Stuck at home for the past year, many singles, couples and families added a pet to their household and the outcome was – well, a lot of work — but I trust a lot of joy, too. One study found that nearly one-third of Americans of all ages seriously considered adopting a dog or cat during COVID. For those who followed through, these special companions likely got a lot of people out the door for walks, or provided comfort by simply being there on difficult days.

But there's another side to this story that's not as joyful. Many who lost jobs or their homes during the pandemic simply could no longer take care of their beloved pets, leading to agonizing separations. This week, reporter Erin Adler takes us to Kentucky and one of the poorest counties in that state, to tell the tale of Henry the dog. Don't worry: It does have a happy ending right here in Minnesota. But as we move slowly to some semblance of normalcy, please continue to donate to your favorite animal charities because the work they do is essential every day, pandemic or not.