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Today’s Paper

China Falls Short on Curbing North Korea, Trump Says

The president’s statement was an extraordinary admission of failure of his strategy for dealing with the North, leaving him with unpalatable options.

Karen Handel Wins Georgia Special Election, Fending Off Upstart Democrat

In a demoralizing result for Democrats, Ms. Handel defeated Jon Ossoff, a political newcomer who had drawn an outpouring of support from liberals around the country.

Haven for Recovering Addicts Now Profits From Their Relapses

Delray Beach, Fla., was once a godsend for substance abusers. But now, a sprawl of fraudulent outpatient centers capitalize on addicts’ thwarted recoveries.

G.O.P. Rift Over Medicaid and Opioids Imperils Senate Health Bill

Deep divisions have developed among Senate Republicans over the rate of future spending on Medicaid and how to help opioid addicts who lose drug treatment funds.

Despite Concerns About Blackmail, Flynn Heard C.I.A. Secrets

If Mike Pompeo, the C.I.A. director, knew of his agency’s concerns about Michael T. Flynn, the national security adviser at the time, he did not share them with the president.

Too Hot to Fly? Climate Change May Take a Toll on Air Travel

Excess heat in Phoenix grounded more than 40 flights in recent days, and scientists say a warming climate could also mean more turbulent rides.

Quotation of the Day
"You look at their IDs, and they are all clean-cut. Then you look at them now, and they are destroyed. You say, ‘Is this the same person?’"
KRIS SCHEID, director of the Fire Safety Engineering Group at the University of Greenwich, describing the use of exterior cladding that may have exacerbated the Grenfell Tower inferno, which killed at least 79 in London.


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