University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Athropology

Volume 15 / Issue 1

Issue Cover

On the cover: Design motifs derived from New Britain shields.


Archaeological Excavations, 1966-1971

By: A. Gutkind Bulling

When in the spring of 1966 the People’s Re­public of China stopped the publication of all archaeological journals all of us were inclined to believe that excavations had come to a complete standstill. Some newspapers even recorded that in the course of the Cultural Revolution Red Guards had damaged or even destroyed historical buildings or […]

Change…On “Top Of the World”

By: Solomon H. Katz

Introduction The Arctic ranks with the highest mountains and the broadest deserts as one of the most severe environments occupied by man. Extreme low temperatures of —30 to —60 degrees F. com­bined with winds up to fifty miles an hour produce chill factors well below —100 degrees F. It is both continuously dark and light […]


By: Alfred Friendly and Eleni Karapanayiotis

A remarkable piece of archaeological detec­tive work—in effect the solving of a three-dimen­sional jigsaw puzzle—has “recovered” one of the few Greek cult statues extant, and of these it is one of the earliest. It is the heroic-size marble figure of Nemesis sculpted by Pheidias’ favorite pupil, Agorakritos of Paros, at her shrine at Rhamnous, near […]

Ceremonies, Shell Money and Culture Among the Kove

By: Ann Chowning

The Kove (or Kombe) have the reputation of being the most difficult people in the large island of New Britain, and they rejoice in it. Feeling themselves superior to everyone around them, they take pride in cheating and bullying the mem­bers of neighboring linguistic groups and in resisting the efforts of missionaries and the Australian […]

Flight 857

By: Loren Eiseley

Loren Eiseley, the well-known author, is Curator of Early Man at the Uni­versity Museum. This poem “Flight 857” is reprinted by permission of Charles Scribner’s Sons from NOTES OF AN AL­CHEMIST. Copyright 1972 Loren Eiseley. Soon to be published by Charles Scribner’s Sons. Nosing in through a blizzard over Denver at thirty thousand feet I […]