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Editorial Reviews

Stay on top of today's fast-changing technology with PCWorld magazine. Get buying advice from PCWorld's reviews and lab-based rankings for laptops, PCs, smartphones, digital cameras, printers, HDTVs and more. Set up a home network. Make your PC faster. Choose effective anti-virus software. Every issue of PCWorld is packed with award-winning articles, product rankings, news, reviews, how-tos, tips, bugs & fixes and much more. Make the most of your PC, consumer electronics and digital technology right now with the trusted and expert advice from PCWorld!

Product Details

  • Publisher: PC World Communications, Inc. (November 9, 2011)
  • Issues: 12 issues / year
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B0064PY9Q6
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #138,701 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
  • Your name, billing address and order information will be shared with the publisher.

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I subscribe to the Telegraph which is very high quality digital newspaper. It is that quality that highlights the low standard of this digital magazine. In 2011 I subscribed to the paper version of PC World. It's a good magazine. However, the digital version is not optimized in any way. Its very disappointing. Navigation is clunky. When zoomed in for reading, the text quality is poor (fuzzy with shadows). All in all frustrating. I will stick with the paper version.
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The magazine and its content are very good however the implementation of the digital format on the Kindle Fire is poorly done. My one star is based 100% on the poor formatting.

Each page is shown as a full page on the Kindle Fire, you see the same page as printed in the magazine, only smaller, a lot smaller and way to small for reading. So you have to zoom and then manually move page around. You can only zoom in so far and thats it. The quality of the text when zoomed in is fuzzy.

Its disappointing that a technology publication (PC World) and Amazon could not get this right.
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In a nutshell - the PC World app broke approximately October 2014, and the recent revised version is even worse. I've lost access to issues I paid for, and PC World had not answered my email. A good example of the worst way to provide and online magazine.

I've been a PC World subscriber for years. Soon after I bought my Kindle, I downloaded the Kindle app which was free for magazine subscribers. I found the display on the app to be satisfactory. It was nice to be able to have access to the past year's issues on my Kindle; I no longer needed to store the paper version. All of that changed late in 2014. When I tried to download the current issue, the app said it needed a new version of "MIB" (whatever that was). I could still see the issues previously downloaded, but none of the newer issues.

I contacted PC World and was advised to delete the app and download another copy. I was afraid I would lose access to the issues already downloaded, but I also wanted the current issues. So, I took the PC World advice and deleted the app and downloaded the current version. I immediately found that all previous versions were no longer available. Even worse, new versions still were blocked because the "MIB" version still wasn't working.

A few weeks later, a new version of the app was placed on my Kindle. I was able to see quite a few back issues (all had to be downloaded) along with the current issue; February 2015. I downloaded the February 2015 issue and found it worked well. I then tried to download issues prior to February 2015 - all said download. The download took 5-10 minutes, and I then had two choices: Cancel and Read. The progress meter stopped at 99%. Cancel immediately deleted the issue just downloaded. Read displayed the issue just downloaded.
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I'd definitely prefer to have the native Kindle Fire version of PC World, but it is priced $10/year higher than the magazine's standard price for the Zinio-based digital edition (and, amazingly, $15/year more than the print version). Since Zinio works on the Fire, I can't justify that extra $10.
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By Tommy J on September 20, 2013
I was a subscriber to the magazine, then suddenly they went digital without warning. I downloaded the App for my Kindle. It is flaky. I finally got it to download an issure. Once you get logged in don't ever logout.

I download the August issue. Now the stupid app has gone crazy and I can't get the Sept issue.

PC World was once a nice mag. Now thanks to their stupid flacky app the mag is worthless... Seems to be no support...
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Firstly, there is some bad hype on other reviews for this product.

They state that it is not easily view-able on the kindle. At this time, that hype is exactly that, false.
This magazine come across crystal clear, just like all others that I have tried on my Kindle Fire HD.

I wish that it would zoom in just a little bit more, but, when the type is too small, a quick double tap puts it in the easy to read/customize (ebook like) format.

Second, the product is just pretty awesome for two bucks an issue. Between the reviews, commentary, and insight, it is well worth the money.

And as with all other kindle Mags there is a free 30 subscription, I don't think you can go wrong.
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Avoid this company.

Late this summer in an advertising page buried within their now-dead print edition, there the print edition was dead. Despite having more than a year left in our subscription for which we had paid, the notice warned us that if we did not activate our online account by August 21, "we will have no further obligation."

Sure enough, when I now check, they have no record of our account number. No way to collect anything from more than a year of subscriptions we had purchased.

That's what I call a ripoff -- and a company that should not be patronized.

They used to do such a great job of identifying the rip-off digital serves. Now they've become one.

If for no other reason, you should not give this company your business for all the elderly who do not pick up on this small-type message.

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