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Westview Press

We are delighted to welcome Westview Publishing into the Taylor & Francis Group.

Westview Press publishes high-quality undergraduate- and graduate-level textbooks in core social science disciplines, building upon our existing strengths in political science, area studies, international relations, and sociology. With books developed, written, and edited with the needs of serious nonfiction readers, professors, and students in mind, Westview Press is a welcome addition to the Taylor and Francis group. 

New and Bestselling titles

  • International Human Rights

    5th Edition

    By Jack Donnelly

    International Human Rights examines the ways in which statesand other international actors have addressed human rights since the end ofWorld War II. This unique textbook features substantial attention to theory,history, international and regional institutions, and the role of transnationalactors in…

    Paperback – 2017-07-18

  • Language, Culture, and Society

    An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology, 7th Edition

    By James Stanlaw

    Why should we study language? How do the ways inwhich we communicate define our identities? And how is this all changing in thedigital world? Since 1993, many have turned to Language, Culture, and Society for answers toquestions like those above because of its comprehensive coverage of allcritical…

    Paperback – 2017-07-12

  • Russia

    A Historical Introduction from Kievan Rus' to the Present, 8th Edition

    By John Thompson

    This lucid account of Russian and Soviet history presents major trends and events from ancient Kievan Rus' to Vladimir Putin's presidency in the twenty-first century. Russia does not shy away from controversial topics, including the impact of the Mongol conquest, the paradoxes of Peter the Great,…

    Paperback – 2017-07-05

  • Latin American Politics and Development

    9th Edition

    By Harvey F. Kline

    For overthirty years, Latin American Politics andDevelopment has kept instructors and students abreast of current affairsand changes in Latin America. Now in its ninth edition, this definitive texthas been updated throughout and features contributions from experts in thefield, including twenty new…

    Paperback – 2017-07-05

  • Mistaking Africa

    Curiosities and Inventions of the American Mind, 4th Edition

    By Curtis Keim

    For manyAmericans the mention of Africa immediately conjures up images of safaris,ferocious animals, strangely dressed "tribesmen," and impenetrable jungles.Although the occasional newspaper headline mentions authoritarian rule,corruption, genocide, devastating illnesses, or civil war in Africa,…

    Paperback – 2017-07-05

  • "Can We All Get Along?"

    Racial and Ethnic Minorities in American Politics, 7th Edition

    By Paula McClain

    In a nation built by immigrants and bedeviled by the history and legacy of slavery and discrimination, how do we, as Americans, reconcile a commitment to equality and freedom with persistent inequality and discrimination? And what can we do about it? This widely acclaimed text by Paula D. McClain,…

    Paperback – 2017-07-05

  • Theories of the Policy Process

    4th Edition

    By Christopher M. Weible

    Theories of the Policy Process provides a forum for experts in the most established and widely used theoretical frameworks in policy process research to present the basic propositions, empirical evidence, latest updates, and promising future research opportunities of each framework. This…

    Paperback – 2017-07-05

  • International Studies

    An Interdisciplinary Approach to Global Issues, 4th Edition

    By Sheldon Anderson

    This core text is the first to provide a much-needed interdisciplinary approach to international studies. Emphasizing the interconnected nature of history, geography, anthropology, economics, and political science, International Studies details the methodologies and subject matter of each…

    Paperback – 2017-07-05

  • Feminist Thought

    A More Comprehensive Introduction, 5th Edition

    By Rosemarie Tong

    A classic resource on feminist theory, Feminist Thought offers a clear, comprehensive, and incisive introduction to the major traditions of feminist theory, from liberal feminism, radical feminism, and Marxist and socialist feminism to care-focused feminism, psychoanalytic feminism, and ecofeminism…

    Paperback – 2017-07-05

  • Inequality in America

    Race, Poverty, and Fulfilling Democracy's Promise, 2nd Edition

    By Stephen Caliendo

    Why does inequality have such a hold on American society and public policy? And what can we, as citizens, do about it? Inequality in America takes an in-depth look at race, class and gender-based inequality, across a wide range of issues from housing and education to crime, employment and health.…

    Paperback – 2017-07-05

  • Women and Politics

    The Pursuit of Equality, 4th Edition

    By Lynne Ford

    Women and Politics is a comprehensive examination of women's use of politics in pursuit of gender equality. How can demands for gender equality be reconciled with sex differences? Resolving this paradoxical question has proceeded along two paths: the legal equality doctrine, which emphasizes gender…

    Paperback – 2017-03-29

  • Julia Lathrop

    Social Service and Progressive Government

    By Miriam Cohen

    Julia Lathrop was a social servant, government activist, and social scientist who expanded notions of women's proper roles in public life during the early 1900s. Appointed as chief of the U.S. Children's Bureau, created in 1912 to promote child welfare, she was the first woman to head a United…

    Paperback – 2017-03-29

  • Social Media Freaks

    Digital Identity in the Network Society

    By Dustin Kidd

    Social media has been transforming American and global cultural life for over a decade. It has flattened the divide between producer and audience found in other forms of culture while also enriching some massive corporations. At the core of Social Media Freaks is the question: Does social media…

    Paperback – 2017-03-22

  • The Modern History of Iraq

    4th Edition

    By Phebe Marr

    The Modern History of Iraq is a remarkably readable account of contemporary Iraq, placing in historical perspective the crises and upheavals that continue to afflict the country. This text weaves together several important themes, including the search for a national identity, the struggle to…

    Paperback – 2017-03-22

  • Recognizing Race and Ethnicity

    Power, Privilege, and Inequality, 2nd Edition

    By Kathleen J. Fitzgerald

    Despite promising changes over the last century, race remains a central organizing principle in US society, a key arena of inequality, power, and privilege, and the subject of ongoing conflict and debate. In this second edition of Recognizing Race and Ethnicity, Kathleen J. Fitzgerald continues to…

    Paperback – 2017-03-22

  • Inequality in the 21st Century

    A Reader

    By David Grusky

    Why are so many types of inequality suddenly increasing? Should we be worried that we're moving into a "second gilded age" with unprecedented levels of income inequality? In this new collection, David B. Grusky and Jasmine Hill present readings that lay bare the main changes in play, what's driving…

    Paperback – 2017-03-14

  • Africa in World Politics

    Constructing Political and Economic Order, 6th Edition

    By John W Harbeson,Donald Ro

    The sixth edition of Africa in World Politics focuses on challenges African states face in constructing viable political economies in contexts both of familiar domestic challenges and an unprecedented mix of engagements, opportunities, and threats emanating from a turbulent and rapidly changing…

    Paperback – 2017-01-03

  • Cold War

    An International History, 2nd Edition

    By Carole K. Fink

    Paperback – 2016-08-18