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Lives in United States Orlando, US, FL, United States
Works as a Retired Corporate Photographer
Has a website at http://faithartsvillage.com/
Joined on Sep 27, 2007
About me:

I'm a 64 year old retired corporate photographer who has also been a software engineer. My academia is largely based on Vision and my dissertation was on Fluids. Much of my post work was involved in research mostly in the realm of massively parallel systems like BSP. I have a small studio and gallery which I enjoy on occasion. My specialty is bird photography, and I've been lucky to have had a few attempts published over the years. For the past twenty years, I worked for a large Fortune 500 company as their in-house photographer for the communications, publicity and care departments. I’ve also done their corporate meetings and events. As the company owns several television stations, making the opportunities endless.
I had to retire because I suffered a massive right side stroke in the spring of 2013. My small portrait studio and gallery are doing better than ever.
I have a daughter who is a successful Wedding Photographer. As I’ve embraced retirement, I've taken more and more shooting contracts, but only those I enjoy like the local little league baseball teams. I occasionally act as a cruise photographer for some of the cruise lines here in Florida when requested by organizations.
I also spend more and more time teaching basic photography for several resources locally as well as out of my studio located at FAVO (Faith-based Art Village of Orlando). As well as Photography, I am also a Water Color and Acrylic painter and enjoy recreating some of my favorite work in those mediums. Learning how to create art is a lifelong passion.
I'm seriously passionate about people learning exposure and the Zone System of Photography before considering themselves sufficiently astute in this craft. I’ve held several Zone System Workshops over the years as well as one Cruise based workshop. I’m also passionate about Ansel Adams’ ideas about pre-visualization. Pressing the shutter button and the camera are just one small part of the image creation process.
I started at eight years old in 1959 when my dad and I built a darkroom, him more than me. My father taught me the Zone System at a very young age. I continued as a youthful photographer, buying glass with lawn mowing money through my high school and then into college with odd jobs. I paid most of my tuition as an undergraduate shooting weddings and baby pictures as well as for the university newspaper. Many of those years I shot 4x5, 5x7 and 8x10 field cameras and sheet film. In small format, I shot Pentax until 1968 when I switched to Nikon, needing a better more professional system tool. I still shoot Nikon today as well as Nikkor lenses for some of my large format gear. I also mostly shoot digital but still maintain a darkroom for up to 5x7 format. 8x10 is stored in the attic and is only black and white. I even have a Nikkor enlarging lens. Over the years, I believe Nikon has been instrumental in the creation of truly great glass.

Guidenet's recent activity

  • Thank you, Charlie. This time I think I'm covered. I've got family and friends claiming they're going to call. Moreover, I signed my house over to one of my daughters and think I'm moving in with ...
  • Because most every bird photographer I know has become very frustrated when attempting to target birds with liveview, myself included. That's why you just don't see them on the birding trails. You ...
  • ttbek, maybe not, but I believe I do. In fact, that was my point except for having to turn it on and off in menus. The gal across the street has an NX camera. I believe it was an NX300. She ...
  • Luigina, I would continue to read Michael Freeman's book. It's excellent. There are just too many genres within photography to make up some one size fits all approach you friend seems to have. Seco ...
  • So you somehow believe an NX Mini and a kit level 50-200 is somehow the same as a full frame camera with a 500mm lens? Who is deluded? Again, who's deluded? How come yours looked so horrible? Let ...
  • You still don't have a clue, do you? If everyone can take a picture of a bird, why can't you? Why did you put up that miserable example as your good stuff? Moreover, the OP is having a tough time ...
  • Both Charlie and Craig answered you well. I'll just add to it with the fact I agree and don't use cheap flash units. I shoot Nikon and only use Nikon speedlights. If I shot Canon, it would be ...
  • Do you bother to think before typing? You must be in two forums and are mixed up. What in the world does your response have to do with anything anyone said so far? Did anyone say they were ...
  • Well the brand I happen to use has been alive and supplying professional photographers with gear since 1917. Your NX brand just bit the dust. I wonder why.
  • In other words, you still have no clue and no answer. I don't have a problem with most users on these forums. I like the vast percentage of them. Occasionally some complete newbie comes here ...
  • So, as I said, no experience at all in bird photography yet telling us how a DSLR is not a good tool, a downgrade. Then to show how easy it is with a liveview touch screen, you put up this ...
  • I can tell you, the optical viewfinder and not having the garbage stuff in the way of good photographs is a good thing. Liveview photography and touch screens can do it, but it's a pain. For ...
  • This camera was one of my favorites, an older Nikon D700 FX full frame model with only 12 megapixels, but beautiful megapixels, in my opinion. I was sitting on a log in the Everglades, taking a ...
  • @rz350 Don't be a silly goose. We have enough whiners whenever a new model of anything hits the market. I seems to me if your only complaints over this particular camera is batteries and a brand of...

  • Joan, I hate to say it but I think you should not be concerned over what some call "smart" settings. The camera takes over and you get what it thinks is right and it often is not. For example, if ...
  • Rishi, I wouldn't worry about it. It's just some few Canon folks who must have Nikon envy or something. Canon might eventually release something new and those who live vicariously via their camera...

  • I'm sure your camera came with a kit lens and I'm also sure it's a zoom lens. Now, rather than "zoom" if you meant telephoto or telephoto zoom, I understand. Most kit lenses aren't very long. Not ...
  • Ok, there's two completely different concepts here. There's focus and there's pixelation and they are not related. You probably need to put up one or more pictures to let us see.
  • LOL Damn, you're right. I usually don't get caught by that. Looks like someone pushed it up and I didn't notice. I'll just fall back on the info you can see in my signature. ;-)
  • Personally, if I were doing weddings and dim light events, I'd probably go for a mid zoom like the 24-70 f/2.8, but I'd probably avoid the 70-200 f/2.8, especially to lug around on a stressful ...
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