Photoshop CC 2015.5 introduces a couple of editing tools that have been showcased recently by Adobe, as well as a new selection and masking workspace. 

Face-aware liquify uses facial recognition to identify facial features, offering slider adjustment tools to change the shape of a nose or a mouth, for instance. Content-aware crop aims to fill in blank canvas space around an image resulting from a horizon adjustment, for example, applying the same logic as the existing content-aware fill tool. In addition to these new retouch tools, users will find a new selection and masking workspace, making it easier to isolate elements of an image with tools like refine edge brush. 

With this update, Adobe claims that Photoshop CC will open documents faster and performs with better overall responsiveness. Specifically mentioned is content aware fill, which Adobe claims will be 'up to 3X faster with even better results.'

Subscribers can update to Photoshop CC 2015.5 starting today.