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Articles Tagged ‘Contraception’

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‘Humanae vitae at 50’ conference

‘Humanae vitae at 50’ conference

Mary Eberstadt   Marking the 50th anniversary of Humanae vitae, the Archdiocese of Toronto sponsored a one-day conference to reflect upon Pope St. Paul VI’s encyclical letter. On Nov. 10, about 125 people gathered for the conference at University of St. Michael’s College. Cardinal Thomas Collins began the day with Mass which was followed by a series of talks given by Mary Eberstadt, Maria Wolfs, Chris Manion, and Fr. Raymond de ... (Continue reading)

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Restorative reproductive medicine offers alternatives to common avenues of treatment

At the Faithful to God’s Design: Humanae Vitaeat 50 conference put on by the Archdiocese of Toronto on Nov. 10, Maria Wolfs, a staff endocrinologist at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto and an assistant professor at the University of Toronto, compared how estrogen sends signals to a woman’s ovaries to the way a thermostat will turn the heat on when the temperature drops too low. In her talk, “Your Hormones and Humanae vitae,” she asserted that taking hormonal birth control, ... (Continue reading)

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The wisdom of Humanae Vitae

The wisdom of Humanae Vitae

Editors’ note: These are excerpts from the encyclical Humane Vitae. God’s Loving Design Married love particularly reveals its true nature and nobility when we realize that it takes its origin from God, who “is love,” the Father “from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named.” Marriage, then, is far from being the effect of chance or the result of the blind evolution of natural forces. It is in reality ... (Continue reading)

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Pope Francis did not endorse contraception

Catholics and other people of goodwill have had numerous occasions to be confused by the statements of Pope Francis on various moral issues. Too often, however, they have relied on the media filter and not the pontiff’s actual statements. Asked by journalists about the Zika virus and fetal deformities, Pope Francis is said to have given his okay to contraception to avoid pregnancy during the virus crisis. But he did no such thing. Pope Francis said abortion was “an absolute ... (Continue reading)

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Gates foundation pushes birth control

Gates foundation pushes birth control

Melinda Gates has been promoting new forms of contraception through her billionaire husband's charity, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.Silphium was a plant in classical antiquity commonly used for seasoning and medication, as well as a method of birth control. Though it’s highly debated what happened to this extinct plant, ... (Continue reading)

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PC leadership hopeful joins condemnation of contraception-refusing Calgary doctor

PC leadership hopeful joins condemnation of contraception-refusing Calgary doctor

Dr. Chantal Barry, a physician at Westglen Medical Centre in Calgary, is refusing to prescribe the birth control pill to patients. On June 24, while attending an appointment with her gynecologist, Joan Chand’oiseau saw a sign at the front desk of the walk-in clinic stating that “the physician on duty today will not prescribe the birth control pill.” The sign is put up when Dr. Barry is the only physician at the clinic. Patients who want contraception are given a ... (Continue reading)

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Monsignor Foy: celebrating 75 year of priestly dedication

Tomorrow there will be a Solemn Mass "in thanksgiving to God and in honour of the Very Reverend Monsignor Vincent Foy" to mark the 75th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Cardinal Thomas Collins will celebrate Mass at St. Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Church at 2210 Lawrence East, Scarborough. 75 years in the priesthood is a rare celebration. A man needs to both to be ordained young and live long. Monsignor Foy is 98. He was ordained June 3, 1939, a ... (Continue reading)

Ottawa doctors chastised for refusing to prescribe birth control

Three family doctors at an Ottawa health clinic are being criticized for refusing to prescribe birth control to their patients. The controversy started when Kate D. went to CareMedics Elmvale Acres walk-in clinic to get a prescription. She was surprised when the receptionist handed her a letter by the attending physician, Dr. Edmond Kyrillos, stating that he only provides Natural Family Planning due to “medical judgment as well as professional ethical concerns and religious values.” The note also states that Dr. ... (Continue reading)

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Freedom of conscience in the culture of death

Freedom of conscience in the culture of death

On Jan. 30, the Ottawa Citizen reported that three local family physicians were refusing to prescribe birth control pills. Not so long ago, the great majority of Canadians would have responded with an amazed: “So what?” Not so the anonymous woman who brought this story to public attention. She was incensed when, in response to her request for a birth control prescription at an Ottawa medical clinic, she was given ... (Continue reading)

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Obamacare contraception mandate challenged

Obamacare contraception  mandate challenged

The Supreme Court will decide whether the Obamacare contraception mandate can be forced on employers. According to the 2010 Affordable Care Act, which was largely upheld by the Supreme Court in June 2012, contraception must be included by insurance policies. Religiously affiliated non-profit businesses such as Catholic hospitals are currently exempted from the contraception mandate. For-profit businesses are still required to fund contraception. Two Christian-owned companies are challenging the requirement ... (Continue reading)

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Contraceptives: unreliable and unsafe

Contraceptives: unreliable and unsafe

A contraceptive touted by its makers as 100 per cent effective was not able to prevent the pregnancies of almost 600 women living in the United Kingdom. Implanon, issued 11 years ago by MSD, is a subdermal contraceptive which is implanted under a woman’s skin and releases progesterone to stop ovulation. Although it was supposed to prevent conception for three years, the contraceptive sometimes failed to implant or implanted too deep for ... (Continue reading)

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A Baptist’s opposition to contraception

A Baptist’s opposition to contraception

Q&A with Craig Carter Editor’s note: Joseph Jalsevac, a summer intern at The Interim, spoke to Dr. Craig Carter, an ordained minister in the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches of Canada and a professor of Religious Studies at Tyndale University College in Toronto, about contraception. Carter regularly writes and lectures on Christian sexual ethics in the modern world. The Interim: Where does your own Church stand on contraception? Craig ... (Continue reading)

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Enslaved by liberation

Enslaved by liberation

This year we acknowledge an unfortunate anniversary: the infamous birth control pill – which itself has been responsible for preventing so many births – turns fifty. It was in 1960 that the Food and Drug Administration first approved the contraceptive pill for use in the United States. Nine years later, with the passing of Pierre Trudeau’s infamous Omnibus bill that also legalized abortion, contraception was decriminalized in Canada. Now, with half ... (Continue reading)

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Religious beliefs about the pill

The 20th century saw a great change in Christian attitudes towards contraception, which previously had been almost universally condemned. As it stands today, the majority of Christian denominations accept birth control to some degree, in one form or another. The Church of England provides a good example of how quickly the change in teaching sometimes occurs. At the Lambeth Conference in 1908, the Anglican Bishops declared, “the Conference records with alarm the growing practice of the artificial restriction of the family ... (Continue reading)

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Side effects of The Pill

PDF of Side effects of The Pill Head/Brain Cerebral hemorrhage (bleeding into the cranial cavity) Cerebral thrombosis (blood clot that drains blood from the brain) Melasma, which may persist (skin discoloration) Migraine Headache Dizziness Loss of scalp hair Acne Eyes Retinal thrombosis Change in corneal curvature Intolerance to contact lenses Cataracts Heart/Blood Thrombophlebitis (blood clots in the veins) Hypertension Mesenteric thrombosis (blood clot in the major veins that drain blood from the intestine) Hemorrhagic eruption (bleeding eruption) Arterial thromboembolism (blood clots in the heart) Pulmonary embolism Myocardial infarction (heart attack) Budd-Chiari Syndrome Hemolytic uremic syndrome (kidney failure and low platelet count in the ... (Continue reading)

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