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Meet the team

E32014 26
Andy Chalk

Andy Chalk — News Writer

CAN — Born and raised in the icy wastes of Canada, Andy Chalk has been playing videogames from the day he convinced his parents that owning a TRS-80 would help him learn to type, something his father considered a practical and valuable skill. He's particularly fond of RPGs and shooters these days but has a soft spot for less conventional fare as well, and makes a point of buying all his games in boxes. He lives amidst the tobacco fields of southwestern Ontario with his wife, dog and half-dozen cats, most of whom agree with him that the ending of Mass Effect 3 was just fine.

Follow Andy on Twitter: @AndyChalk

James Davenport

James Davenport — Associate Editor

US — James wasn’t allowed to play games while growing up in Montana, so you could say he’s making up for lost time at PC Gamer. He played a good amount of ScummVM games whenever his parents weren’t looking, and frequented the back room of the local RadioShack, where a Counter-Strike care took hold. Narrative-focused and experimental games are his main jam, but he likes to get down with some arena shooting from time to time. Ask him about dogs, forest fires, Moby Dick, or Super Hexagon sometime.

Follow James on Twitter: @My_beards

Tim Clark

Tim Clark — Global Editor-in-Chief

US — Tim is interested in two things. Playing Hearthstone, and writing about Hearthstone. Oh, and and he’s interested in his dog Batman. And Arsenal football club. Wait, how many things is that? Tim is not interested in maths. Having previously launched a multiformat games site, he subsequently spent most of his career on Official PlayStation Magazine, before the clarion call of overclocked GPUs lured him to the side of truth and justice. He definitely doesn’t spend all his time on Hearthpwn.com, cruising for Druid decks, we are contractually obliged to say here.

Follow Tim on Twitter: @timothydclark

Mozû the Blight

Mozû — Global Blight

US — Mozû is interested in two things. Hunting Tim, and killing Tim. Oh, and and he’s interested in Tim's dog Batman. And the Tim Clark killing club. Wait, how many things is that? Mozû is not interested in maths.

Having previously launched in a game, he subsequently spent most of his career on terrorizing Tim, and continues to do so. He definitely spends all his time in Shadow of War, and is immune to arrows, fire, ice, and has a metric ton of health.

Wes Fenlon

Wes Fenlon — Hardware Editor

US — Wes grew up playing games on PC hardware that was just out of date, longingly pining over his friends' 486s and 166 MHz Pentiums. Since joining PC Gamer, Wes has asked a goat farmer to review Goat Simulator, overseen an investigation into the business of cheating, learned to play Dwarf Fortress, guided the first episodes of The PC Gamer Show, shown us how to play classic games in 4K, and so much more. Now as Hardware Editor, he's our go-to source of opinion and instruction on PC components, peripherals, and maintenance. We also like his hair.

Follow Wes on Twitter: @wesleyfenlon

Andy Kelly

Andy Kelly — Section Editor

UK — Andy is PC Gamer's resident VR enthusiast, among many other things.

He's known to write about Elite: Dangerous, DayZ, BioWare RPGs, GTA, Prison Architect, and just about anything we put on his desk and gesture at.

In his spare time he makes the Other Places video series.

Follow Andy on Twitter: @ultrabrilliant



Evan Lahti

Evan Lahti — Editor-in-Chief, US

US —  Raised by a Team Fortress Classic clan, Evan can only communicate using multiplayer FPS jargon, sort of like that Star Trek: TNG "Darmok" episode. ("2fort, when the walls fell...") A Michigan native, Evan also enjoys hockey and backpacking and one day hopes to visit this Finnish hockey sauna. His favorite PC games of all time are Counter-Strike, Arma 2, TF2, MechCommander, and reading about EVE Online.

Follow Evan on Twitter: @elahti



Chris Livingston

Chris Livingston — Staff Writer

US — Chris has been playing computer games since 1982’s Choplifter. He wrote for PC Gamer as a freelancer for several years before joining the team as staff writer in 2014.

Chris loves games full of stories, but only if he can completely ignore those stories and come up with his own. For instance, he experimented with a town in Cities: Skylines that had only one house, he delivered presents to every NPC in Skyrim on Christmas Eve, and he once married a giant spider in Crusader Kings 2.

Follow Chris on Twitter: @screencuisine

Steven Messner

Steven Messner — Senior Reporter

CA — Steven's complicated relationship with PC gaming extends back to playing Counter-Strike 1.5 on his parent's terribly slow Pentium 2 computer. Unfortunately, CS 1.6 was a patch too far for that old machine and he spent the next few years plotting his triumphant return to PC glory. After a summer of fast food slavery, Steven could finally afford a gaming PC all to himself and made the mistake of installing World of Warcraft before anything else. When it spat him out years later, that inspired gleam in his eye was gone and he spent the next ten years wandering from MMO to MMO trying to get it back. He likes RPGs, shooters, and betraying his Canadian heritage by thinking hockey is just okay.

Follow Steven on Twitter: @stevenmessner

Shaun Prescott

Shaun Prescott — Australia Editor

AU — Shaun has played Doom regularly for the past 20 years. Despite this, he's managed to land on his feet as the head of the Australian PC Gamer team, which means he delivers news from the future. When he's not writing about games for PC Gamer he's writing about music for The Guardian, Crawlspace and more. He loves Cyberdemons, floating aimlessly in Minecraft worlds and noise music. He hates: your band, puzzle platformers, the sun.

Follow Shaun on Twitter: @shaun_prescott

Samuel Roberts

Samuel Roberts — Editor, UK

UK — Samuel began PC gaming in the early '90s and as such has a fondness for immersive sims, RPGs and piloting spaceships from Star Wars. Far from a relic of a bygone era, however, he is currently enjoying the likes of FTL, Titanfall and Hearthstone, with a range of preferences he would describe as 'eclectic' merely because no-one else will. Samuel is saving Dark Souls for the day he retires, at which point he hopes it's finally ditched Games For Windows Live.

Follow Sam on Twitter: @SamuelWRoberts

Phil Savage

Phil Savage — Deputy Editor

UK — Phil has been PC gaming since the '90s, when, being a child, he had the time to complete games like Baldur's Gate and Little Big Adventure 2. Ostensibly now an adult, his Steam backlog would take roughly three lifetimes to complete. Phil's been writing for PC Gamer since 2011 – first as a freelancer, then as news editor, and now as deputy editor of PCG UK. His job is split between planning and filling magazine pages, and helping to stop Samuel from having a stress-related breakdown.

Follow Phil on Twitter: @Octaeder

Tom Senior

Tom Senior — Online Editor

UKTom began his PC gaming journey early, as a Necromancer in Diablo 2, a crack pilot in Wing Commander 3 and Freespace 2, a warlord in Alpha Centauri and a quiet angry man with a crowbar in Half-Life.

Tom joined PC Gamer in 2011 and has since written more than three-thousand-and-something posts for the website, and many words for PC Gamer magazine. He loves strategy games, space, and anything with tanks.

Follow Tom on Twitter: @PCGLudo

John Strike

John Strike — Art Editor

UK — Our UK and US art editor John exclaims 'You can't wipe your ass with a website' in his relentless enthusiasm surrounding our magazines. PC Gamer reader and subscriber since the age of 14, he's landed his dream job designing our issues from cover to cover each month.

John's other loves include his two long-haired miniature sausage dogs Fred and Barney, shooting down helicopters with a tank in Battlefield, and farting the first five notes of Her Majesty's National Anthem. And of course his long-suffering girlfriend.

Tyler Wilde

Tyler Wilde — Executive Editor

US — Tyler's first games were played on a Commodore 64 and Apple II. The rest of his childhood is a blur—like the face of a monster in Jacob's Ladder—though he occasionally has flashbacks of Quake II CTF matches.

As Executive Editor, he spends a lot of time editing reviews. He hates the words "solid," "visceral," and "deep," and will delete them on sight unless they're in a sentence about how much he hates them.

Follow Tyler on Twitter: @tyler_wilde

Jarred Walton

Jarred Walton — Senior Editor, Maximum PC and PC Gamer Hardware

US — Jarred got his start with computers on a Commodore 64, where he has fond memories of playing the early AD&D Gold Box games from SSI. After spending time studying computer science and working in the IT industry, he discovered a knack for journalism, which he’s been doing for more than a decade. This enables him to play with (aka “test”) all of the latest and greatest hardware; it’s a tough life, but someone has to do it. For science.

Follow Jarred on Twitter: @jarredwalton

Tuan Nguyen

Tuan Nguyen  —  Editor in Chief, Maximum PC and PC Gamer Hardware

US — Tuan is the Editor-in-Chief of Maximum PC, and loves all things tech. He's been building PCs and ruffling feathers in the industry for 20 years, and isn't afraid to call out bad products and services. In fact, it's very common to hear the words "this is shit" escape his lips. If you want to know if something is "Kick-Ass" or not, email or tweet him. 

Follow Tuan on Twitter: @blankspace

Bo Moore

Bo Moore —  Technology Editor, Maximum PC and PC Gamer Hardware

US — Bo knows very little about PCs or games, and isn't quite sure why they let him in the building. He does, however, enjoy playing and writing about Overwatch, despite not being very good at it. He has two cats: Kirby and Amelia. If you can guess their namesakes, you win a cookie.

Follow Bo on Twitter: @usebomswisely


Austin Wood

Austin Wood — Indie News Writer

US — Austin got into PC gaming the way most '90s kids did: Runescape. A few thousand hours later, he heard a rumor that there are also other games on PC. After confirming this for himself, he decided to make a career out of sharing the news. So he built his first gaming rig, finished his journalism degree and, obviously, pitched PC Gamer a Runescape feature. He's since worked his way into our indie channel, where he spends his days fawning over 2D action games and anything with permadeath. 

Jody Macgregor

Jody Macgregor — Indie Editor

AU — In past lives Jody has been a music journalist (he edited the indie section back then as well) and a freelance tabletop RPG designer. He started freelancing for PC Gamer in 2015 with an article about the audio of Alien: Isolation before eventually being put in charge of the new Indie section. When he's not writing about indie games he specializes in anything to do with Warhammer or cyberpunk, though he also loves stealth games (as long as they have a quicksave button), horror, and RPGs, which he's been playing since Ultima IV.

He was once sent to review an Insane Clown Posse concert, so anything life throws at him after that is fine.

Follow Jody on Twitter: @jodymacgregor