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Posts tagged “rumour”

Red Dead Redemption 2 may finally be moseying onto PC, suggests Australian ratings board

Rating boards are the bane of games publishers. They're a law unto themselves, with no care for publishers' plans to drip feed us game release details. No. They tell it like it is, to hang with the consequences. And the Australian Classification Board’s website has just heroically listed a new version of Red Dead Redemption 2, hinting that it could be on its way to…

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Rumour: Blizzard cancelled a StarCraft FPS “like Battlefield”

A team at Blizzard had been working on a first-person shooter set in the world of their StarCraft real-time strategy games, the rumour mill says, but it's recently been cancelled. One secret source told Kotaku that the game was a bit "like Battlefield in the StarCraft universe" though we may never see or know much more about it. Cancelling unannounced games is fairly standard for…

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Watch Dogs 3 will be set in London, says rogue Amazon listing

London. The big plum. The mega village. The concrete bumble. That’s where Watch Dogs 3 is going to be set, according to a leak on Amazon. A store listing for the third-person hack 'em up appeared, spotted by The Nerd Mag, which described the game as being set in the Britland capital and allowing the player to “play as anyone”, suggesting that you can control…

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AMD Navi GPUs could be revealed as early as next week

Well, so much for waiting until June for the reveal of AMD's Navi GPUs at their big E3 event, as the latest rumours suggest we could see two Navi GPUs announce themselves to the world in less than a week - mostly likely when AMD take to the stage at this year's big Computex tech show over in Taiwan. Codenamed the Navi XT and Navi…

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Yakuza Kiwami 2 PC version revealed by ratings site

Lovers of violent neon soap operas, rejoice. Yakuza Kiwami 2, the open world crime caper about a good dad who punches bad, is coming to PC. At least, that's if the folks who stamp warnings on game boxes are to be believed. The ERSB posted that a PC version of the game has been given a rating of M for Mature, as spotted by a…

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Microsoft may be tinkering with playing Xbox One games on Windows

Microsoft may be experimenting with bringing support for Xbox One games to PC, or so suspect cybersleuths poking around in recent test versions of Windows 10. Microsoft have released Windows 10 editions of all their own Xbone games for several years now but if this turns out to be what some suspect, Windows may in future directly support any and all Xbox One games. Maybe.…

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Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines sequel might be sneaking up on us at GDC

The blood moon rises. The elders at RPS have reported feeling twinges in their necks and a mild taste of iron in their mouths. In other words, a sequel to early 2000s neckbiter RPG Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines might be announced at the Game Developers Conference next month. The heavy teasing of an alternate reality game has been traced back to Paradox Interactive (the…

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Titanfall crew Respawn reveal their new game today – and might release it immediately

Titanfall but battle royale but without the mechs: that's the word on the street about what we can expect from Apex Legends, the next game from Respawn Entertainment. The Titanfall & Titanfall 2 studio, which these days is but one limb on the EA millipede, has confirmed they'll be revealing the game today, and that Apex Legends is indeed its name. Meanwhile, rumour swirls that…

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Bethesda deny Fallout 76 free-to-play rumour

Bethesda have denied a rumour that Fallout 76 is preparing to go free-to-play. Launched in November 2018, their multiplayer survival sandbox scored a 'noncommittal, wavy gesture of the hands and forearms accompanied by an exclamatory exhalation' out of 10, a score further lessened by bugs and leaking personal information and bugs and skimping on the £175 edition. While the rumour was based on hearsay and…

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EA reportedly cancels Star Wars game for a second time

Remember that ill-fated Star Wars game codenamed ‘Ragtag’ that was being made by Dead Space developers Visceral? It was supposed to be an Uncharted-inspired single player action adventure, helmed by Amy Hennig, director of the first three Drake ‘em ups. But it got cancelled (amid various development problems) and the whole project was thrown to Canadian studio EA Vancouver who were then told to make…

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Rumours of a Diablo animated series on Netflix reinforced

The hit hot the hittie the hittie to the hit hit hot rumour going around again is that an animated series based on Diablo is likely coming streaming film-o-TV service Netflix. This latest action-RPG rumourburp is based on a now-deleted tweet by an aspiring showrunner but look, I don't care if this rumour is true or not. Let's hijack the attention it's raised and bend…

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[Confirmed] Assassin’s Creed Odyssey revealed by promo tat

Update: And it's official. Ubisoft have tweeted a short teaser with a fella doing that kick from the meme. As E3 approaches, rumours and teasers are flying off all over. Here's a new rumour for you: Ubisoft are following up on the Egyptian Assassin's Creed Origins with a visit to ancient Greece in a game named Assassin's Creed Odyssey. That's the buzz from French site…

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Rumour-o-rama: Battlefield V revisiting WW2 this year

How do war game makers pick which war to fight in their next game? It's a little-known fact that the games industry unites every year to settle this by drawing balls. It's important that games don't all pick the same war, after all, and draws were deemed the best method after several disastrous years of paintball tournaments. Call of Duty got the much-coveted World War…

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Rumour: BioWare’s Anthem delayed into 2019

While BioWare's new sci-fi persistent open-world multiplayer shooter doodad Anthem is officially due to launch this autumn, several secret sources tell Kotaku that the game is now likely delayed into early 2019. Speaking anonymously (the industry is not remotely fond of leakers, after all), they say that BioWare are shifting almost everyone to focus on Anthem, and... there are more whispers about the game's progress,…

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A new Fable game is reportedly in the pipes

A couple of weeks back, rumours started spreading that a new Fable game was in the works. That seemed odd considering Microsoft shut down Lionhead, the studio that made the Fable games, nearly two years ago. According to Eurogamer, those rumours were on the money: new Fable is coming, and it'll be "a story and character-focussed open-world action RPG" made by UK developer Playground Games.…

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Rumour: Cyberpunk 2077 to be shown at E3 2018

I half expected Witcher devs CD Project Red to be trolling us with the solitary 'beep' from the Cyberpunk 2077 account last week, and that we wouldn't hear anything from them for another 5 years. I mean, of course it was trolling - but Polish site GRYOnline have reported fresh rumours for the RPG, claiming certain information has arrived with them courtesy of two independent…

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Report: Mass Effect is taking a nap

It's a bloodbath in Old Gamestown today. Square Enix have tragically called a halt to Agent 47's Hitman career, despite his being at the peak of his powers, and meanwhile Kotaku report on rumours that EA has grounded the Mass Effect series in the wake of frowny reception to this year's Mass Effect Andromeda [official site]. Word is that the devs have been moved onto…

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Rumour! Call of Duty: WW2 is real, and a real bad name

Rumours of Call of Duty's return to World War 2 have circulated since, well, since Activision's mega-hit FPS series left it almost a decade ago. This time it's really for really real, folks including our chums at Eurogamer say. Whispers, rumours, and supposedly leaked artwork say this year's game will bear the rubbish name Call of Duty: WWII. Presumably this would mean a sad farewell…

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They are Groot: Telltale’s Guardians of the Galaxy?

It is the year 2801. A man weeps as he is forced to play Last of the Summer Wine: A Telltale Adventure. It is the last remaining hitherto unadapted license in the world. He sobs as he remembers Supermarket Sweep: A Telltale Adventure and the living hell that was Fifty Shades of Grey: A Telltale Adventure. A small scream looses his lips as he recalls…

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