Panel Discussion | 24 Jun 2016
National Action Planning on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism

On 30 June 2016, ICCT co-organises a side event to the 2016 Review of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, entitled ‘National Action Planning on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism: Mechanisms and Lessons Learned’.

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Book Launch | 1 May 2016
Book Launch: “Foreign Fighters under International Law and Beyond”

Date: Tuesday, 31 May 2016, 19:00 Venue: T.M.C. Asser Instituut, R.J. Schimmelpennincklaan 20-22, The Hague, Netherlands On Tuesday, May 31 2016, ICCT and the T.M.C. Asser Instituut are launching the book “Foreign Fighters under International Law and Beyond”, which ICCT Research Fellow Christophe Paulussen co-edited, and several ICCT fellows and staff contributed to. This book offers various perspectives, with […]

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ICCT Seminar | 1 Apr 2016
Launch of Report: Foreign Fighters in the EU

On 1 April, ICCT launches the report “The Foreign Fighters Phenomenon in the European Union: Profiles, Threats & Policies” during a public event in The Hague.

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Networking Event | 15 Dec 2015
ICCT Networking Event “Combining Efforts in Counter-Terrorism”

On 14 December 2015, ICCT hosted its first annual networking event, welcoming guests from various embassies, international organisations, governmental agencies and universities.

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Expert Meeting | 4 Nov 2015
Clingendael: Expert Meeting with Nicolas de Rivière

On 13 November, the Director General for Political Affairs and Security within the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs will engage in an informal discussion on topics such as Syria, Ukraine, Mali and the refugee crisis.

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Public Lecture | 4 Nov 2015
Lecture on Combating Terrorism with the Tools of Law

On 17 November 2015, ICCT and the T.M.C. Asser Instituut are hosting the lecture “Combating Terrorism with the Tools of Law. Process of Reflection on an International Court against Terrorism”.

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Panel Discussion | 13 Oct 2015
High Level Panel Discussion on Accountability in the War on Terror

On 22 October 2015, ICCT, the T.M.C. Asser Instituut and the International Humanitarian and Criminal Law Platform, convene a high level panel discussion entitled ‘Accountability in the war on terror?’.

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Expert Meeting | 21 Sep 2015
Expert Meeting: (Counter-) Terrorism in the Post-Arab Spring Context

(Counter-)terrorism in the post-Arab Spring Context Date: 6-7 October 2015 Location: Brussels, Belgium Supported by the Science for Peace and Security Programme of NATO, the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague (ICCT), Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies (ACPSS), and the Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael are organising a NATO Advanced Research […]

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ICCT Seminar | 23 Jul 2015
High Level Panel: The Dilemmas Involved in Countering Terrorism through the Internet. What’s at Stake?

On 28 August, ICCT hosts a High Level Panel on the dilemmas in countering terrorism online. Register now!

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ICCT Seminar | 20 May 2015
Seminar: China’s Role in Peacekeeping and Counter-Terrorism in Mali

The aim of this expert seminar was to gain an insight into how China’s security role in Africa is evolving and whether this creates new opportunities for local and European actors to cooperate with China.

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Summer Programme | 13 Apr 2015
2015 Summer Programme on Countering Terrorism

During this Summer Programme, participants and lecturers will search together for and discuss long-term, effective, international rule of law based strategies and measures in countering today’s terrorism.

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Public Lecture | 20 Mar 2015
Globalised Conflict Situations: Nigeria’s Boko Haram in Perspective

An analysis of ethno-religious conflicts in Nigeria with explanations of the impact that Nigeria’s local conditions have on global conflict currents.

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Expert Meeting | 13 Mar 2015
Expert Roundtable (in London): Libya’s Civil War

The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) and ICCT convened an expert roundtable meeting on Libya with Mr. Daveed Gartenstein-Ross in London.

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ICCT Seminar | 12 Mar 2015
Dignity and Dawn: Libya’s Escalating Civil War

Dr. Daveed Gartenstein-Ross shed light on the complex situation in Libya and reflected on a range of economic, ideological and political / social challenges for policymakers.

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Expert Meeting | 16 Jan 2015
Expert Roundtable Meeting with Dr. Pressman and Prof. Dr. Bjørgo

Dr. Elaine Pressman and Prof. Dr. Tore Bjørgo presented a risk assessment for violent extremists, and engagement and disengagement from militant extremist groups.

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ICCT Seminar | 15 Sep 2014
Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: The Role and Future of Extremist Groups in the Region

This evening seminar discussed the role and future of violent extremist groups in the region and how the international community should respond.

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Panel Discussion | 29 Aug 2014
The Use of Military Evidence in Counter-Terrorism

This expert panel looked at some of the scenarios and challenges faced by the military, prosecutors and judges in gathering and using evidence collected on the battlefield.

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Summer Programme | 29 Aug 2014
Countering Terrorism in the Post-9/11 World: Legal Challenges & Dilemmas

The focus of this year’s summer programme was on legal challenges and dilemmas related to (counter-)terrorism.

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Panel Discussion | 10 Jun 2014
Panel on Reintegrating Terrorist Offenders, Side Event to UN CT Strategy Review

On Tuesday 10 June, ICCT co-organised a side-event to the 4th Review of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, together with several other think tanks and non-governmental organisations. The side-event consisted of four discussion panels, focussing on human security, inter- and intra-faith dialogue, reintegration and youth leadership in countering violent extremism. The purpose of the side-event was to bring together a number of practitioners, community leaders and civil society actors to discuss the relations between (human) security and development sectors and how strengthening these relationships can effectively reinforce policies and programmes aimed at countering violent extremism. Summaries, background notes and footage are now available.

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Seminar | 7 Apr 2014
Terrorism in the Sinai Peninsula: A Safe-Haven for Jihadists?

A recent attack on tourists in the Sinai painfully demonstrated that violent groups in the peninsula are willing to carry out deadly attacks. During this seminar in The Hague, Washington-based Middle East analyst Zack Gold will analyse the situation and consider various potential future scenarios. Prof. Dr. Maurits Berger (Clingendael Institue) will provide a response.

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Symposium | 4 Mar 2014
De vreemde strijder: Buitenlandse inmenging in burgeroorlogen

On Tuesday, 4 March, Leidschrift Historisch Tijdschrift will host the Symposium “De vreemde strijder. Buitenlandse inmenging in burgeroorlogen”. ICCT Director Peter Knoope will discuss the motivations of foreign fighters in Syria.

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Seminar | 20 Feb 2014
Ansar al-Sharia’s War with Tunisia

On Thursday 20 February, ICCT convened the seminar “Ansar al-Sharia’s War with Tunisia: An Escalating Conflict in Context”. During this event, Associate Fellow Daveed Gartenstein Ross presented the findings of his Research Paper and was joined by Dr. Hatem Ben Salem, former Minister for Education under President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

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Seminar | 17 Dec 2013
Al Qaeda’s Resurgence in North Africa?

On 17 December, ICCT and Hivos convened a seminar entitled “Mali after the Intervention: Al Qaeda’s Resurgence in North Africa?” from 18:00 – 20:30 at the International Press Centre Nieuwspoort in The Hague.

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Database Launch | 12 Nov 2013
International Crimes Database

On Tuesday 12 November, the T.M.C. Asser Instituut, with the support of the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice, and ICCT, launched the International Crimes Database (ICD).

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Seminar | 6 Nov 2013
Assessing Measures to Combat the Financing of Terrorism

On Wednesday 6 November, ICCT convened an afternoon seminar on terrorist financing. This seminar brought together several experts and practitioners to shed light on current measures to combat terrorist financing, their side-effects and possible alternatives to effectively counter the financing of terrorist groups.

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Panel Discussion | 30 Aug 2013
‘Exodus’ of European Foreign Fighters to Syria

Approximately 700 Europeans have reportedly travelled to participate as foreign fighters in the Syrian civil war. On 30 August, the T.M.C. Asser Instituut and ICCT convened a high-level panel discussion on the topic in The Hague.

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Summer Programme | 30 Aug 2013
Summer Programme: Countering Terrorism in the Post-9/11 World

In 2013, ICCT together with the T.M.C. Asser Instituut organised the third advanced Summer Programme on countering terrorism in a post-9/11 world.

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Expert Meeting | 9 Jul 2013
Second Expert Meeting on Supporting Curriculum Development for the International Institute of Justice and the Rule of Law in Tunisia

The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague (ICCT), the Center on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation (CGCC), and the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), organised the second expert meeting on curriculum development for the International Institute of Justice and the Rule of Law in Tunisia.

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Regional Workshop, UN Workshop | 18 Jun 2013
Algiers Regional Workshop on Countering Incitement and Violent Extremism

In June 2013, ICCT and the UN CTED organised a regional workshop on the prohibition and prevention of incitement to commit terrorism. This meeting is part of the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1624 (2005).

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ICCT Seminar | 29 May 2013
Empirical Research on Terrorism: Home-Grown Jihadism in Australia & the Netherlands

Obtaining reliable data and sources in the field of terrorism has long been a challenge. In this ICCT seminar, experts on Australian and Dutch terrorism cases talked about exciting new avenues for research on terrorism.

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Expert Meeting | 19 Apr 2013
Salafi Jihadism in Tunisia

On 19 April 2013, ICCT hosted the Expert Meeting “Salafi Jihadism in Tunisia: When Will the Violence Begin, and Who Will Feel the Impact?” at the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Brussels.

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Seminar | 11 Apr 2013
Terrorists on Trial: The Case of Anders Behring Breivik

On Thursday 11 April, ICCT hosted a public seminar on the trial of Anders Behring Breivik. The seminar is part of ICCT’s Terrorists on Trial Research Project which examines terrorism court cases through the lens of their performance and communicative power.

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Seminar | 27 Mar 2013
Digital Security Governance and Accountability in Europe

On 27 March 2013, ICCT convened a seminar entitled ‘Digital Security Governance and Accountability in Europe: Ethical Dilemmas in Terrorism Risk Management’. The seminar is part of a research project by the same title, which is conducted by ICCT Reserach Fellow Dr. Quirine Eijkman.

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Conference | 22 Feb 2013
The External Dimensions of EU Counter-Terrorism Policy

The Centre for the Law of EU External Relations (CLEER) and ICCT convened a conference on the external dimensions of EU counter-terrorism policy. The conference was held in Brussels on 22 February 2013.

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Expert Meeting | 18 Jan 2013
Radicalisation, De-Radicalisation and Counter-Radicalisation

ICCT convened an expert roundtable discussion on the current understanding of processes of radicalisation, counter-radicalisation and de-radicalisation, based on a study by Visiting Fellow Dr. Alex Schmid.

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Conference | 11 Jan 2013
The Boundaries of the Battlefield

On 10 and 11 January, the T.M.C. Asser Instituut and ICCT hosted a two day conference taking a critical look at the legal paradigms and rules in countering terrorism.

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Debate | 3 Dec 2012
Trying Terrorists: Military Tribunals or Civilian Courts?

On Monday, 3 December, ICCT convened a debate with Col. (U.S. Army, retired) Fred Borch and Prof. Dr. Geert-Jan Knoops on the use of military tribunals for prosecuting alleged terrorists.

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Book Launch | 26 Sep 2012
Pakistan: Before and After Osama

ICCT hosted journalist and author Mr. Imtiaz Gul who launched his new book “Pakistan: Before and after Osama”. In his book Gul asks the question how Pakistan became home to the worlds most wanted terrorist?

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Book Launch | 10 Sep 2012
Manhunt by Peter Bergen

ICCT and publisher the House of Books hosted US author and CNN National Security Analyst Peter Bergen to launch the Dutch translation of his book “Manhunt: The Ten-Year Search for Bin Laden – from 9/11 to Abbottabad”.

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Summer Programme | 31 Aug 2012
Summer Programme: ‘Countering Terrorism in the Post 9/11 World’

From August 27-31 The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague together with the T.M.C. Asser Instituut will host the second Advanced Summer Programme on Countering Terrorism in the Post 9/11 World. This advanced programme is for graduate students and young professionals, interested in pursuing careers in counter-terrorism and related fields of work.

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Regional Workshop, UN Workshop | 19 Jul 2012
Rabat Regional Workshop on Countering Incitement and Violent Extremism

Together with the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), ICCT organised a regional Workshop for Maghreb and Sahel States in Rabat, Morocco, 17-19 July 2012.

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UN Review | 29 Jun 2012
United Nations holds Third Biennial Review of Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy

An ICCT delegation attended the General Assembly Review of the implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy in 2012. Moreover, ICCT co-hosted and participated in various side events.

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Book Launch | 23 May 2012
Counter-Terrorism: International Law and Practice

In May 2012,ICCT hosted the book launch of “Counter-Terrorism: International Law and Practice”. Speakers included two of the books authors, Dr. Katja Samuel, Prof. Nigel White and legal expert Dr. Helen Duffy.

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Seminar | 29 Mar 2012
The Changing Nature of Far-Right Ideologies with Dr. Arun Kundnani

In March 2012, ICCT hosted a seminar with Visiting Research Fellow Dr. Arun Kundnani. Over the last few years, a new far-right extremist group has emerged in Britain – the English Defence League (EDL).

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Expert Meeting | 28 Feb 2012
Pre-conference Meeting on Fear and Polarisation

The aim of this Expert Meeting was to provide an in-depth examination of fear in relation to polarisation and resilience and the European experience in this field.

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Seminar | 23 Feb 2012
Seminar War & Law Paradigm

In February 2012, ICCT and the T.M.C. Asser Instituut hosted this Seminar on the relationship between international law and counter-terrorism, which is complex and ill-defined. Different approaches were discussed during the seminar.

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Expert Meeting | 21 Feb 2012
Roundtable: Communicating Fear

Communication management is often a neglected strategy for countering terrorism. However in the event of an attack, adequate communication is crucial for minimising panic and fear, as discussed in this seminar.

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Seminar | 15 Feb 2012
Seminar: CT, Technology and Transparency

ICCT hosted the Seminar “Counter-Terrorism, Technology and Transparency: Reconsidering State Accountability”.

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Seminar | 25 Jan 2012
Terrorists on Trial: The Case of the ’20th Hijacker’

ICCT hosted the Seminar “Terrorists on Trial: The Case of the “20th Hijacker”” at Campus The Hague Location Stichthage. This is the third seminar in a series for the “Terrorists on Trial” project.

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Expert Meeting | 16 Dec 2011
Political Transition and Stability on the Borders of the Union: Morocco and North Africa

This meeting brought together over 40 academics, practitioners and policymakers with knowledge of transitional processes in volatile environments and in depth regional expertise in relation to the region.

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Seminar | 13 Dec 2011
Terrorists on Trial: The Case of Zarema Muzhakhtoyeva

On Tuesday 13 December 2011, ICCT hosts the Seminar “Terrorists on Trial: The Case of Zarema Muzhakhtoyeva” at Campus The Hague Location Stichthage. This is the second seminar as part of the “Terrorists on Trial” project.

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Conference | 9 Dec 2011
ICCT/UNICRI Conference on Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Violent Extremist Offenders

The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) and ICCT hosted a conference on “Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Violent Extremist Offenders: Good Practices & Lessons Learned”.

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Seminar | 23 Nov 2011
Terrorists on Trial: The Lockerbie Case

On Wednesday 23 November 2011, ICCT hosted the Seminar “Terrorists on Trial: The Lockerbie Case” at Campus The Hague Location Stichthage. This is the first seminar in a series for the “Terrorists on Trial” project.

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Book Launch | 3 Nov 2011
Ethical Issues in Counter-Terrorism – Seminar & Book Launch

In cooperation with The Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association (NISA), ICCT hosted a Seminar on “Ethical Issues in Counter-Terrorism” to highlight the launch of the edited volume Contraterrorisme en Ethiek.

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Conference | 23 Oct 2011
Civil Society’s Role in Implementing the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy

From October 20-22, ICCT attended a conference on “Civil Society’s Role in Implementing the Global UN Counter-Terrorism Strategy”.

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Lunch Meeting | 20 Oct 2011
CTED Lunch Meeting

During this meeting, David Cortright (Kroc Institute) presented the report that he co-authored “Friend not Foe” and Fellow Bibi van Ginkel presented the ICCT Paper “Criminalizing Incitement: A matter of prevention or repression?”.

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Expert Meeting | 3 Oct 2011
Expert Meeting: Freedom From Fear

This Expert Meeting brought together a unique combination of speakers representing both academic perspectives and policy oriented backgrounds, to discuss the relevance of fear in terrorism and counter-terrorism.

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Book Launch | 27 Sep 2011
Book Launch: “International Humanitarian Law and Terrorism”

The Inter-Faculty Research Platform International Humanitarian Law & International Criminal Law and in ICCT, hosted the launch of “International Humanitarian Law and Terrorism” by Andrea Bianchi and Yasmin Naqvi.

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Seminar | 8 Sep 2011
Seminar on Counter-Terrorism & Civil Society

This Seminar reflected on a number of humanitarian and societal implications of ten years of intensified counter-terrorism measures from a civil society perspective, from the 9/11 attacks until the event.

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Summer Programme | 26 Aug 2011
CT Summer Programme

From 22 – 26 August 2011, the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague together with the T.M.C. Asser Instituut organised a one-week Summer Programme on Countering Terrorism in the Post- 9/11 World.

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Panel Discussion | 26 Aug 2011
Panel Discussion on Consequences of Norway Attacks

As part of the closing of the first Summer Programmme on Countering Terrorism in the Post- 9/11 World, ICCT hosted a Panel Discussion on the consequences of the Norway attacks for (counter-)terrorism strategies.

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Expert Meeting | 8 Jul 2011
Roundtable Preventive CT Measures & Non-Discrimination

This Expert Roundtable Meeting focused on preventative counter-terrorism measures in the European Union and the assessment of their (possible) discriminatory side-effects.

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Seminar | 30 Jun 2011
Seminar: ICC &Terrorist Offences

On Thursday 30 June, ICCT hosted a Seminar on “International Criminal Court and Terrorist Offences”. Prof McCormack examined whether terrorist offences can be considered as falling within the jurisdiction of the ICC.

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Seminar | 15 Jun 2011
Seminar Special Tribunal for Lebanon and Terrorism

In cooperation with the T.M.C. Asser Instituut, ICCT hosted a Seminar with Prof. Michael P. Scharf on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon Appeals Chamber Interlocutory Decision and (definition of) terrorism.

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Lunch Meeting | 30 May 2011
Preventing Terrorism: The US and the AfPak Region after bin Laden

During this lunch meeting, Matthey P. Hoh discussed the effects of the death of Osama bin Laden and the US activities in the AfPak region in relation to legal norms and standards, processes of radicalisation and their prevention.

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Seminar | 26 May 2011
Lecture & Panel Debate: Preventing Impunity: Terrorists on Trial

ICCT co-hosted a lecture and panel debate on “Preventing Impunity: Terrorists on Trial”. Keynote lectures were delivered by ICTY Judge Howard Morrison and Vanderbilt University Professor Mike Newton

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Expert Meeting | 1 Apr 2011
Procedures That Allow for Use of Intelligence in Terrorism-related Trials Differ Greatly

On 3 March 2011, ICCT hosted an expert meeting on ‘The Use of Intelligence in Terrorism-related Court Proceedings’. The meeting provided the opportunity to deliberate on special procedures that allow for the use of intelligence information in cases against suspects of terrorist crimes. Participants focused on experiences in Canada, France, the Netherlands and the UK examining relevant concerns and questions about the effectiveness of these specific regulations, procedural guarantees and human rights.

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Expert Meeting | 30 Mar 2011
Terrorism Trials as Theatre

This Expert Meeting will concentrate not only on the immediate judicial performance of the magistrates and/or the defence, but we will put the trial in its wider sociological context, adopting notions of social drama and communication sciences. The Meeting will apply this performative perspective on terrorism trials to three well known and recent trials in different parts of the world: the trials against the Dutch Hofstadgroep, the Mumbai 2008 Terrorist Attack Trial and the Guantanamo Bay Trials.

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Expert Meeting | 22 Mar 2011
Extradition & Assurances

The Expert Meeting on “The Use of Diplomatic Assurances in Terrorism-related Cases”, hosted by ICCT, led to a lively debate between supporters and criticasters. Click here for the full report and policy recommendations stemming from the meeting.

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Seminar | 10 Mar 2011
Negotiating with Terrorists

A seminar on ‘Negotiating with Terrorist Organisations’, hosted by ICCT, led to a lively debate among the speakers and over fifty international participants attending the meeting. Both the panel and the participants agreed that the topic of negotiations deserves more study and attention and that there is a distinct need for additional research on the factors that influence the failure or the success of negotiated peace agreements.

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Expert Meeting | 3 Mar 2011
EM Intelligence in Court

On 3 March 2011, ICCT hosted an expert meeting on ‘The Use of Intelligence in Terrorism-related Court Proceedings’. The meeting provided the opportunity to deliberate on special procedures that allow for the use of intelligence information in cases against suspects of terrorist crimes. Participants focused on experiences in Canada, France, the Netherlands and the UK examining relevant concerns and questions about the effectiveness of these specific regulations, procedural guarantees and human rights.

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Expert Meeting | 21 Feb 2011
EM Joint Investigation Teams

International participants from the academic, diplomatic, civil service and policing sectors gathered in the Hague to discuss the obstacles and opportunities for using Joint Investigations Teams (JITs) in the specific context of co-operative counter-terrorism investigations.

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Conference | 14 Dec 2010
International Launch Conference

Over 200 high-level international experts from various governments, academic institutions and NGOs gathered to discuss the status of counter-terrorism as the year 2011 draws near, in which it will be 10 years since those devastating attacks on the United States. A detailed report including summaries of the keynote speeches and the policy recommendations that resulted from the panel workshops is published on our website.

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ICCT Seminar | 7 Dec 2010
Where Are We Going?: CT and Human Rights

ICCT and the Centre for Terrorism and Counter-terrorism (CTC) of Leiden University – Campus the Hague hosted a seminar on the nexus of counter-terrorism measures and human rights, comparing the situation in the US and Europe. The lively debate that followed focussed on the need for developing a long-term counter-terrorism strategy with respect for human rights.

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Expert Meeting | 5 Nov 2010
Expert Meeting: Lone Wolves

Leading experts discussed the rise of the Lone Wolf terrorist and analysed the challenges governments, police and intelligence agencies face in dealing with this threat. Professor Mark Hamm, Professor Christopher Hewitt and Dr. Leena Mallkki held presentations on best practices for policing, intelligence and policymakers in identifying and capturing lone wolves, as well as how to respond and develop the right counter-narrative.

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ICCT Seminar | 3 Nov 2010
CT, Communication and Non-State Actors

On 3 November 2010, the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague hosted a closed-session seminar on the topic of ‘Counter-Terrorism, Communication and Non-State Actors’, prior to the 3rd CVE Workshop hosted by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Amongst others, responses to terrorism and the added value of cooperation with non-governmental actors was discussed.

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Panel Discussion | 15 Sep 2010
Panel on the Role of Civil Society in Counter-Terrorism

During the official review of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, which took place in the General Assembly on 7-9 September 2010 in New York, ICCT Research Fellow Bibi van Ginkel participated in a panel on the role of civil society in the implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.

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Official Opening | 31 May 2010
Official Opening ICCT

During a conference in the Peace Palace on the 31st of May, ICCT was officially opened by Dutch Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Maxime Verhagen

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