sea)
  • locally acquired – known contact – the person was infected in Australia through contact with someone confirmed to have COVID-19
  • locally acquired – unknown contact – the person was infected in Australia, but the source of infection is not known
  • locally acquired –interstate travel – the person was infected in Australia, but not in the reporting jurisdiction
  • under investigation – the source of infection has not yet been determined, but is currently being investigated through public health actions.

The majority of confirmed cases since late October have been overseas acquired.

The number of cases currently under investigation should ideally be as low as possible.

Knowing the source of infection assists in stopping the spread of COVID-19.

A COVID-19 death is defined for surveillance purposes as a death in a probable or confirmed COVID-19 case, unless there is a clear alternative cause of death that cannot be related to COVID19 (e.g. trauma). There should be no period of complete recovery from COVID-19 between illness and death. Where a Coroner’s report is available, these findings are to be observed.

Cases and deaths by age and sex

COVID-19 cases by age group and sex

This graph shows the number of COVID-19 cases for males and females by age group since the first case was reported.

Expand description of COVID-19 cases by age group and sex

This bar chart shows the number of COVID-19 cases for males and females by age group since the first confirmed cases were reported in late January 2020.

The horizontal axis shows the age breakdown in 10-year intervals from zero years old to greater than 90 years old.

The vertical axis shows the number of COVID-19 cases.

As per the COVID-19 national guidelines, a COVID-19 confirmed case is a person who:

  • tests positive to a validated specific SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid test or
  • has the virus isolated in cell culture, with PCR confirmation using a validated method or
  • undergoes a seroconversion to or has a significant rise in SARS-CoV-2 neutralising or IgG antibody level (e.g. four-fold or greater rise in titre).

The proportion of COVID-19 cases in males and females is roughly equal, however the ratio does differ across the age groups presented.

Cases have been reported across all age groups. The majority of all cases are reported in those aged 20 to 59 years. The number of cases is highest in the 20–29 years age group.

Cases by age group and sex

This table shows the same information as the matching graph: the number of COVID-19 cases for males and females by age group since the first case was reported.

Expand description of Cases by age group and sex

The data is shown in 3 columns:

  • age group ranges
  • male
  • female.

COVID-19 deaths by age group and sex

This graph shows the number of COVID-19 associated deaths in Australia for males and females by age group since the first case was reported.

Expand description of COVID-19 deaths by age group and sex

This bar chart shows the total number of COVID-19 associated deaths in Australia by age group and sex since the first confirmed cases were reported in late January 2020.

As per the COVID-19 national guidelines, a COVID-19 death is defined for surveillance purposes as a death in a probable or confirmed COVID-19 case, unless there is a clear alternative cause of death that cannot be related to COVID19 (e.g. trauma). There should be no period of complete recovery from COVID-19 between illness and death. Where a Coroner’s report is available, these findings are to be observed.

Deaths have been reported in those aged in their 20s to their 100s. The majority of deaths have been reported in people aged 70 years and over.

The horizontal axis shows the age breakdown in 10-year intervals from zero years old to greater than 90 years old.

The vertical axis shows the number of confirmed COVID-19 deaths.

Deaths by age group and sex

This table shows the same information as the matching graph: the number of COVID-19 associated deaths in Australia for males and females by age group since the first case was reported.

Expand description of Deaths by age group and sex

The data is shown in 3 columns:

  • age group ranges
  • male
  • female.

Tests conducted and results

COVID-19 tests conducted in total in the last 7 days and results

This table shows the number of COVID-19 tests conducted in total and in the last 7 days, the rate of tests in the last 7 days per 100,000 population and the percentage that returned a positive result by state and territory and in Australia, since the first case was reported.

Expand description of COVID-19 tests conducted in total in the last 7 days and results

This table shows the number of tests conducted in Australia and in each state and territory, since the first case was reported in late January 2020 in total and in the last 7 days. This number is not reflective of the number of people that have been tested, but the total number of tests conducted, as individuals may have been tested multiple times. The data are based on information reported by states and territories.

Tests in the last 7 days per 100,000 population represent the number of tests conducted by each state and territory in the last 7 days as a rate of the number of people in the jurisdiction.

The testing positivity rate is also displayed. This positivity rate represents the proportion of all tests that have returned a positive result for COVID-19.

To date, over 13 million tests have been conducted nationally. Of those tests conducted, less than 1% have been positive.

Cases admitted to hospital

Current COVID-19 cases in hospitals and Intensive Care Units (ICUs)

This graph shows the number of COVID-19 cases currently admitted to hospital, including cases in ICUs, in Australia and each state and territory.

Expand description of Current COVID-19 cases in hospitals and Intensive Care Units (ICUs)

This chart shows the number of COVID-19 cases currently in hospital, including cases in ICU, in Australia and each state and territory.

Each bar represents those in ICU and those not in ICU by state and territory.

The horizontal axis shows the number of COVID-19 cases currently hospitalised.

The vertical axis shows the Australian total and each state and territory: ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC and WA.

Cases admitted to hospital

This table shows the same information as the matching graph: the number of COVID-19 cases currently admitted to hospital, including cases in ICUs, in Australia and each state and territory.

Expand description of Cases admitted to hospital

The data is shown in 3 columns:

  • jurisdiction – with Australia in total first, then each state and territory: ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC and WA.
  • the number of cases not in ICU
  • the number of cases in ICU.

Cases in National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) services

This table shows the number of confirmed active COVID-19 cases, deaths and recovered cases, in Australia and each state and territory, for NDIS participants and workers since March 2020*.

Source: NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission 01/12/2021.


Participant Active

Worker Active

Participant Recovered

Worker Recovered

Participant Deaths

Worker Deaths
































































  • Note: Table does not show counts less than 5
  • *Only registered NDIS providers are required to notify the NDIS Commission for services regulated by the NDIS Commission. Therefore, these figures do not represent all NDIS participants or all people with disability (who may not be NDIS participants).

Cases in aged care services

COVID-19 cases in aged care services – residential care

This graph shows the number of confirmed active COVID-19 cases, deaths and recovered cases, in Australia and each state and territory, for people living in Australian Government–subsidised residential aged care facilities.

Expand description of COVID-19 cases in aged care services – residential care

This graph shows the number of confirmed cases, deaths and cases recovered since late January 2020 in those who receive Australian Government–subsidised residential care in each state and territory.

Residential care means people who live in an Australian Government–subsidised aged care facility.

Each bar represents the number of active cases, recovered cases and deaths.

The bottom axis shows the number of COVID-19 cases.

The vertical axis shows the Australian total and each state and territory: ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC and WA.

The majority of cases and deaths reported in residential care in Australia have occurred in Victoria.

Cases in aged care services – residential care

This table shows the same information as the matching graph: the number of confirmed active COVID-19 cases, deaths and recovered cases, in Australia and each state and territory, for people living in Australian Government–subsidised residential aged care facilities.

Expand description of Cases in aged care services – residential care

The data is shown in 4 columns:

  • jurisdiction – with Australia in total first, then each state and territory: ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC and WA.
  • active cases
  • recovered cases
  • deaths.

COVID-19 outbreaks in Australian residential aged care facilities

Read the weekly report that provides a snapshot of data on the impact of COVID-19 in residential aged care facilities nationally.

The report includes data on the number of services impacted and number of staff and resident cases, as well as workforce, vaccine rollout, testing and PPE provided to affected services to support them.

COVID-19 cases in aged care services – in-home care

This graph shows the number of confirmed active COVID-19 cases, deaths and recovered cases, in Australia and each state and territory, for people receiving Australian Government–subsidised care in their own home.

Expand description of COVID-19 cases in aged care services – in-home care

The number of confirmed cases, deaths and cases recovered since late January 2020 in those who receive Australian Government–subsidised in-home care in Australia and in each state and territory.

In-home care means people who receive Australian Government subsidised care in their own home.

Each bar represents the number of active cases, recovered cases and deaths.

The bottom axis shows the number of COVID-19 cases.

The vertical axis shows the Australian total and each state and territory: ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC and WA.

The majority of cases reported in In-home care in Australia are in Victoria.

Cases in aged care services – in-home care

This table shows the same information as the matching graph: the number of confirmed active COVID-19 cases, deaths and recovered cases, in Australia and each state and territory, for people receiving Australian Government–subsidised care in their own home.

Expand description of Cases in aged care services – in-home care

The data is shown in 4 columns:

  • jurisdiction – with Australia in total first, then each state and territory: ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC and WA.
  • active cases
  • recovered cases
  • deaths.

How Australia compares with the world

Learn more about the international situation from the World Health Organization (WHO). Read their weekly situation reports and check the WHO COVID-19 dashboard.

OECD Countries – COVID-19 Mortality in 2021

COVID-19 mortality data was extracted from Our World in Data on 15/09/2021, with data extracted for the period 01/01/2021 to 14/09/2021. Data is derived from open source reporting and is subject to revision. COVID-19 reporting is dependent on individual countries’ health reporting systems and may not be directly comparable. 

OECD country

Cumulative deaths 

Cumulative deaths per 100,000 population































United States









United Kingdom


















Costa Rica













































South Korea









New Zealand



Last updated: 
1 December 2021

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