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Mixed or average reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: Based on the PIXAR film of the same name, Cars has you playing as characters from the movie as you help Lightning McQueen capture the coveted Piston Cup Championship.
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Nintendo E3 Press Conference Montage 2
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Play Magazine
    This is a real racer, and a really big racer developed by the reigning kings of the kind, Rainbow Studios, who worked closely with Pixar and all of the celebrity talent from the film...to create a companion game as high-performance as the movies it's based on. [July 2006, p.70]
  2. 80
    It's kind of like a junior sandbox approach that younger gamers will enjoy because they can just trundle around without crashing or waiting for loads and older kids will love because it allows them to explore a large area and find characters and items that they'll recognize from the movie.
  3. AceGamez
    Although by no means perfect, Cars certainly raises the bar, and hopefully the public's expectations of what a video game tie-in should be. For this more than anything, Rainbow Studios should be applauded.
  4. 70
    The best thing that can be said about Cars is that it lays down solid racing gameplay without feeling generic.
  5. 70
    Cars really becomes a balancing act in the end, and it will be up to the individual players to decide if the sum is greater or weaker than its parts. It's definitely worth a rental for fans of the movie, though we'd strongly encourage people to weigh their possibilities before dropping the full purchase amount.
  6. Nintendo Power
    It looks nice, it plays nice, and it has plenty of unlockables, quality cut-scenes, and a decent multiplayer mode. Still, frustrations lie around every corner. [Aug 2006, p.84]
  7. The movie's a lot more fun than the game.

See all 21 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 2 out of 4
  1. Jul 9, 2019
  2. u658tyty7f
    Jul 11, 2006
    I think this game is awesome! you guys don't know anything about video games!
  3. Mar 1, 2017
    While the controls are tight and responsive, this game is boring, even in the racing segments, and the graphics are a little basic forWhile the controls are tight and responsive, this game is boring, even in the racing segments, and the graphics are a little basic for Gamecube in 2006, even for game aimed at kids. Expand
  4. KarlN.
    Sep 21, 2007
    While this game has good kid-friendly controls for driving around, it is broken in a number of serious ways. Personally, I don't like While this game has good kid-friendly controls for driving around, it is broken in a number of serious ways. Personally, I don't like the mushy controls but I can understand it for a kid's game. My low rating based on other issues. Some of the events are way too hard (i.e. the stealth mini-games) given that the rest of the events are ridiculously easy. The profile and save system is so confusing that it's hard *not* to delete your profile. The save system is extremely counter-intuitive and stupid. I don't know how a menu system this bad could be created. Kids will enjoy puttering around town but there isn't much to this game. I wouldn't bother getting it. As far as kid games go, MarioKart is vastly better. Expand

Awards & Rankings

#15 Most Discussed GameCube Game of 2006