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Cover Story: It Came From Outer Space!





Lavos and Chrono Trigger's Otherworldly Roots

Cover Story: The giant space parasite that destroyed the world reminded us how truly alien something could be.


ixty-five million years ago, a meteor hit Earth, causing a dramatic climate shift that ended up killing the dinosaurs and Reptites off. Humans evolved and survived, inheriting the future of the world for themselves. Magic soon developed in some humans thanks to an encounter with a piece of the asteroid that broke off, creating a natural division between those who could use it and those who couldn't. The magic users built a simple class system based on this, exiling the magic-less to Earth in poverty as they lived in a floating utopia. But experiments with the same meteor that made the dinosaurs extinct caused another cataclysmic disaster, wiping out the kingdom of Zeal, and magic along with it.

Humans persevered, though, and built a civilization that would endure for millennia. But in 1999 A.D., the mysterious meteor cracked through the Earth's crust and rained down destruction on the world. Soon, the surface became near-uninhabitable, throwing the planet's weather patterns out of whack. All possible food supplies slowly dried up, and what remained of the human race were forced into protective domes as what remained of their food depleted. By now, it's clear that the meteorite is a life form, causing cataclysmic calamity across history. Yet even with this knowledge, its true nature remains obscured, giving it a truly alien vibe that we rarely see in media.

Spot Art

Lavos behaves like an animal, acting on instinct for self-preservation and breeding purposes.

This being seems far more detached than other fictional aliens that threaten life as we know it. We never see an invasion force descending from space to enslave the populous and kill world leaders. What we do see is a spike turtle-like being falling to the planet, burying itself deep within its core, feeding off the energy of the Earth and assimilating the DNA of every living being on it, defending itself from all threats, and giving birth once it matures. Though complex and mysterious, Lavos behaves like an animal, acting on instinct for self-preservation and breeding purposes. The planet is merely its food, and we're collateral damage.

Chrono Trigger is the story of how an assorted cast of characters assembled across time to stop the devastation of the planet. But though the entire game revolves around stopping Lavos, it's never an active presence. Lavos may be animalistic, but he's not the predator that the creatures from the Alien movies are. He remains hidden away for most of the game. You're given the option to warp directly to the moment when he emerged in 1999, but its difficulty actively encourages you to wait to have a confrontation and steered towards key moments in time deeply connected to its presence and its effect on the population and environment.

Watching the Earth turn against itself as a result of Lavos's subtle influence makes for a decidedly different tale than something like War of the Worlds, but it also mirrors a real ecological phenomenon. Sudden changes in an ecosystem can create unforeseen consequences in it. This can happen due to something as simple as introducing an unfamiliar species, creating a new variable like a new predator that will throw the food chain out of whack or foreign diseases that can devastate the local fauna. Lavos directly influenced our evolution when a piece of it came into direct contact with some primitive humans, eventually increasing our intelligence and allowing magic to be cast by some. And its inherent power, when discovered and utilized, always ends in unintended disaster. But as far as we know, none of this was premeditated. It's all side effects of Lavos doing what its genes and instinct tell it to.

Spot Art

But whether Lavos is merely an animal or possesses an inexplicable will, much of the chaos it created doesn't seem related to its aims, and inadvertently warped otherwise virtuous or innocuous parts of the world. Magus, who serves as the first major antagonist of the game, is really Janus, son of Queen Zeal and witness to the destruction of her kingdom. Your party initially assumes that he's trying to summon Lavos as part of his evil plan to enslave the human race, but he's actually trying to bring it to the surface in order to destroy it. Suddenly, instead of a villain, he's just another person trying to do the right thing in the wake of Lavos. Queen Zeal, who built a machine to siphon off the strange energy Lavos possessed, became twisted by it to the point where the person she was before no longer existed and started to all but worship it. It doesn't take much analysis to see she's not a villain, either. She's a victim, yet more collateral damage.

Because of this, it's not even clear if it's justifiable to call Lavos itself evil, at least from what is observed. It acts in self-interest, but doesn't seem to be capable of being truly selfish. Coming into contact with it can drive people mad, but it only acts within its predictable behavioral patterns. And if it even has free will in the first place, it certainly doesn't show it. Its power is truly terrible, but that doesn't necessarily make it malevolent. Observing Lavos throughout all of history could logically lead to the conclusion that it is but an animal, but it has the sheer power to be more of a force of nature, albeit one antithetical to our planet's expression of nature.

Spot Art

And yet even these observations don't answer everything. Could Lavos actually be an evil god-like being who travels the stars, absorbing planets and reproducing along the way as part of its plan to rule over all of time and space? Does he possess a consciousness and intelligence that we can't comprehend? Or could it be a weapon created by a distant, advanced race of beings who are bitter at the universe and want to destroy it out of spite? Were the events of the Chrono series part of a greater plan set in motion by a superior intelligence? Many diverging theories exist, but one thing is clear: Not enough evidence exists to conclusively answer what exactly Lavos is. It remains mysterious, strange, and not of this world.

It also reminds us that we've taken for granted the word "alien". When we currently think of aliens, we think of little grey men with ray guns who ride in flying saucers (who do exist in the Chrono universe), or horrible monsters ready to eat your face. But the true potential in the concept is in the unfamiliar and strange. The inherent "otherness" of beings from another world often gets muddled as more and more works portray bipedal, humanoid lifeforms with different colored skin. Lavos flies in the face of these modified humans, showing us an inscrutable, Lovecraftian horror that still mystifies and captivates us even today.


Author Pic

Jeremy Signor

Jeremy Signor wonders what everyone was so scared of Lavos for when Nus are far scarier in battle. All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu.

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Comments (26)

  • Divine Nostalgia

    Posted: Mar 11, 2013 12:00AM PST by  KENSHERMAN

    The thing that bothers me the most is the fact that this groundbreaker of a game will not be released again at least by the same cast (or most of them) ever or anytime soon. Rumors keep spreading about its revival but no one is working on this classic cult that is long overdue.Cry Too much politics involved. The "Dream Team" need to get back together. Mr. Akira and Mr. Kato that means you all too!Yell

    The Good Characters of Chrono Trigger

  • DRock067
  • Time to Replay

    Posted: Feb 17, 2013 12:00AM PST by  DRock067

    ahh! this article makes me want to dive in and expierence the storyline from a 29-year old's perspective instead of trying to remember my first romp through as a freshmen teenager. kudos to Jeremy Signor, for writing the article, and Connstar for providing intresting views on the Chrono Trigger mythos.

    I do have one random question though, does the game itself give you any subtle clues on which events trigger a different ending when you decide to fight Lavos? I wanted to expierence Chrono Trigger sans a FAQ, but I was hoping the game might provide some sort of hint as to where you could trigger a different ending. I never remember it being that way though the first play-thru when I was younger.

  • Dreams_Of_Falling_Teeth
  • woah.

    Posted: Feb 17, 2013 12:00AM PST by  Dreams_Of_Falling_Teeth

    The writers probably just wanted to play with the idea of the origin of men... OK it comes from a parasite from space... And the idea of this Alien power... Much like plutonium... Which enhances our lives but also a great power that can destroy.

  • Connstar
  • (Potential spoilers) TL;DNR skip to the end

    Posted: Feb 13, 2013 12:00AM PST by  Connstar

    Some points about Lavos were lost in translation of the NES original but was explained in the second game (Chrono Cross) and the DS remake.  Even the original translator has mentioned it could have been smoother and more thorough, iirc.

    I've really tried to reduce the spoilers beyond this point... so bear with me.  Or skip down to the last paragraph for the on topic stuff.


    I believe that Lavos is an intelligent non-instinctual creature, despite its parasitic life cycle.  Although likely dormant or only subtly active until the incidents of Zeal, it still fulfills the biological imperative of 'survive, feed, breed' throughout the events of the story, through a rather indirect manner.

    Towards the end of the game, one of the protagonists mentions the possibility that Lavos has been cultivating the human species. While not mentioned in the Nintendo Original (and I can't remember if its in the DS remake) but referenced in the article above and the full sequel, it was contact with a piece of Lavos' shell that inspired the ability to use magic.  It could be said that magic in the game is inherently alien as well, though the ability to use it is passed on, in dormant genetics (given that the ability to use it by 400AD is unheard of in humans, it must be a dormant trait or recessive gene, right?  Either that or the Mystics were once human... No other explaination is cited for their presence, after all.)  This exposure is essentially a controlled experiment.  

    The cultivation is evidenced by the patterns Lavos's protective shell takes on in combat, regardless of the point in the game one fights it.  Overcoming the adversity of the planet's dominant species (similar to our own immune system) would be a significant knowledge-boon for the highly intelligent parent creature, allowing it gain adaption and efficiency in fighting other, similar species in the future.  Despite assisting its burrowing into the planet, the protective outer shell reflects these adaptions.  They will likely aid in future planet munching and also may be a cause for the many layers/parts to Lavos as seen by the adventuring party.

    One could imagine that these adaptions and possibly evolutions would further enhance its offspring as well, should they mature sufficiently to be propelled into space by the destruction of Earth and survive.  While they are not shown by the offspring, it is possible that they have yet to grow into it, (example: Lavos puberty) or it is simply uniquely based upon the planet they have last preyed upon.

    The minor antagonist Mother Brain's perogative - culling of humans - evidences the use of humans as evolutionary food.  The cold logic of destroying humans to reduce Earth's potential effect on the cataclysmic cycle of Lavos' species, may have been an AI-equivalent of sympathy or giving the best survival chances to life-forms on uninfected/non-host planets.  Given their ability to overcome adversity, humans posed a potential risk to the rein of robots and other life-forms through resurgence.  Thus only a complete destruction of humanity would be necessary.

    This risk itself is reflected in Lavos not killing Queen Zeal in the Black Omen timeline.  Despite her insanity (or infection/aligning with Lavos' will) she is key to re-elevating humans or other species to a thriving status, without potentially imbuing them with TOO MUCH power (either on Earth or otherwise, given the final battle in the Omen appearing as 'floating above the planet'), thus is nescessary for further experimentation and strengthening of the Lavos organism (hence being granted immortality).

    Should the planet not die or be destroyed and the cycle continue, this advancement-destruction pattern would be essentially be testing the effectiveness of its adaptions.  Furthermore, we see the first Lavos Spawn on the Omen, Zeal's seat of power.  It is either due to her power to protect it OR as a means to further strengthen the offspring by presenting it with an opponent in the form of (ultimately) a disposable human bodied conduit of Lavos' will & power.  (Protect/strengthen/feed the offspring)

    Lavos' destructive surfacing in 1999 is a manner of pre-emptively protecting its spawn, a 'nesting' stage in its life cycle.  At the height of human civilization, damaging the planet's ecology removes many threats to the natal Lavos Spawn.  While leaving some humans alive, this could contribute again to the above mentioned controlled experimentation and progressive strengthening.

    2300 AD in the lost Black Omen timeline presents some ambiguity. Humans are in recession, the Queen becomes an essential figure in Lavos' plan, sealing herself inside the Omen.  This time line ultimately meets the same end, but no mention of her further involvement is made at the end of time.  Is she waiting for the next step in Lavos' plan? To venture forth to another planet after the fate of the Lavos Spawn is secured?  (And hey.  There were a couple of Nus on the Omen too.  If the queen bites it, and life all begins and ends with Nu... then Lavos has a solid set of resources. ;D )

    The mind of the Lavos organism is unknowable, due to the deliciously silent yet permeating role in the story as a creature having previously lived in/on another planet. Inside it's shell finds us confronted with a couple more humanoid forms.  While not the core or brain of Lavos itself, it is an interesting insight into the otherness experienced in the game. They are (possibly humorous, by alien standards) reflections of what has been learned from and of humans throughout its time on Earth. It also, interestingly, presents us with a fickle image of human life and an interesting disconnect between the power level of Lavos' Core and our protagonists.  Relying on images and patterns taught to the player/protagonists, (and in some cases disrupting them) the deceptive manner in which the final fight proceeds is what I believe to be an indication of intelligence beyond animal instinct, driven to the pursuit of perfection and assimilation of knowledge and/or destruction of all that is.
    (Wait. The perfection thing was Cell, not Lavos, right?  
    Allowing viewers/readers/players to connect with elements within a story is roughly integral for an RPG.  But the non-characterization disconnect with Lavos as a greater power or intelligence (in an almost 'vs. nature/environment' style) within the writing gives weight to that otherness.  Other than its actions on a worldwide scale, there is little way for players to build rapport or connect qualities to Lavos... 

    • ifyoucan1122
    • SIlent Protagonist/Antagonist

      Posted: Feb 14, 2013 12:00AM PST by  ifyoucan1122

      You bringing up Lavos as being silent struck me. I think there's an interesting discussion on the parallels between silent Chrono & silent Lavos waiting to happen. Obviously the "silent hero" is a stock of many games, but rarely do you see a silent antagonist like Lavos. I think there's a pretty good convo to be had about those two in relation to one another.

  • azuremoon26
  • Comparison with another alien bug

    Posted: Feb 13, 2013 12:00AM PST by  azuremoon26

    Lavos kind of reminds me a lot of IT from the Stephen King book

    *SPOILERS FOLLOW OF THE BOOK (well, and game, but I imagine anyone reading this already knows the CT story pretty well* They were both "alien" creatures that crashed into earth in ancient times, both were thought to have manipulated the "world" (whereas IT's world was a single city, Lavos' was the entire world of Chrono Trigger), both seem to be forces of nature or have some other forces beneath their outer surfaces, both were looking to create offspring, both of them fed (though, Lavos' feeding was more subtle and certainly less gory), and both were defeated by the power of a group of friends.

  • BananaJane
  • They gotta do more stuff with aliens

    Posted: Feb 13, 2013 12:00AM PST by  BananaJane

    Instead of zombies all the time

  • evildog13
  • Nice article

    Posted: Feb 13, 2013 12:00AM PST by  evildog13

    Truly one of the greatest games of all time and this is a realy intreaging look at a very unique antagonist.  

  • learningKnight
  • Two words

    Posted: Feb 13, 2013 12:00AM PST by  learningKnight

    HD Remake




    Ok HD isn't really a word.  But still.

  • kadrom
  • Ancient technology...I'm not saying it was Lavos

    Posted: Feb 13, 2013 12:00AM PST by  kadrom

    But it was Lavos

  • QuanManChu
  • Square/Enix, pull your collective heads out of your asses and make a sequel.

    Posted: Feb 12, 2013 12:00AM PST by  QuanManChu

    See the title. And know this...Radical Dreamers and Chrono Cross were nice tries...but missed the mark. GIVE US A REAL SEQUEL DAMMIT...(secretly hopes for a Wii U one to bring it  back to a Nintendo home console...where it started)

  • Endercloud
  • Chrono Trigger, how I miss thee...

    Posted: Feb 12, 2013 12:00AM PST by  Endercloud

    Chrono Trigger not only tackles human origin, predetermination, politics, and class struggle it also integrates a fantastic real-time turnbased battle system, 15 different endings (yeah, take that Bioware), and a soundtrack that still captivates me. It might be my perfect game. A timeless example of how narrative and gameplay can co-exist harmoniously. Thanks for the  lovely article and fond memories, Mr. Signor.

    • donstarlancer
    • Probably my fave rpg of all time

      Posted: Mar 04, 2013 12:00AM PST by  donstarlancer

      I'm currently at Magus' castle on my most recent playthrough.

  • lck1nes
  • Tis not "nu" but "ni!"

    Posted: Feb 12, 2013 12:00AM PST by  lck1nes

    "NI! NI! NI! NI! NI! NI! NI! NI!" as quoted by "The knights of Ni"

  • Alucart
  • That's THE game!

    Posted: Feb 12, 2013 12:00AM PST by  Alucart

    Just looking at the pics makes me want to play it all over again. Funny I was just reminiscing over Secret of Mana and how great that game is. Great game!

  • Skull_Kyd
  • Fantastic

    Posted: Feb 12, 2013 12:00AM PST by  Skull_Kyd
    Awesome article. I love your articles on Gamespite too, by the way, Mr. Signor.
  • Cerris42
  • Lavos is a virus

    Posted: Feb 12, 2013 12:00AM PST by  Cerris42

    Lavos is an organism that has infected the planet from an unknown origin.  To paraphrase Matrix logic it infects, consumes all natural resources, breeds, and moves on to find another host.  It disrupts the symbiosis of the original organism and those it gives rise to, in this case earth and it's inhabitants .  It presences disrupts the natural evolutionary cycle and causes mutations in the host organism; yet some organisms are resistant to the effects.  Hence, the distinction between those humans who can use magic and those who can't found in the magic kingdom Zeal.  Eventually, it becomes resistant to any attempt to purge it from the host organism, a.k.a the final battle.  It can asexually reproduce by spawning or budding, creating an exact copy of itslf that will then infect a new organism.  Whether Lavos is the original or a bud itself remains unknown.  If the battles with the spawns ( the ones that leaves the husk you can climb on the mission to ressurect Crono) is any indication those replicas are similar to the Lavos' large shell. Yet, it is unclear if they would have developed into the Core found in the final battle.

  • RPG_Coopy
  • Interesting

    Posted: Feb 12, 2013 12:00AM PST by  RPG_Coopy

    This is a great way of viewing the being that is Lavos. So many of us simply saw him as another force to be stopeed, but didn't really take the time to think deep about it.

  • ifyoucan1122
  • Spacecraft...

    Posted: Feb 12, 2013 12:00AM PST by  ifyoucan1122

    Considering the final two battles, isn't Lavos itself a spacecraft?

    • OvermindD
    • Not necessarily

      Posted: Feb 12, 2013 12:00AM PST by  OvermindD

      The being you face inside of Lavos' shell IS Lavos. It is the result of the DNA of everything on the planet.

    • Alucart
    • Biological spacecraft

      Posted: Feb 12, 2013 12:00AM PST by  Alucart

      Lavos is the result of everything in the planet? Intriguing. But there were two forms inside of the shell. The "giant" with the everything above the torso exposed and then the humanoid Lavos. So were both those entities construcst of DNA amalgamation or was the smaller humanoid Lavos the pilot of the biological spacecraft? Perhaps the larger entity was simply the interface to pilot the Lavos shell. Note what could be considered control panels in the room you fight the bigger entity.

      That said one then has to wonder about the role of the Lavos spawns.


      Maybe Lavos Shell and Lavos Pilot are symbiotic. Maybe once the spawns grow up the Lavos Core can presumably make duplicates of the Lavos Center(The Space pilot)The Right Lavos Pod: The Core, resurrects the center Lavos Pilot in the game so theres no reason why it can't just make duplicates.


      Perhaps the DNA absorption was only to produce the spawns, which is something I always thought but then wondered how do teh spawns leave the planet? If ever? The Lavos Core then would replicate pilots and send them off to repeat the cycle. The symbiotic relationship, albeit strange if this can be considered true.


  • AJAPAM_34
  • huh...

    Posted: Feb 12, 2013 12:00AM PST by  AJAPAM_34

    Great stuff. I had played Chrono Trigger on the DS before, but I forgot the majority of the plot. I was gonna replay it anyway... I'll think I'll do that sooner rather than later now that I've read this

  • lokey013
  • Thanks for that =)

    Posted: Feb 12, 2013 12:00AM PST by  lokey013

    Kinda puts a nice explanation to the game's story......I really did love this game first time I played it.....might have to give it another go with newfound inspiration ^_^

    Lavos did look like mutated Spinys from Mario Brothers heh

  • Rowain
  • Great read

    Posted: Feb 12, 2013 12:00AM PST by  Rowain

    Loved the article, especially the emphasis on "humanizing" the minor villains of the game. I LOVE games that go beyond simply good and evil and actually explore the nature of incentive on human nature, as well as perspective and context on our actions.


    CT truly was fantastic, a complete package from start to finish which will always be timeless in my book.

  • toede
  • CT!

    Posted: Feb 12, 2013 12:00AM PST by  toede

    I haven't played Chrono Trigger since its original release.  It was truely a Lovecraftian Alien Horror by way of Akira Toriyama.

    • Ikki14
    • Actually

      Posted: Feb 12, 2013 12:00AM PST by  Ikki14

      He only designed the characters, didn't write the story.

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