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GX85 vs. E-M10 II

Started 1 week ago | Discussions thread
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Re: GX80/5 is the biggest m43 surprise in years.
In reply to ThijsKennis, 4 days ago

ThijsKennis wrote:

brentbrent wrote:

ThijsKennis wrote:

I have read this entire thread, and what I am really surprised about is that no one mentioned the camera controls anywhere.

I recently bought a Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark 2, because it has 2 big dails at the top for apature and shutter, and it is highly customisable.

Umm, GX85 also has two control dials (perhaps not as BIG as Oly's, but since they look essentially the same as the GX7's, I assure you they are quite functional), and Panasonic bodies are pretty highly customizable (though perhaps not to the extent of what is available within the Oly menu system).

Oh, also, Panasonic knows on which side of the camera to place the on/off switch! I often walk around with my camera in my right hand hanging down by my side, and being able to flick the switch to "on" with my right thumb as I'm bringing the camera up to my eye is, IMO, a significant ergonomic plus.

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Yeah you're right. A tiny little dail vs 2 big, ergonomically right placed dails on the top. And you did make me giggle with the comment on the on and off switch. I mean it's just as easy to just flick the switch before you get it up

I have a GX7 and EM5 II and in my experience there is NO advantage to the Olympus' larger control dials.  They work just as well as the GX7's.  Some people might prefer the Oly dials and some, like me, might not.  Neither is a clear winner, IMO, although I will admit that the EM5 II's feel nicer (even though they convey no functional advantage).

As for the power switch, I concur with Brent.  The location on the GX7 is, to me, much more superior.  Mirrorless cameras use a lot of power so I'm frequently turning mine off to conserve the battery.  Being able to quickly turn the camera on while raising the camera is a valuable feature to me.  The location of the power switch on my EM5 II seems like a poor choice to favour retro-looks (putting in the same location and giving it a similar appearance to the meter on/off switch of OM bodies) over functionality.  It made sense on my OM-1's and 2's because the meter battery would last for weeks if you left it on.  But on a micro four thirds camera, it makes more sense to make the switch very close to hand.  Having to use my left hand to power the camera on/off all the time is annoying.

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