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Kym Johnson’s Food Diary: What I Eat in a Day

04/15/2016 at 10:15 AM ET

Kym Johnson Diet
Milton Ventura/Broadimage

Kym Johnson is prepping for her walk down the aisle.

“I kicked up my workouts a lot more,” says the pro dancer, 39, who is engaged to her former Dancing with the Stars partner, Robert Herjavec, 53. “I’m a little more conscious now. It’s exciting. I call it the bride-to-be workout!  If there is any time you want to be feeling your best, it’s [on your wedding day].”

And since she’s not on the current season of DWTS (where she would dance about eight hours a day), Johnson has to keep a closer eye on her diet. Her new book, The 5-6-7-8 Diet keeps her on track.

The book’s title is based on the dancer’s cue, but it also serves as a daily dietary guide: 5 servings of protein, 6 servings of fruits and vegetables, 7 servings of anti-inflammatory foods (like leafy greens and healthy fats) and 8 glasses of water.

RELATED: Alyssa Milano’s Food Diary: What I Eat In a Day

“It’s something that works for me,” says the Australian native whose meals include healthy, easy-to-make recipes from the book. “It’s not one of those diets that you do for two weeks and cut everything out. It’s about a lifestyle. I find I can maintain my weight.”

She adds: It’s a misconception that dancers don’t eat … we just eat smaller portions.

Johnson also commits to daily workouts. “I still try to exercise once a day, even if it’s a half an hour. I like to do cardio like jumping rope then get in a core workout,” says Johnson, who also loves dance cardio for a “good total body workout.”

Check out her daily food log below, and pick up the new issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands now, to read more about her diet.

RELATED: Kaitlin Doubleday’s Food Diary: What I Eat In a Day

8 glasses of water

Slice of Ezekiel sprouted-grain bread with 1/3 of a sliced avocado, squeezed lemon juice, and sea salt and pepper
Hot water with lemon juice and a splash of apple-cider vinegar

½ cup hummus with ½ cup baby carrots

Salad with 3 cups mixed greens, ½ of a sliced avocado, 2 tbsp. goat cheese crumbles, 1 tbsp. dried cranberries, ¼ cup chopped tomato
Dressing: 2 tbsp. olive oil, splash of maple syrup, juice of half a lemon, and salt and pepper

Digestion tea: 1 cup hot water, 1 green tea bag, sliced cucumber, sprig of mint and a drop of mint chlorophyll

1 grilled turkey burger patty, 2 slices tomato, 2 lettuce leaves, 2 slices pickle, mustard
Sweet potato fries: 1 medium sweet potato cut into wedges, baked in 1 tsp. coconut oil (melted) with a few dashes of cumin, cayenne and salt

Total Calories:

The Verdict
“Kym’s breakfast is perfection!” says dietitian Keri Glassman of nutritiouslife.com. “Ezekiel is my favorite—no sugar—and avocado is loaded with healthy fat.” And while she praises Johnson’s “hydrating and cleansing” tea, Glassman notes a handful of nuts or an apple with peanut butter would give Johnson more fuel. The hummus and carrot snack, meanwhile, is “packed with fiber and protein.”

NOTE: It is recommended that women eat at least 1,200 calories per day, and men eat at least 1,800 calories per day.

–Michelle Ward Trainor

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suze on

1294 calories a day is good if you are trying to lose weight but this woman is an athlete so unless she wants to lose weight, she is probably consuming a lot more calories per day. I find that these celebrity daily food intake diaries are rather fantastical and not very honest.

yuck on

I think I eat fairly healthy but that day in the life food diary looks disgusting!

Brooke on

I know that diet! It’s called the DIET OF UNENDING SADNESS.

Oh my on

I can’t get past the hack job on her nose. She has a killer bod, but the flotation devices, the schnozz and the almost white bleached hair with black roots make her look like a 52 year old Vegas showgirl has-been.

RMV on

She has almost no protein in her diet. This is incredibly unhealthy and especially for a dancer.

Smithy on

Doesn’t seem like a whole lotta food. No thanks.

Hmm on

The breakfast is scary. Almost nothing there. Under 1300 calories, especially with her metabolism and exercise regimen, means constant hunger throughout the day. I’d add more protein and bring it up to 1600.

Lol on

She counts TEA as a snack? It’s hot water.

sunny on

I love Ezekiel bread, but 1 slice with the avocado is not going to keep me full till snack time and forget about waiting till lunch! No way that day equals over 1200 calories. I have to lose weight but that is not nourishing enough. Plus all that water washes away the vitamins! Barely enough fat for the fat soluble vitamins.

Curious on

Why would she not eat in order to stay trim but then install those huge bean bags in her chest? They only make her look heavier.

Heidi on

That does not seem like a balanced diet to me. It’s so plain, and has no joy! I also think she needs to go a different shade of blonde – it’s too light and makes her look older. She’s gorgeous, don’t get me wrong, and I love her bubbly personality. I just think she needs some golden in her hair and maybe a few treats here and there (and more protein) in her diet.

Jenn on

Title should read, “What I DON’T Eat in a Day.”

What?? on

1/2 cup baby carrots? They’re GOOD for you, Kym. Have at them! And she’s waiting for mid day “snack” for her tea? Tea is WATER! She’s basically filling her tummy with tea and water to quell her hunger pains.

WOW! on

I eat 3k calories a day. I cannot imagine eating this little. I would be dying. I work out 2 hours a day (cross fit, and running). 5’8″ tall, 140 lbs, size 4-6 depending on the brand and I am THIN looking. I cannot imagine how insanely thin these Hollywood starlets must look in person (I know the camera adds weight from my own experience). I shudder to think what’s she’s doing to her metabolism working out that much and eating that little. She’s gonna throw her T3 and T4 and creatine so far out of whack; yikes.

JustSayin on

She should be eating waaaay more calories if she’s as active as it looks on tv. This is the lowest of the low when it comes to caloric intake for women. Her last snack was not a good choice she needed something more substantial. 1294 calories per day is really low. I stopped counting calories and use portion control and eat really clean, lean and green. Unless I really have a taste for it I stay away from fatty burgers and fries.

Andrea on

I call total and utter BS on ANYONE who claims to drink 6 or more glasses of water a day. You would literally spend every moment of non water drinking time on the toilet.

taradoug82 on

I don’t know why I ever click on these. I keep thinking maybe one of these ‘celebs’ will be honest, or have something in their diet that is normal. Hot tea is not a snack. They should feature what celebs eat on their cheat day. That would be way more interesting than this garbage.

Kathy on

Such a bunch of crap.

concerned on

Just to re-phrase her eating regime:
Breakfast = mini-snack mainly water-based
Morning snack = mini-snack
Lunch = snack
Afternoon snack = (hot) water
Dinner = meal

So, in essence, her daily diet comprises mainly water snacks, with the exception of dinner which consists of a little bit of protein and carbs. Take-home message = unsubstantial food intake. This is simply an inadequate and unrealistic food regime for any person.

sally on

If I had to eat like that, I wouldn’t want to live! Where are the fish taco’s and margaritas?? NO fun! Life is too short!

Ally1 on

I agree with most people here that with her activity level, she could probably enjoy a few hundred more calories a day. But she looks great and seems healthy, so she’s doing something right. I really hope she enjoys a cheat day or two a week, as a daily food list like that seems depressing.

athy on

I only clicked on this to say seriously?? Do we care what she eats? Do we care what goes in or comes out? Seriously People I think I eat pretty healthy but this is ridiculous. What a way to live

Kathy on

I doubt rich boy fiancé is eating like this. Girl needs a chocolate easter bunny

to Ally1 on

Ally1: that is NOT her real daily diet. It’s fabricated to tailor the product she is trying to sell and to the audience she is trying to make money from (it’s business). Don’t believe for a second that that diet is what she abides to.

thistle on

I love when people say “I try to…” as in “I try to exercise every day” and “I try to avoid junk foods.” what does TRY mean? How absurd. You do it or you don’t.

I nominate her, in a tie with Sara Gilbert, for WORST NOSE JOB!!!!!! Melissa Gilbert’s isn’t as bad. Oh wait, a three-way tie with Janet Jackson there. But really, this woman’s and Sara’s are the WORST!! and that hair!! UGH! How can Robert look at that for, um, the next five years….

matti on

egad that FACE! She looks like a circus freak!

insta on

a book? She needs to pretend she has a BOOK? She is not an “author,” good grief. GOOD GRIEF! DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK!!! Do not get it from the LIBRARY EITHER. Yeah, stand on a mat while you work out. And say “so” at the start of every single sentence, and say “as well” often, and be sure to say “lay” instead of LIE, aaaargh!

amanda on

What good is living if you’re cutting out all happiness from your diet and trying to eat the bare minimum… Moderation is key.

Anonymous on

How is the Croation sausage, Whore?

suzy on

1200 calories a day. that is for a diet.. that is not normal… i hate when this is posted.. gives the wrong message to young women!!

Krazy on

Croation sausage anyone?

chris on

If she’s that active I would guess her natural metabolic burn rate is 2,000 – 2,200 per day. This is a starvation diet and she has to be hungry all day long. There is no way she is getting five servings of protein. Why does People promote unrealistic lifestyles?

Monster on

So water is a snack when heated, but sustenance when cold? You learn something new everyday! Thanks, People!


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