Assassin's Creed Origins rewards players for taking the time to look at their closest companion. Ubisoft took extra time in developing a life-like world that can feel surreal at times.

Origins drops the players in Ancient Egypt with all the historical figures and places to explore. There are many little details that are oftentimes missed while playing the game. Especially since the world is so expansive with so much to see. With even some details so minute that fans speculate why they were even put there in the first place.

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The most subtle, yet interesting detail is that horses and camels reflect the world of Egypt in their eyes. The reflection of the world in the horse's eyes is determined by where the player is standing. For example, if the player has a city or pyramids behind them that will be reflected in the eyes.

The level of work brought into this detail is extraordinary. Reflections are sometimes one of the most difficult pieces to illustrate and code. With how vast and open the world is, this small detail is actually much larger. This is also not a still image in the horse's eyes rather an ever-moving view of the area.

Source: Ubisoft Reddit User u/jaeqri

Fans were in awe at the site of the first picture. Many stated that this brought a new sense of immersion into the game. While others questioned how the eyes can truly function.

This might be the craziest detail, but some other details include the way the wind shifts the sand in the desert. Even the direction of the water flows from rivers or streams impacts movement speed while swimming or walking. These subtle details made the game a bit more lifelike compared to some of the other installments.

This has not been done before in previous installments. With Origins being the first true open-world RPG Assassins Creed game and focusing more so on the world and how it affected these details were key. In previous installments, the focus was always on the main character and the historical areas that were featured.

The most recent installment, Assassins Creed: Odyssey, does not have this feature. Granted, the game takes place in a different time, but the player uses a horse as the main way to travel. Odyssey also had a shorter development cycle, one year, compared to Origins two year development. Cutting out many subtle details was needed for the lack of time that was given.

Developers taking the time to add in little details as the ones above can expand a game's life tremendously and also show the heart and thought that went into the title.

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