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Articles Tagged ‘Homosexuality’

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U.S. Supreme Court upholds religious freedom, whereas Canadian Court does not

Rory Leishman In a significant seven-to-two ruling in Masterpiece Cake Shop Ltd. v. Colorado on June 4, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down a ruling by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission that a Christian baker had no right in law to refuse on grounds of sincere religious conviction to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. That baker can count himself lucky to live in the United States. Any baker, photographer or florist in Canada who steadfastly declines on grounds of ... (Continue reading)

Ten reasons to reject Wynne’s sex education curriculum

Ten reasons to reject Wynne’s sex education curriculum

As the Ontario government gets ready to bring back the radical sex education curriculum for Ontario’s children, here are ten reasons why parents should reject it in spite of the political correctness propaganda that supports it. Children don’t need to know all the mechanics of sex before they are emotionally, physically, intellectually, and spiritually old enough to understand what they are being taught. Scrap the curriculum and spend the money ... (Continue reading)

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Prentice government withdraws Bill 10

Prentice government withdraws Bill 10

Jim Prentice sought to balance gay rights and parental rights, but withdrew the bill following criticism it was not pro-gay enough. The new Progressive Conservative government of Jim Prentice in Alberta proposed Bill 10, a law that would give students the right to create gay-straight alliance clubs in their schools ... (Continue reading)

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Ottawa 11-year-olds plan gay club at Catholic elementary school

Two eleven-year-old girls from Ottawa are planning to start a “gay-straight alliance” club at their Catholic elementary school after the Ottawa Catholic School Board recently approved their controversial project on “gay rights” amidst national media coverage. Homosexual activist Jeremy Dias, founder of Jer’s Vision, who had lunch with the girls after the story hit the headlines, was instrumental in encouraging them to launch the homosexual club, reports the homosexual news service Xtra. Quinn Maloney-Tavares and Polly Hamilton of Ottawa’s St. George Catholic ... (Continue reading)

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Olympics to become more gay friendly

On Dec. 8, the International Olympic Committee unanimously approved a wide-ranging package of 40 recommendations, the Olympic Agenda 2020, that includes a rewording of its anti-discrimination Principle 6 clause to include a reference to “sexual orientation” as a protected category. The Principle 6 clause of the Olympic Charter will be amended to state that “any form of discrimination with regard to a country or a person on grounds of race, religion, politics, gender, sexual orientation, or otherwise is incompatible with belonging ... (Continue reading)

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Light is Right Joe Campbell I’ve tried, really I have, but I can’t understand why, as a society, we discriminate so aggressively against homosexuals. Rare is he, or she, who at some point in life does not need help for mental, physical or spiritual disorders, if not all three. But when homosexuals need help, we deny or ignore afflictions that ought to be obvious to anyone, ... (Continue reading)

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The Feds promote gender diversity and homosexuality in sex ed

Despite education being a provincial responsibility, the Canadian federal government has issued guidelines on how to structure a sex education program. The latest 2008 update of Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education, published by the Public Health Agency, which reports to the minister of health, is intended to be a “framework” for drafting curricula for Canadians of all ages, including children and youth. The Canadian Guidelines warns that educators should be careful when defining “sexual health,” as the phrase may be ... (Continue reading)

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HIV drug combo: game-changer or same old game?

HIV drug combo: game-changer  or same old game?

A new drug regimen could displace the single-minded promotion of condoms, which has dominated HIV/AIDS prevention efforts for the past three decades. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) consists of daily doses of two antiretroviral drugs taken by people who are not currently infected with HIV. PrEP has several implications for the pro-life and pro-family movement. First, it would seem a boon in general to HIV-discordant married couples (where one spouse is infected ... (Continue reading)

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EnCourage interview

Radio Teopoli has an interview with Alan Yoshioka, a former gay activist and now a member of Courage, and his wife, Theresa Yoshioka. They are co-facilitators of EnCourage Toronto which seeks to meet the spiritual needs of family members and other loved ones of persons with same-sex attraction. Alan's is a beautiful story of the work of Grace in one's life. And their message of how to better minister to those with same-sex attraction is ... (Continue reading)

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Discussing same-sex attraction

In our January edition, Theresa Yoshioka writes about "A challenge to abundant life," which Mark Shea calls "a highly intelligent, sensitive, and deeply Catholic piece on the obligation of the Church to reach out to and welcome same-sex attracted persons as human beings called by Jesus Christ." It is worth clicking on the link and reading the comments, including Theresa's responses. (Continue reading)

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A challenge for abundant life

In the January edition of The Interim we ran an article, "A challenge to abundant life," on the proper Christian approach to the issue of homosexuality, specifically in our interactions with individuals dealing with same-sex attraction. The article was written by Theresa Yoshioka, an expert in these matters, and the number of responses we received for running this article was unusually high. Some appreciated the sensitive treatment while others thought we we overly politically correct. If you know me at all, you ... (Continue reading)

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A challenge for abundant life

In a recent video battle against gay activist/sex-advice columnist Dan Savage, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins quoted an old headline: “Dan Savage Explains Why He Started ‘It Gets Better’ Project: ‘When a gay teenager commits suicide, it’s because he can’t picture a life for himself that’s filled with joy,’ columnist tells MTV News.” Incredibly, Perkins used the image of that headline as part of an otherwise sound case against Savage. There’s certainly a place for ... (Continue reading)

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Homosexuality: epigenetics vs. genetics & what does it all mean

There were  many recent headlines about a study suggesting that homosexuality stems not from genetics, but epigenetics. The original study hasn't been released, except perhaps to io9.com, which has a story seemingly more complete than the abstract or press release of the study on which it is reporting.  Sheepcat has an excellent, long post on the issue and what the study says and doesn't say, what it means and doesn't mean. The key issue is moral, not scientific. ... (Continue reading)

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Chick-fil-A #win

The Newseum's top ten newspaper covers today are on Chick-fil-A. (HT: Michelle Malkin) The Washington Post reported customer support for the restaurant made for brisk business and Rick Warren tweeted "#ChickfilA has already set a world record today." A quick perusal of the internet will find long lines of customers in stores and drive-throughs. It was pretty obviously a good day to be a Chick-fil-A franchise owner and it was also a strong statement that those who support traditional ... (Continue reading)

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An open mind can mean an empty head

Kitchener school board situation serves as a sterling example The elevation of an “open mind” to the status of an unchallengeable moral principle is, as a matter of plain fact, a perfect example of being closed-minded. Professor Allan Bloom made this point in his best-selling critique of higher education, The Closing of the American Mind, a book that offended a legion of teachers who were labouring under the assumption that they were open-minded. Having an open mind, of ... (Continue reading)

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