10 Things You Never Knew About ‘The Princess Diaries’

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With Anne Hathaway reportedly on board to star in a third Princess Diaries movie, there’s no better time to look back and relive the enchantment of the original film that started it all!

The fish out of water tale about a teenager who discovers that she’s the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Genovia is not only an immensely rewatchable modern classic, but it also marks Hathaway’s film debut. The success and passionate fan support of the first film led to a 2004 sequel, which co-starred Chris Pine as Hathaway’s love interest.

But two Princess Diaries films were not enough to satisfy the spirited fans of the franchise. After years of speculation, director Garry Marshall recently confirmed that Hathaway is interested in reprising her role for a third film.

But before we all commence freaking out about a potential third movie, let’s return to the Kingdom of Genovia with these 10 things you never knew about The Princess Diaries!

1. Anne Hathaway wasn’t the only member of her family to make their film debut in The Princess Diaries.

Anne’s dad, Gerald Hathaway, also made his cinematic debut as Mia’s deceased father Prince Renaldo. He can be seen in the photograph next to Mia’s music box as well as a brief scene in which he’s writing a letter to his daughter.

2. And joining Anne Hathaway and her dad in the film was yet another member of their family.

Four different cats combined to play the role Mia’s cat, the adorably named Fat Louie, and one of them was actually Hathaway’s real life cat. Apparently you just can’t fake that kind of human/cat chemistry.


3. The Princess Diaries contains a sly reference to the film Pretty Woman.

Both directed by Garry Marshall, The Princess Diaries and Pretty Woman feature a scene in which the protagonist suffers a social faux pas at the dinner table, prompting a waiter to say “It happens all the time.” Not only that, the same actor portrays the waiter in both films.


4. Reese Witherspoon as Mia Thermopolis? The Legally Blond star was offered the role but turned it down.

A who’s who of Hollywood passed on the part before Hathaway nabbed the role. Kate Hudson, Kirsten Dunst, Cameron Diaz, Jessica Biel, and Alicia Silverstone are just a few of the big names who declined before Anne Hathaway made the part her own.


5. The retainer scene was written because of Hathaway’s real life struggles with her own retainer when she was younger.

The director wrote the scene after discovering that Hathaway had previously worn a retainer and found it difficult to speak while wearing it. Ever the pro, Hathaway even brought in her old retainer for the scene!


6. Anne Hathaway is just as much of an endearing klutz as her character.

The scene in which Mia falls down on the bleachers wasn’t originally in the script. Hathaway actually tripped while filming the scene, and director Garry Marshall thought it was so funny that he inserted the blooper into the final cut of the film.


7. But it was her clumsiness that led to her winning the role of Mia Thermopolis.

During Hathaway’s audition, the young actress fell off her chair. How embarrassing, right? Wrong. She was hired to play the klutzy princess on the spot.


8. Julie Andrews’ jewelry and tiara were made up of half a million dollars worth of real diamonds.

The elegant headpiece worn by The Sound of Music star was on loan from iconic jeweler Harry Winston, while Hathaway’s tiara was comprised of cubic zirconia.


9. The movie was a surprise hit at the box office.

The G-rated film raked in almost $23 million in its opening weekend, and came in number three nationwide, right after Rush Hour and II and Planet of the Apes.
10. Anne Hathaway had a hard time landing roles after The Princess Diaries.

She may be a huge star now, but following the success of Princess Diaries, Hathaway had a hard time getting into rooms “to be taken seriously for roles that weren’t princesses.”


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