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Advice on aged care during COVID-19

Find up to date information and advice on COVID-19 for aged care providers, aged care workers and people who receive residential or home care.

  • Advice for the aged care sector during COVID-19
    Find up to date information and advice on COVID-19 for aged care providers, aged care workers and people who receive residential or home care.
  • COVID-19 vaccine information for aged care providers and workers
    Learn about the first phase of the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out to residential aged care facilities. Find resources for workers and residents.
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice for older people and carers
    People aged 70 years and over, people with compromised immune systems, and people with some chronic medical conditions are at greater risk of more serious illness from COVID-19.
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice for people in aged care facilities
    Residents and their visitors need to keep up to date on changes in residential aged care to protect residents during COVID-19. Managers, staff, family, friends and residents need to work together to protect older people in aged care facilities.

  • Advice on in-home care services
    The arrangements for in-home aged care services have changed due to the COVID-19 situation. Find advice on what support is available, where to get urgent assistance, how assessments will work, and more.
  • Advice and resources for aged care workers
    This information is for and about aged care workers.
  • Prevent and prepare for COVID-19 in residential aged care
    Residential aged care providers need to remain alert and prepared for a potential outbreak of COVID-19 at their facilities. This page covers the measures you should have in place at all times to prevent and prepare for an outbreak

  • Managing a COVID-19 outbreak in residential aged care
    Understand what an outbreak is, what you must do if one occurs in your facility, and what resources you can access to help manage the outbreak effectively.
  • Government support for providers and workers
    We provide support to Australian Government-funded aged care services (residential and in-home care) with a COVID-19 outbreak. This includes additional personal protective equipment, workforce support and cost reimbursements.
  • COVID-19 aged care grief and trauma support services
    These services provide grief and trauma support for those in aged care who have been affected by COVID-19.
  • Prepare and respond to COVID-19 in home care
    Aged care providers need to be alert and prepared for a potential outbreak of COVID-19 in their community and how this might impact their in-home care recipients. This page sets out the measures you should have in place to prevent and prepare for an outbreak.
  • Information about residential respite
    Aged care providers must be alert and prepared for a potential outbreak of COVID-19 in their residential aged care facility and how this might impact their residential respite clients. This page sets out the measures that should be in place to manage residential respite clients during an outbreak.
  • Information for CHSP service providers
    Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) service providers need to be alert and prepared for a potential outbreak of COVID-19 in their community and how this might impact their CHSP clients. This page sets out the measures you should have in place to prevent and prepare for an outbreak.

Last updated: 
31 March 2021

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