National News Video


Speculation Continues That Jamie Foxx And Katie Holmes Are Married [PHOTO, VIDEO]

There are sudden reports that Jamie Foxx and Katie Holmes are not only secretly married, but expecting a baby girl. However, the website Gossip Cop says…



Cops Questioned NFL’s Kam Chancellor While He Checked Out Gym

A player with the NFL’s Seattle Seahawks claims that two women called the police on him as he attempted to inquire about an empty gym. Safety Kam Chancellor was looking into the window of the vacant facility when cops were called to the scene, Deadspin reports.

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Don Lemon
Don Lemon
Don Lemon: Dr. King Never Meant Colorblind Society – Get It Right!

  In 2008 it was all about Reverend Jeremiah Wright and race. Fast forward to 2016 and the issues are pretty close, except this time…

Get Well Wednesday
Get Well Wednesday
Get Well Wednesday: How To Keep Your Pets Healthy

  Originally from Connecticut, Dr. Courtney Campbell was raised in the quaint town of Burlington. The passion he has for pets was borne from hours…

Don Lemon
Don Lemon
Don Lemon: Chis Rock’s Oscar Speech Made Both Black And Whites Think

  If the pen is mightier than the sword then the tongue is mightier than a hashtag. I’m talking about Chris Rock’s mouth and the…

Larry Hester
Baby Love

People often say that chivalry is dead and I agree, for the most part. Opening doors, pulling out chairs and all that, is a total…

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Sylvia High’s Supercharge Series: The Countonables Of Life

In life there are some things that we can’t stop from happening – they’re out of our control. Things like death are inevitable. But when…

Uplifting Story Spotlight

Injured Southern University Football Player Devon Gales Heads Back To School

It was a routine play – just another kickoff return in the college football career of Southern University’s Devon Gales. Unfortunately, that return proved to…

If You Missed It

HUGGY LOWDOWN: And The Bamma of the Week Is…

  3/4/16- Find out who made the list this week and who almost took the crown from Mitt Romney.

Demetria Lucas-D’oyley Says Women Should Stop Taking Advice From Sexist Experts
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