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Knockbane 126m,
2281, 9km 2287, 7km
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East Coast Area
Place count in area: 6, OSI/LPS Maps: 35, 36, 42, 43, 50 
Highest place:
Mount Oriel, 251m
Maximum height for area: 251 metres,     Maximum prominence for area: 176 metres,

Note: this list of places includes island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
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Knockbane Hill Lambay Island Island Dublin County in Leinster Province, in Binnion, Irish Islands Lists, Andesite, breccia, mudstone & tuff Bedrock

Reachable "On Foot " Y
Height: 126m OS 1:50k Mapsheet: 43 Grid Reference: O31600 51000
Place visited by 24 members. Recently by: soodonum, melohara, Niamhq, bryanjbarry, ahendroff, Reeks2011, dodser, geohappy, brenno, Turlo143, tommyclarke, chalky, crankechick, kernowclimber, Colin Murphy
Island visited by 26 members.
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Longitude: -6.017917, Latitude: 53.492752 , Easting: 331600, Northing: 251000 Prominence: 126m,  Isolation: 13.7km,   Has trig pillar
ITM: 731520 751022,   GPS IDs, 6 char: Knc126, 10 char: Knockba126
Bedrock type: Andesite, breccia, mudstone & tuff, (Lambay Volcanic Formation)

Knockbane is the 1490th highest place in Ireland. Knockbane is the most easterly summit and also the second most southerly in the East Coast area.

Linkback: https://mountainviews.ie/summit/1370/
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MountainViews.ie Picture about mountain Knockbane in area East Coast, Ireland
Picture: Heading for the summit.
Rating: 3.50 " width="56" height="12">
Lambay- Island of birds and wallabies
Short Summary created by jackill  26 Jan 2014
Lambay island is not the easiest place to access as it lies 6 miles off the coast and is privately owned.
As of 2013 Skerries Sea Tours are available to hire to take visitors to the island.
Once on the island you have approximately two hours to wander accompanied by one of their guides.
The highest point is easily accessed over farm tracks and consists of a rocky mound with fine views over Dublin bay. Linkback: https://mountainviews.ie/summit/1370/comment/15614/
MountainViews.ie Picture about mountain Knockbane in area East Coast, Ireland
Picture: Seascape from Lambay
Rating: 4.75
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Cows, Birds, Wallabies and yet more Birds.
by jackill  26 Jan 2014
Every once and a while MV members visit offshore islands. In 2013 Wicklore put together a visit to Lambay.

Lambay is the largest island off the east coast of Ireland and is about 2.5 square kilometres in size, and rises to 126 metres elevation.

Lambay is owned by the Baring family and is currently occupied by Alex Baring (Lord Revelstoke). His ancestor Cecil Baring, 3rd Lord Revelstoke, bought the island in 1904.
Baring had been working in the US when he fell in love with the wife of one of his co-directors, Maude Louise Lorillard.She divorced her husband and married Baring. He bought the island for £5,250 as a place to escape to. He commissioned Sir Edwin Lutyens to convert a late 16th-century fort with battlemented gables, into a romantic castle for them.
The castle is at times open to visit however this was not possible at the time we were on the island.

The island was important in the Neolithic period in Ireland as a ground stone axe quarrying and production site. Two outcrops of andesite, ( Lambay porphyry), were utilised. The quarry site is unusual in Ireland for being the only Neolithic stone axe quarry with evidence for all stages of production, from quarrying to final polishing. You will pass this quarry on the way to the islands summit.

The ancient Greek writers Pliny and Ptolemy knew about the island and referred to it as Limnus or Limni. Sitric, a Danish King of Dublin, granted Lambay to Christ Church Cathedral. A later archbishop gave the rents of the island to the nuns of Grace Dieu. He also gave the tithes of the Lambay rabbits to the nuns and at that time the rabbit taxes were worth 100 shillings a year.

In 1467 the Earl of Worcester was given Lambay to build a fortress for England's protection against the Spaniards, French and Scots. Worcester paid the Archbishop of Dublin 40 shillings per annum and though he had a licence to build a castle on Lambay it is not certain that it was actually built.

In the Williamite war in Ireland, the island was used as an internment camp for Irish soldiers. More than 1000 of them were imprisoned there after the Battle of Aughrim in 1691.
In 1805, the leasehold of Lambay was inherited by Sir William Wolseley, and in 1814 it was acquired by the Talbot family of Malahide.

In 1860 the existing farmers were removed and replaced with English and Scottish tenants.
Count James Consedine bought Lambay in 1888, developing the island for hunting before selling to the Barings in 1904.

The island supports one of the largest and most important seabird colonies in Ireland, withCommon Guillemots, Kittiwakes, Razorbills, Herring Gulls, as well as smaller numbers of Puffins, Manx Shearwaters, Fulmars, and other species.
Among the mammals of the island are grey seals (Ireland's only east coast colony) and introduced fallow deer. As well as a herd of farmed cattle, there are also wild wallabies on the island. The wallabies were let loose on the island in the 1980’s from Dublin Zoo. Linkback: https://mountainviews.ie/summit/1370/comment/15806/
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MountainViews.ie Picture about mountain Knockbane in area East Coast, Ireland
Picture: Skerries Sea Tours
Rating: 3.67
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Your boat awaits
by paddyhillsbagger  12 May 2014
Came across this advert for Skerries Sea Tours in the Summer 2014 issue of Wings magazine from BirdWatch Ireland. If a party of fellow walkers can be organised then a trip to Lambay becomes more of a possibility! Linkback: https://mountainviews.ie/summit/1370/comment/16064/
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Rating: 3.50
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Lambay and Rockabill
by brenno  1 Sep 2016
First time out on Lambay last Friday on a gorgeous day on a college reunion. Went with Skerries Sea Tours who also provided a guide around the island. Great two hours for anybody into geology, seabird life and marine stuff - like the ship out of Liverpool to Australia that went aground back in the 1850's with 300 losing their lives. Seems the very inexperienced captain thought they were off France! Many of those who died are buried in a mass grave on the island. After the Lambay walk (well covered in earlier posts) , went on to go around Rockabill lighthouse off Skerries - again great for bird and seal watchers. Great day out but maybe only in good weather. High point on Lambay at 124m not going to challenge anybody but hey it's on the list to be chalked off. Linkback: https://mountainviews.ie/summit/1370/comment/18629/
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(End of comment section for Knockbane.)

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