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Art Angels

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Art Angels Image

Universal acclaim - based on 32 Critics What's this?

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Universal acclaim- based on 636 Ratings

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  • Summary: The fourth full-length release for the Canadian artist was self-produced and features guest appearances from Aristophanes and Janelle Monáe.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 32
  2. Negative: 0 out of 32
  1. Dec 10, 2015
    Art Angels is the kind of album that simultaneously captures its era, is made all the better for it (this 35-year-old Beatles fan would’ve given her nothing but bad advice), and obsolesces it overnight.
  2. 100
    Art Angels is the maximalist brainchild of a prodigious talent. It’s hugely entertaining. It’s delightfully bizarre. It’s refreshingly caustic.
  3. Nov 6, 2015
    It’s slick and gritty, fun and funny, and horrifying and grotesque all at once. It will also make you shake your ass like nothing else.
  4. Nov 10, 2015
    In her willingness to tread the line between the crushing flood of data and irrepressible pop hooks has created a record so undeniably of its time and place (that is, cyberspace) that it can’t be easily ignored.
  5. Dec 18, 2015
    Crackling with radio-primed hooks, whipsnap breakbeats and Boucher’s helium-pitched vocals, Grimes’ third album makes a convincing strike for playlist ubiquity, with a healthy dollop of the oddball chucked in.
  6. Nov 18, 2015
    With pacing like a serial manga franchise, the album shines through its relentless ability to grow on you, despite all odds.
  7. 60
    Packed as it is with all this goodness, Art Angels fails to comprehensively blow your mind. Ultimately, Grimes has not reinvented the pop wheel, she’s just driven it off road a little.

See all 32 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 78 out of 89
  2. Negative: 6 out of 89
  1. Nov 10, 2015
    Uma explosão de ótimos instrumentais e letras estupendas. Produção incrível e impecável; Grimes apresenta um descontraído álbum, porém superUma explosão de ótimos instrumentais e letras estupendas. Produção incrível e impecável; Grimes apresenta um descontraído álbum, porém super consistente. Deixa a bixa fazer o pop feliz dela! Excelente álbum, um dos melhores do ano. Expand
  2. Nov 7, 2015
    By far this is the best album that Grimes has created in her career.

    Creatively, with a great production and well-directed composition,
    By far this is the best album that Grimes has created in her career.

    Creatively, with a great production and well-directed composition, Grimes knew how to involve and bring darkness to an alternative pop and that's wonderful. Moreover, she knew exactly how to fit the tracks in your sequence to keep simple, observant, dark and catchy at the same time.

    It's noteworthy amazing tracks like "REALiTi", "Venus Fly", "Butterfly" and "Kill V. Maim" which have, by far, the best plot of production and development.

    Finally, there is nothing to complain about something that's so amazing. Grimes finally arrived in a goddess level, surpassing her previous album "Visions".
  3. Nov 10, 2015
    Grimes has shown to the world she has the power to make a great pop album without going full mainstream, the tracks are all flawless and theGrimes has shown to the world she has the power to make a great pop album without going full mainstream, the tracks are all flawless and the collabs are rather than perfect! Expand
  4. Nov 7, 2015
    Her best album by far. The songs are connected and in a simple way it all makes sense and works like Visions and Halfaxa should. Best tracks:Her best album by far. The songs are connected and in a simple way it all makes sense and works like Visions and Halfaxa should. Best tracks: SCREAM, Flesh Without Blood, Kill V. Maim, Artangels, Pin, World Princes part II, Venus Fly and Butterfly, but the entire album deserves a listen. Expand
  5. Nov 9, 2015
    I cannot believe this album. I cannot stop listening to Art Angels. Actually, i can believe it. Grimes proves once more how incredible she is.I cannot believe this album. I cannot stop listening to Art Angels. Actually, i can believe it. Grimes proves once more how incredible she is. Every song in Art Angels is amazing. And what is even better, it makes me wanna dance wildly. Expand
  6. Dec 14, 2015
    A definite masterpiece that demonstrates an artistic, satisfying, cohesive and pretty much fantastic take on pop, just only as Grimes could doA definite masterpiece that demonstrates an artistic, satisfying, cohesive and pretty much fantastic take on pop, just only as Grimes could do it. This album really shows her immense growth from her two first mix tape-like albums and her solid 2012 breakthrough, Visions. Unlike her last effort though, Art Angels blasts with never-heard-before vocal strength, excellent production with a new and vast direction for her by the use of guitars, piano and fresh electropop/dance vibes, and incredibly catchy melodies, all while keeping her usual dark, high quality and powerful lyricism. Basically a highlight of the year and a huge step forward! Expand
  7. Nov 9, 2015
    I envy someone who can offer this artist praise and support on a personal level. Given that privilege, I would probably lie and do exactlyI envy someone who can offer this artist praise and support on a personal level. Given that privilege, I would probably lie and do exactly that upon hearing Art Angels. Instead I have numbers and obscurity. Aside from "World Princess Part II," listening this album makes me feel small indeed. "Fan alienation" is moot -- there's no exchange between these realities. I'm in the demo camp. Expand

See all 89 User Reviews

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