Founding Institutions

ICCT is supported by a unique partnership comprising three renowned institutions based in The Hague: the T.M.C. Asser Instituut, the Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ and the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University.

ICCT is an independent centre; its activities and views are independent of any public or private bodies (with the exception of the founding institutions), and the centre is not allied to any political party, denominational group or ideological movement. The Centre is a result of an initiative originating in the Dutch parliament and receives, in addition to its core subsidy from the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, funding from a variety of multilateral, governmental, and non-governmental donors.

T.M.C. Asser Instituut


In 1965, the T.M.C. Asser Instituut was founded by the law faculties of the Dutch universities. Representatives of the University of Amsterdam, the VU University of Amsterdam, the University of Groningen, the Radboud University Nijmegen, University of Leiden, University of Maastricht, the Erasmus University Rotterdam, the University of Tilburg and the University of Utrecht constitute the governing board of the T.M.C. Asser Instituut.

Since its foundation, the T.M.C. Asser Instituut has developed into a leading academic inter-university institute in the broad field of International Law. Its mission is to initiate, support and realise innovative, scholarly research and postgraduate education activities, preferably on an inter-university basis, and be instrumental in initiating and facilitating other activities which are of importance to disseminating in-depth and broad knowledge of International Law and European law in the Netherlands and beyond, whilst contributing to strengthening The Hague’s position as the city of Justice, Peace and Security – the Legal Capital of the World. The academic fields covered by the Institute are Private International Law, Public International Law, the Law of the European Union, International Commercial Arbitration, International Humanitarian Law, International Criminal Law and International Sports Law.

Recognised nationally and internationally as a dynamic and proactive organisation, the T.M.C. Asser Instituut is, first and foremost, the professional, Hague-based, inter-university research centre facilitating and contributing to research in the fields of Public and Private International Law and European Law.

It is the primary leading and supportive Academic Community Organiser and bridge-builder where research, teaching, scholarship, knowledge dissemination and service are integrated to stimulate intellectual enquiry and lay the foundation for responsible leadership in the global legal environment whilst promoting a high quality professional legal infrastructure in The Hague and the wider global community. Inter-university knowledge development and academic community organizing in the aforementioned areas are the principal activities of the Institute. The Institute has an excellent reputation at national and international level for its development, organisation and hosting of conferences and academic meetings, postgraduate programmes and trainings. Its ancillary websites, data collections and library all contribute to a coherent and integral strategy in the area of knowledge transfer. The Institute currently employs approximately 60 people staff, and has its own publishing house, T.M.C. Asser Press.

T.M.C. Asser Instituut

Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’


The Netherlands Institute of International Relations “Clingendael” is a platform which  enhances knowledge and insight in international relations.

Clingendael is a think tank and a diplomatic academy. The Institute provides information, does research and develops training programmes for a large number of audiences, which include Dutch diplomats and civil servants, representatives of foreign ministries, personnel of the armed forces and employees of NGO’s and the private sector. Clingendael also provides information for the media and the general public.

The Institute is structured within two departments: Clingendael Research and Clingendael Academy. The activities of Clingendael Research focus on Europe, security and conflict issues, diplomacy and the changing geopolitical landscape, with particular attention for Asia and the Middle East. The Conflict Research Unit (CRU) conducts research on the nexus between security and development with a special focus on integrated / comprehensive approaches on conflict prevention, stabilisation and reconstruction in fragile and conflict-affected situations. Clingendael Asia Forum is an online platform for commentaries on international relations in, or relating to, Asia.

Clingendael Academy is responsible for all courses and training programmes for various target groups, both in the Netherlands, as well as abroad. It offers courses on diplomacy, Europe and the European Union, international security and crisis management, and international negotiations. In cooperation with Leiden University, Clingendael organises a MA in International Relations and Diplomacy.

The Clingendael Institute is academically independent and as such not affiliated with any political, social, or religious movement. As an independent platform, the Institute is the ideal location for conferences and roundtables, with the primary objective of enhancing the public debate on international affairs.

Clingendael research is reflected in the Institute’s publications, such Clingendael Reports, Clingendael Policy Briefs, opinions, and the weekly Clingendael Newsletter.

The Institute also houses the editorial board of the only Dutch language magazine on international relations, the Internationale Spectator, and it offers a home to the secretariat of the Dutch Association for International Affairs (het Nederlands Genootschap voor Internationale Zaken) – NGIZ.

The Clingendael Institute holds a vast network and is among others member of the the Hague Academic Coalition (HAC), an “umbrella” platform of a number of academic institutions in the Hague, which develops activities in the field of peace, justice and international affairs. The Institute is affiliated to the Clingendael International Energy Programme (CIEP).

Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’

Institute of Security and Global Affairs / Leiden University

The Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) is a scientific institute that specialises in security issues. The ISGA is a part of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs at Leiden University. The ISGA has developed from the Centre for Terrorism and Counterterrorism (CTC) and the Centre for Global Affairs.

the Faculty seeks to serve as a platform for strategic cooperation between various universities and knowledge institutions and, in general, as a meeting place for academic professionals, civil servants, politicians and entrepreneurs. The core of the activities at the Faculty concern academic and post-academic teaching and research in the fields of International Law, Political Science, Public Administration and Safety & Security. Academic entrepreneurship, interdisciplinarity and innovation are guiding principles throughout the work being done at Campus The Hague. Campus The Hague houses several research centres, and employs approximately 70 staff.

Terrorism continues to rank highly on the political agenda. To meet the demands, from national and international policy makers to local security officials, the ISGA The Hague seeks to provide a uniquely integrated, interdisciplinary approach to the phenomenon of terrorism. Initiated by the Dutch National Coordinator for Counterterrorism (NCTV) and Leiden University in 2007, the centre contributes to various essential components of terrorism research, education, and consulting.

The focus of ISGA research is on signaling and monitoring trends in both terrorism and public discourse. Due to the centre’s integration into the structure of Campus The Hague and the fact that the Professor that holds the Chair in Terrorism & Counterterrorism at Leiden University is also the centre’s director, the ISGA’sactivities have a strong academic component. Since February 2009, the ISGA offers practitioners a one-year Executive Degree Course in Terrorism and Counterterrorism. In the near future, an English language Master’s programme will be developed.

Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University