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Super Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critics What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 21 Ratings

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  • Summary: The 13th studio release for the British synth-pop duo was produced by Stuart Price.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Apr 4, 2016
    It seems the combination of the Pet Shop Boys and Price is a match made in pop heaven, as he’s back for SUPER and once again presents the duo at their very best.
  2. Apr 1, 2016
    Super, as you will have gathered, is both old and new. It is old in the sense that all the Pet Shop Boys’ calling cards are here--the vocal clarity, the production precision, the wry observations on daytime ordinariness and night time escapism. Yet the nostalgia trip is a good move, with Price giving their beats a firmer kick.
  3. Apr 1, 2016
    Super is confirmation of their position at the head of the pop pantheon with an album brimming with excitement and fizzing with energy.
  4. Mar 24, 2016
    Super's best songs cleverly subvert the expectations set up by the joyous music.
  5. Apr 5, 2016
    The duo's 13th studio album, Super, will appeal to the cult following that's stuck with them over the years while reaffirming their continued relevance and influence.
  6. Uncut
    Mar 24, 2016
    [Super] has some darkly twinkling moments.... The rest is at the very least a reminder that PSBs remain a lively genre of their own creation. [May 2016, p.78]
  7. 58
    While Super is not indicative of the next big thing, and a few of the more club-oriented numbers sound more like remixes than actual songs, it’s an enjoyable way of catching up with the Pet Shop Boys while being served something fresh.

See all 13 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 3
  2. Negative: 0 out of 3
  1. Apr 1, 2016
    Petheads hoping for many heart wrenching ballads about love and loss are playing the wrong album, this is mostly all UP and BOUNCING! OnlyPetheads hoping for many heart wrenching ballads about love and loss are playing the wrong album, this is mostly all UP and BOUNCING! Only "Sad Robot World" and "The Dictater Decides" are slower tracks the rest are aimed at the dance floor. This is not a particularly lyrically dense album at all compared to many of their releases but it is completely infectious dance music. I listened to it as background music the first couple of times to get used to the tunes then played it listening more carefully to the vocals once the tunes were under my skin, perhaps a good way to get used to such a dance music based album. Favorite track right now is "Happiness". Expand
  2. Apr 5, 2016
    Being a huge fan of Pet Shop Boys for almost 25 years now I'm pleased to see that each of their new work is generally up to date, keeping theBeing a huge fan of Pet Shop Boys for almost 25 years now I'm pleased to see that each of their new work is generally up to date, keeping the very essence of the duo and engaging the bits off modern trends in sound. However I tend to focus on negative side this time and for me this album lacks subtlety in melodies and - good grief - yes, in lyrics (which I couldn't imagine ever before). What is ok for a song every now and then is sorta flop for an album which this one, in my opinion, is.
    Talking about highlights - Burn, Happiness, Into Thin Air.
  3. Apr 1, 2016
    I've been a PSB fan since I was 9 years old and own all their albums. My first introduction to PSB was through West End Girls of course, butI've been a PSB fan since I was 9 years old and own all their albums. My first introduction to PSB was through West End Girls of course, but I fell in love with 'Actually' due to the melodic yet interesting song subjects. Don't get me wrong, the production on this album is slick and wonderful, but that's all it is. Gone are the songs you'd remember. There are some nice electronic, modern synths at work here but it's missing the songs that made PSB more than just 'club bangers'. Perhaps the standout tracks are 'The Dictator Decides' which might remind you a bit of "This Must Be the Place..." from Behaviour, "Inner Sanctum" which is a nice idea, but sounds like an excerpt rather than a full song, and 'The Pop Kids' which is a semi-autobiographical fictional piece that harkens back to the sounds of "It's Alright". A solid 6 for great production work, but you'd expect nothing less from PSB and their collaborators. Expand