Arts, Social Sciences and Social Work

Courses and Study Study areas Arts, Social Sciences & Social Work

Arts and Social Sciences at JCU offers you a wide variety of specialised areas of study within several broad fields, Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences and Social Work.

You are encouraged to develop critical thinking, problem solving, communication and research skills for successful study and you have the opportunity to sample from a wide range subjects. In your second year you can pick your specialised discipline. You can also craft a varied course of study that maximises your ability to meet the changing demands of employers.

Our areas of study also seek to provide you with opportunities to study abroad or undertake placements and research in our Asia Pacific region.

Study at JCU

Explore your options by browsing our range of diploma, bachelor and post graduate courses.


Meet our students

Our students endeavour to make life matter and choose a career path that suits their long-term goals.

Alex's Story

Hear why Alex chose to study Social Work at JCU.
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Course guide

Course guide

Provides an overview of all the undergraduate courses available at JCU. You'll also find information about on-campus accommodation, campus life, student support, pathway options and more.

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Campus tour

Campus tour

Guided tours are a fantastic way to get a general overview of the campus, main lecture theatres, the library and other facilities. You’ll also get the chance to talk to future and current students.

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