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U.S. and Europe Avoid Trade War With Tentative Deal on Tariffs

  • The United States and the European Union stepped back from the brink of a trade war after President Trump said the Europeans agreed to work toward lowering tariffs and other trade barriers.
  • The announcement defused, for the moment, a battle that began with tariffs on European steel and aluminum exports.


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Listen to ‘The Daily’: The Tariff War

President Trump’s $12 billion aid package for American farmers is a sign that he plans to continue the trade conflict that is hurting them.


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Credit Tyler Blint-Welsh/The New York Times

An Illegal Street Sport
Takes a Country Holiday

An event at a Pennsylvania racetrack provided an escape, and community, for more than 400 dirt bike and ATV riders.

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Our new limited-run newsletter will spotlight New York City’s coolest summer activities each week. Food and drink included.

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New Zealand to Australia: Get Your Own Flag

“We had a flag that we’ve had for a long time, copied by Australia,” New Zealand’s acting prime minister said. “And they should actually change their flag and honor the fact that we got there first.”

The Bread Thief

“The only thing stopping a bad guy with a foot-long breadstick is a good guy with his own foot-long breadstick!”

What Feminists Can Do for Boys

We fought for young women in the patriarchy first. But budding patriarchs could use some help too.

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