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What's keeping you with m43 instead of Sony FE? Your answers.

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What's keeping you with m43 instead of Sony FE? Your answers.
2 days ago

Hi! I asked a question about why you may be choosing to stay with m43 instead of going Sony FE. Link here: http://www.dpreview.com/forums/post/57521153

It's reached the 150-post limit per thread (Is it still 1997?) but I guess it's only responsible for me to make a response. And thanks for all the honest answers. I was pleasantly surprised by this forum that only a few people called my out on my apparent trolling. I commend you for that!

But seriously, this struggle is real for me. I should have stated my need first but wanted to see how you use your m43 cameras.

I'm a pretty casual shooter myself, and am not heavily invested in m43. I have a GM1, 20/1.7, 14/2.5 and the Samyang 7.5/3.5. I'm satisfied with the GM1 in every way. And I do like the tiny size. I don't care about telephoto; we have a travelzoom compact covering those rare 300mm creepshots. And I could maybe lose the 14/2.5 too since it doesn't do much more than what my phone does.

But quite often, I do want more DoF control for half/full-body portraits. The PaniLeicas (15, 25, 42.5) are two stops slower than entry-level FF lenses so are non-starters for my needs. This is where m43's lens selection falls apart for me. Yes, I could improve my composition. But I don't live in Paris all year and there are things in the background I don't want to stick out in my everyday snapshots but can't avoid.

Why considering the Sony A7+50/1.8? Because:

1) Price. I'd get a RX1R and call it a day, if money is no object.

2) Weight. They weight just ~650g combined. The GM1+Voigt 25/0.95 actually weight about the same. Add a hypothetical FE 35/2 and a Voigt 17.5/0.95, and my m43 system would actually end up heavier!

3) Autofocus. I can use MF adapters/lenses for less used focal ranges. But for daily snapshots I don't want to shoot MF.

4) Panasonic will probably never make a 17/0.7 (or 25/0.6 and 45/0.7 for that matter, but these are not important to me.)

I considered myself a pretty average amateur shooter. But now that your answers are in, I'm not even sure I'm a typical m43 user anymore. So why not do a poll. Sampling bias and whatnot 

Many of your answers are good and valid. Some of which I too consider are the strong points of the m43 system. I'll try to summarize them here and in the poll:

1) Telephoto, where DoF control is never a problem. And FF systems will probably never make the small portable f/11 zooms m43 has. Or UWA, where DoF control doesn't exist anyway.

2) Video, where MF lenses are used anyway.

3) Tempted to switch, but just too invested in m43. Now I wonder how many of you are there. This is difficult to poll but still  It's a very valid reason. I'm still phasing out my Pentax gear after switching for ~4 years for example.

4) Carry multiple systems at the same time. Now this is IMO too much of a compromise. But for tele/UWA shooters I can understand.

5) Zoom users who want a light system. But I wonder does m43 justify itself compared to, say, the LX100 or RX100? If I didn't care about DoF control, I'd think they are really good and even lighter.

6) m43 just happens to be the cheapest system around. I guess few would openly admit this as their main reason for staying with m43, and again, sampling bias, but I feel this is a valid reason for many too. But it worries me that if this is the main reason for people coming to m43, we will never get a reasonably fast AF glass from Panasonic.

7) Ignorance of optics and camera equivalence. Who would admit that 

Please cast your vote. Comments and derision welcomed as usual.

I shoot a lot of telephoto or UWA.
12.3% 13  votes
I mainly shoot video.
0.9% 1  vote
I'm tempted to switch, but I'm too invested (monetarily and emotionally) in m43 right now. I'll thus tell you Sony simply sucks.
8.5% 9  votes
I have and actually carry multiple systems out.
28.3% 30  votes
I mainly use zooms. And I find compacts not good enough. And FF zooms are too heavy.
26.4% 28  votes
I like to switch lenses, not necessarily for IQ reasons, and m43 is cheap enough for me to do that.
8.5% 9  votes
Equivalence isn't real. 25/1.4 has the same light gathering capability (whatever that is) as a 50/1.4!
15.1% 16  votes
  Show results
Panasonic Lumix DMC-GM1 Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX100 Panasonic Lumix G 42.5mm F1.7 Sony RX100 Sony RX1R
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