Energy Now

12 hours ago

It’s Not Actually That Easy, But...

People have been telling sustainability entrepreneurs to “servicize” their business for a few years. But that’s a lot easier said than done. It’s still the right answer, in many cases. But it might require changes to the team, to the sales messaging, potentially even to the product.
Oct 8, 2019

Carbon Engineering - Taking CO2 Right Out Of The Air To Make Gasoline

Extracting CO2 from air is the best way to reverse global warming without resorting to expensive technologies, convoluted tax schemes or preventing billions from getting sufficient energy. If you then make gasoline from it, then you’d kill two birds with one stone. That stone is Carbon Engineering.
Oct 6, 2019

U.S. Natural Gas Reserves Continue To Soar

It's been a consistent theme since the U.S. shale revolution took flight in 2008: not just surging natural gas production but also surging gas reserves. In fact, the industry is always evolving, and we have even more gas than advertised.
Oct 6, 2019

Electric Vehicle Mandate, Anyone?

The next time someone tells you about all the wonderful benefits from the Renewable Fuel Standard, ask them if they would support an electric vehicle (EV) mandate. You can quickly tell if they are driven by principles or self-interest.
Oct 4, 2019

Australia And Big Oil: Is There Change On The Horizon?

For Shell, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Total and BP, upstream and LNG assets in Australia account for almost U.S.$130 billion of value. Australia is core to their gas portfolios - and is likely to become more important as the energy transition gains pace.
Oct 3, 2019

AI Starts to Live Up to Its Energy Efficiency Potential

Perhaps no technology has generated more hype in recent years than artificial intelligence. In some industries, it is certainly living up to it. AI powers the algorithms behind transport apps Uber and Waze, microtargeted online advertising, your commercial flight’s autopilot, and digital assistants.
Oct 1, 2019

No More Status Quo As Pipeline Safety Takes A Big Step Forward

The rules, which were years in the making, WASHINGTON — Today, the U. S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)transmitted three significant final rules to theFederal Registerthat will strengthen the safety of more than 500,000 miles of onsh...
Sep 30, 2019

Could Driving With Propane Be The Key To Reducing Air Pollution?

Studies have shown vehicles driving on propane autogas emit less pollution, yet they make up only 1% of vehicles worldwide. The industry says increased use would be low-hanging fruit for reducing emissions, but politicians remain focused on electric as the silver bullet for cleaning transport.
Sep 30, 2019

LNG Is The American Aid Ukraine Really Needs

While policymakers remain focused on U.S. military aid to Ukraine in the wake of President Trump's impeachment inquiry, few are discussing the importance of U.S. security assistance to the embattled country via liquified natural gas exports.
Sep 30, 2019

The World Begins To Slowly Cooperate On New Nuclear Energy

US and Canada entered into an agreement on nuclear power cooperation to collaborate on advancing new nuclear reactor designs, especially small modular reactors. This follows recent previous agreements with Canada, Japan, Russia, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, Poland, Argentina and Romania.
Sep 29, 2019

AR And VR In The Utility Sector

Augmented and virtual reality devices are among the most cutting-edge technologies in today’s tech landscape. The use of virtual and augmented reality in the utility field has the potential to transform the sector altogether.
Sep 27, 2019

Trump: Transform The U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve Into An Oil Bank

Following the attacks on key crude oil production facilities in Saudi Arabia, President Trump announced the authorization of the release of oil from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve to keep the market well supplied. The market, not the President, should determine the release of the massive SPR.
Sep 27, 2019

How Saudi Attacks Will Continue To Benefit American Oil Companies

American oil producers stand to benefit from the recent attacks on Saudi Arabia's oil fields. Even a small bump in the price of oil helps shale producers who have been operating near breakeven levels and demand for U.S. exports is rising as consuming nations seek more reliable sources of supply.
Sep 26, 2019

Nord Stream 2 Sues EU Using ISDS

The lawsuit, using Energy Charter Treaty obligations as its basis, follows a similar one by Uniper against the Netherlands. Climate campaigners say the treaty is preventing European countries from tackling climate change.