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Oedipus (Character)
from Oedipus the King (1968)

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Alternate Names:
Edipo / Edipos / Edipus / King Oedipus / Oedipe / Oedipe Rex / Oedipus Rex


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  1. "Mozart in the Jungle"
        - Silent Symphony (2014) TV episode, Played by Constantine Maroulis
        - Pilot (2014) TV episode, Played by Constantine Maroulis
  2. "Inside the Legend"
        - Oedipus (2012) TV episode, Played by Phil LaMarr
  3. Antigone (2012) Played by Damiano Pietropaolo
  4. Antigone (2011) Played by Andor Lukáts
  5. Antigoné (2011) Played by Andor Lukáts

  6. Oedipus Rex (2008) Played by Bennett Foster
  7. "La mandrágora"
        - Episode dated 13 September 2008 (2008) TV episode, Played by Ernesto Alterio (as Edipo)
  8. Jocasta (2008) Played by Michael Potts
  9. "Rome"
        - Triumph (2005) TV episode, Played by Abhin Galeya
  10. The Innocent and the Damned (2005) Played by Nathan Kamp
  11. Oedipus (2004) Played by Dick Rodstein
    ... aka "Oedipus: The Movie" - USA (informal title)
  12. Lisístrata (2002) Played by David Gil (as Edipos)
  13. Kerstmatinee 2001 (2001) (TV) Played by Robert Dean Smith

  14. "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys"
        - Rebel with a Cause (1999) TV episode, Played by Mick Rose
  15. "The Dick & Paula Celebrity Special"
        - Episode #1.1 (1999) TV episode, Played by H. Jon Benjamin (as Oedipus Rex)
  16. Oedipo alcalde (1996) Played by Jorge Perugorría (as Edipo)
  17. Mighty Aphrodite (1995) Played by Jeffrey Kurland
  18. "Great Performances"
        - Oedipus Rex (1993) TV episode, Played by Philip Langridge
        - The Gospel at Colonus (1985) TV episode, Played by Clarence Fountain
  19. Antigone/Rites of Passion (1990) Played by Bertram Ross
    ... aka "Antigone/Rites for the Dead" - USA (review title)
  20. Greek (1990) Played by Quentin Hayes

  21. "The Theban Plays by Sophocles"
        - Oedipus at Colonus (1986) TV episode, Played by Anthony Quayle
        - Oedipus the King (1986) TV episode, Played by Michael Pennington (as Oedipus Rex)
  22. "Fame"
        - Choices (1986) TV episode, Played by Larry Spinak
        - Solo Song (1982) TV episode, Played by Timothy Wead
  23. Oedipus Rex (1984) (TV) Played by Neil Rosenshein
  24. El mito de Edipo Rey (1983) (TV) Played by José Luis Gómez (as Edipo)

  25. "Drama"
        - Oedipus Tyrannus by Sophocles (1977) TV episode, Played by Patrick Stewart
  26. Oedipus Rex (1972) (TV) Played by René Kollo
  27. "BBC Play of the Month"
        - King Oedipus (1972) TV episode, Played by Ian Holm

  28. Oedipus the King (1968) Played by Christopher Plummer
  29. Oedipus Rex (1967) Played by Franco Citti (as Edipo)
    ... aka "Edipo re" - Italy (original title)
  30. Drama Into Opera: Oedipus Rex (1961) (TV) Played by Keith Michell
  31. Testament of Orpheus (1960) Played by Jean Marais (as Oedipe)
    ... aka "Le testament d'Orphée, ou ne me demandez pas pourquoi!" - France (original title)
    ... aka "Le testament d'Orphée" - France (poster title), USA
    ... aka "The Testament of Orpheus or Don't Ask Me Why" - International (English title) (long title)
  32. Night Journey (1960) Played by Bertram Ross (as King Oedipus)

  33. Ercole e la regina di Lidia (1959) Played by Cesare Fantoni (as Edipus)
    ... aka "Hercules Unchained" - UK (imdb display title), USA (dubbed version)
    ... aka "Hercules and the Queen of Lydia" - International (English title) (literal title)
  34. Oedipus Rex (1957) Played by Douglas Campbell
  35. "Omnibus"
        - Oedipus, the King (1957) TV episode, Played by Christopher Plummer

  36. La légende d'Oedipe (1913) Played by Jean Mounet-Sully (as Oedipe Rex)
  37. Koning Oedipus (1912) Played by Louis Bouwmeester
    ... aka "King Oedipus" - International (English title) (literal English title)
    ... aka "Oedipus" - International (English title) (literal English title)
  38. Oedipus Rex (1911) Played by Theo Frenkel

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Fun Stuff

From "The Theban Plays by Sophocles: Oedipus at Colonus (#1.2)" (1986)
Oedipus: The incest and the murder and all the rest of it: I didn't intend any of these actions. I endured them! The gods took their pleasure on me, paying back, I suppose, some old sin of my ancestors. See more »

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