AI Now

Oct 7, 2019

10 Questions To Determine: Is Your Bank Really Digital?

The banking industry is seeing increased competition from new entrants that are taking customer market share, and digital innovation is increasing the gap between winners and losers. These 10 questions will help banks determine if they are truly leading with digital.
Oct 7, 2019

Comcast CIO Rick Rioboli Sits At The Center Of An Innovation Ecosystem

As CIO of Comcast, Rick Rioboli has a great deal of influence over the company's digital customer experience. He has discovered that as the company creates better ways for customers to serve themselves digitally through a voice remote for example, net promoter scores increase and costs decrease.
Oct 6, 2019

I Remember AI

AI applications require local fast memory/storage to support them and minimizing data movement. This is increasing the quantity and performance requirements for training AI models and the low power AI inference efficiency needs for edge and endpoint applications.