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About Us

For more than 20 years, Productivity Press has developed the largest catalog available anywhere of publications and learning tools about continuous improvement. Today we are the premier source of authoritative information on organizational improvement.

Our authors include experienced business leaders, academics and other experts. Our editors have long experience in identifying key improvement issues and experts, and in developing new products that represent the most practical insights into gaining competitive advantage.


Some of the first books published by Productivity Press were translations of the works of leading Japanese industrial experts on the Toyota Production System (TPS) - the heart of the improvement strategy we now call lean manufacturing.

These included writings by Shigeo Shingo, a Japanese industrial engineer at Toyota and one of the foremost experts on TPS, as well as the works of Taiichi Ohno, a top Toyota executive and the man whom Toyota credits with doing the most to structure TPS as an integrated framework.

The early publications also included key works on process improvement by leading American authors.

In the more than 20 years that have passed since the publication of these books - which we still offer today - Productivity Press has developed the largest catalog available anywhere of publications and learning tools about continuous improvement. Today we are the premier source of authoritative information on organizational improvement.

In 2007 Productivity Press became part of CRC Press and the Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.  This extended our reach globally and increased the line of quality publications now available to Productivity Press customers.

Our Products

We are constantly introducing new books, bringing you cutting-edge thinking from today's top improvement authorities. And we continue to offer respected lean classics, so you have access to works that are both timely and timeless. 

Our product line also includes many important publications covering six sigma, quality management, metrics and problem-solving, so you can select the approach that best suits your company. 

Our products by insightful authors are backed by a 20-year track record of consistency, accuracy and credibility, supported by friendly and experienced staff who can help you select the right materials for your business. 

Whether you are responsible for production, office and administrative operations or customer service, our publications offer you proven, practical strategies for increasing efficiency and capacity while eliminating waste. We are the leading source of materials for educating and training your workforce in lean.