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Edlin Patterson: What is freedom?

March 13, 2016 — 

If Todd Juvinall (Other Voices, March 7) wants total “freedom,” he needs to move to an island and live by himself.

Living in a society with other people requires that we have rules, restrictions and regulations. People like Juvinall cannot be allowed to take property, dump garbage in their neighbor’s yard, pour oil in the Yuba, kill as much wildlife as they like or clear cut forests. The building codes he so dislikes were developed because unknowledgeable and unscrupulous builders constructed homes that were hazardous to the occupants or didn’t provide environmental and maintainable qualities.

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James Coe: The Centennial Dam project for the common good

March 13, 2016 — 

Since the drought of 1976, Californians were promised that conservation would be the answer to future water shortages. As seen in the latest drought period, that policy has been ineffective and is a worn out solution going forward.

Conservation only works when there is water available to conserve. For example, last year valley farmers were not able to conserve because they were denied water and their fields went fallow.

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Evan Reiffel: Vote 'No' on Measure W

March 11, 2016 — 

To all that genuinely care about the future of Nevada County (regardless of ideological persuasion), vote “No” on Measure W.

It does matter to us all.

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Karen Henderson: Supports the Centennial Reservoir

March 11, 2016 — 

Agriculture is important to California, our nation, and Nevada County as well as essential to our way of life.

Food produced locally is a life line for not only nourishment, but also for our local economy, such as growers markets, grocery stores, supporting businesses, in addition to our local farmers and ranchers. Nevada County rang up over $24 million dollars in farm gate receipts alone in 2013, up $6.4 million dollars from the year before.

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Patrick Farrell: I side with the 'supes'

March 11, 2016 — 

I still consider myself a child of the ’60s, a proud member of Woodstock nation and, while no pot-head (hey, I graduated), was exposed to a fair degree of recreational drug use as a student within the University of California system.

So why do I support a ban on outdoor grows? Although I am convinced that cannabis can be a gateway drug to those predisposed to various forms of addiction (and we know who we are), this is not the primary reason for my position. It’s the stink!

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Neal Goldstein: Too much fun in jail — the main reason for recidivism

March 10, 2016 — 

I believe it is a ridiculous mistake to donate books to jail for inmates. Here is why.

If you go to jail, you should be thinking about how you will change your life when you get out because you never want to do time again. It should be a miserable time, not an enjoyable relaxing vacation! It should be uncomfortable and no fun.

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Sally Harris: States of Grace simply amazing!

March 10, 2016 — 

States of Grace, shown last Wednesday at the Del Oro was beautifully produced and inspirational, telling the story of Dr. Grace’s journey of loss, resilience and renewal.

High marks to Sierra Cinemas and especially the staff at the Del Oro for enabling this screening, and being so gracious and helpful during the course of the evening. And thank you to the more than 100 attendees for supporting this event and turning out on a rainy night.

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Doug Crice: Scammers are sophisticated — and impolite

March 10, 2016 — 

The frequency of scam phone calls has been increasing lately, and I thought it would be appropriate to remind readers of The Union.

Scam one is a phone call, allegedly from the IRS, stating that they have initiated legal proceedings to collect unpaid taxes, instructing you to immediately call a phone number. If you call, they tell you that you owe the IRS money and ask for a credit card number or other payment method. I got four of these calls in the last three days including one at 5:30 a.m. today. Of course it’s not the IRS, which will always contact you by mail.

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Andrea Heyser: Marijuana may not be the best medicine

March 9, 2016 — 

My heart cries for the poor man whose loved child has convulsions that are stopped only by marijuana. How sad for this child to be so ill and how grateful the father must be that marijuana for illness is legal in this county.

However, it is well known that people who smoke this drug lose their “get up and go,” their gumption, in that it does affect the adult brain. Actually it seems to affect the brain in many ways and if this drug affects the adult brain, it seems plausible that it may also affect the developing brain of an unborn child.

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Denise Cain: Adopt an abandoned pet from Sammie's Friends

March 9, 2016 — 

Every year, hundreds of Nevada County dogs and cats are “thrown out with the trash.” Found on county roads, hiding under porches or in the woods, dumped in parking lots, left in an empty yard or home when their family moves.

These former family pets cannot possibly fend for themselves. Sammie’s Friends is their next stop if they are found alive. There they get loving care, shots, vet needs are accessed and provided, and training if needed. Grooming is often donated by River Dogs owner Billie Alvarez of Grass Valley.

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Custis Haynes: Just a thought

March 9, 2016 — 

Adolph Hitler vowed to “Make Germany Great Again.” Whatever it takes.

Custis Haynes

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Michelle McDaniel: Thanks to Robotics program supporter

March 9, 2016 — 

Thank you to the many generous individuals and business sponsors who helped to make the Robotics program possible for our students at Mt. St. Mary Academy in Grass Valley.

Sponsors include Geri Welden, the O’Neill Family, Jeremy Sanders State Farm Insurance, Dresbach-Hill family, The Franks family, SCO Engineering, Sierra FoodWineArt, Ms. Dolores Robertshaw, Gerald Mehrkens, Walters Family, David and Shirley Childs.

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Chip Wilder: Publisher needs to butt out of Lamphier case

March 8, 2016 — 

The Other Voices by Stephen Munkelt in The Union on Feb. 29 is in response to the irresponsible editorial about the upcoming trial of Terry Lamphier.

The publisher of this paper should just butt out. He has no knowledge of the process, as Mr. Munkelt points out so eloquently. He could have easily written about the DA’s foot dragging in case after case, if he wanted to spotlight corruption. But — sadly we get a taste of the of politics in this county by the only paper in town.

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Jeannie Wood: Chinese New Year Festival a success

March 8, 2016 — 

The Community Asian Theatre of the Sierra (CATS) thanks the community for its tremendous support of the fifth annual Nevada City Chinese New Year Festival and Parade, held on Feb. 21, celebrating the Lunar New Year 4714 and the Year of the Monkey. The event honored the historic contributions of the early Chinese pioneers of the Sierra Foothills and promotes cultural diversity in western Nevada County.

A million kudos to our Grand Marshal, Madelyn Helling, for “walking in the parade” after her rickshaw ride was canceled at the last minute! Hats off go to all local and regional entertainers who gave of their time and talent.

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John Hermann: Choose wisely this election year

March 7, 2016 — 

I’m just glad the Ericksons have deep enough pockets to stand up against the Nevada County supervisors and the building department.

It’s outrageous to me what is happening to them, and it’s even more outrageous that our tax dollars are being used to fight this case. Paying an outside private attorney’s firm for this instead of using the county’s attorney for this case, whom we already pay for.

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Stephanie Curin: New Bear River dam could impact community

March 7, 2016 — 

I’m writing to urge Nevada Irrigation District to include Placer County citizens and community in their outreach scoping meetings on the new 275 foot high dam they are proposing to build on the Bear River.

There are currently two public meetings scheduled to explain the construction of this new dam and those meetings are being held only in Nevada County.

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Peter Collier: Medicinal marijuana use versus just getting wasted

March 7, 2016 — 

It would take a hard heart indeed to want to deny Silas Hurd relief from his malady. But it’s not like our community isn’t awash in marijuana, or that Silas’s father couldn’t have his own plants in his own habitat. Is degrading our neighborhoods with hundreds of acres of noxious outdoor weed really necessary to make sure Silas’s symptoms are controlled?

And while we’re at it, why does The Union shill for the local pot industry with such brain-dwarfing regularity? Every other day, it seems, there’s another non-story about pot thinly repackaged from one that appeared just a few days earlier — always solemnly presented (usually on the front page) as “news.”

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Paul Hauck: George Rebane partially responsible for today's polarized state

March 6, 2016 — 

If Dr. Rebane felt criticized via innuendo by my article, I apologize. Quite honestly, my article was not even about him or his Other Voices piece.

It was my attempt to share an insight I had regarding my small role in our nation’s dividedness.

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Justin Gross: Hire a police chief from within

March 6, 2016 — 

I emphatically disagree with the sections of George Boardman’s column, “Short Changed” regarding selection of Grass Valley’s police chief.

Our city leaders have an incredible opportunity to promote one of two outstanding candidates for the position. Yes, they are internal candidates. But more importantly, they are truly local citizens; they grew up here and went to school here. They are in the truest sense of the word: locals. Lt.’s Steve Johnson and Alex Gammelgard couldn’t possibly be better candidates for this position. As life long residents of our community, they have a vested interest in making Grass Valley the best it can be.

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Shera Banbury: Dix Sullivan will be missed

March 4, 2016 — 

Dix Sullivan has been a welcoming friend in our community as a retailer and contributor to our Chinese heritage. The warmth that he, and his partner, Jick, have shown me for more than a decade has created a bond of love and support. I will feel his spirit every time I walk into the Gold Mountain store on Broad Strett in Nevada City. Peace and love be with Dix, who passed Feb. 28, and also with Jick.

Shera Banbury

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Joyce Banzhaf: LaMalfa receives a zero from League of Conservation

March 4, 2016 — 

Congressman LaMalfa just received a “0” score from the National League of Conservation Voters. Senator Boxer received a 100 percent and Senator Feinstein got 88 percent. I’d love to see the district vote in a more environmentally protective congreessman next time.

Joyce Banzhaf

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Bob Larive: Pot exemptions would open Pandora's box

March 4, 2016 — 

The articles published regarding Forrest Hurd and his 8-year-old boy Silas are nothing more than emotional exploitation. Silas is an “unfortunate child” and is being used as an excuse to circumvent the new ban on outdoor grows. If exemptions are allowed then we will be right back to where we were before the outdoor ban. Scripts will be written for any, usually bogus as they are now, reason and our problems will continue. The criminals, read commercial growers, will exploit the exemptions. We need the total ban period.

If Mr. Hurd is correct and his son needs the massive amount of marijuana he claims then maybe he should consider moving to an area where he can grow or purchase what is needed. We don’t need to open a “Pandora’s box” which will affect all of the other residents in the county for emotional reasons and also severely handicap our law enforcement efforts. Mr. Hurd can certainly find another solution to his problem if he is truly concerned about his son and is not just being used by the marijuana advocates.

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Linda Miller: Nevada Union Athletic Hall of Fame seeks female nominees

March 4, 2016 — 

This is in response to Jim Primrose’s letter regarding the absence of women in the initial choices for the Nevada Union High School’s Athletic Hall of Fame.

Please know that the members of our committee share this concern! After we met and completed extensive research, it was apparent that there were outstanding women athletes. However, due to a lack of organized leagues and minimal media coverage in the early days of Nevada Union, evaluating our selection of women proved difficult. We also did not receive any nominations from the community.

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Alice Munkelt: Fair pay needed for Lift drivers

March 3, 2016 — 

I’m a senior citizen in need of transportation for everything from medical appointments to grocery shopping to occasional entertainment. I use “Lift” quite frequently. Otherwise I would be trapped at home.

I have recently learned that the pay received by the drivers of Lift is only $10 per hour with 25-cent raises annually. These drivers are responsible for gentle treatment of many of our senior and/or handicapped citizens. They do a great job taking passengers to and from home to destination and return. There are fewer than 20 drivers I believe.

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Alexandra Maloney: Adopt a barn cat

March 3, 2016 — 

What are the benefits of having a barn cat (or two)? Sammie’s Friends Animal Shelter has many barn cats that might enjoy working on your property.

Their jobs include: chasing away mice, rats, gophers, snakes, lizards, and killing off the rodents that stick around. In order to adopt a barn cat, these animals need to have a safe, high place to hide from predators, and access to food and water.

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Steve Ford: The silent majority surfaces

March 3, 2016 — 

In reading the latest reports about the Pot Ordinance, concerning the numbers of who said what to whom, it appears that the “Silent Majority” endures, and is alive and well in Nevada County (it’s amazing how we never hear from them until we don’t hear from them again).

We need to thank all the voters who are savvy enough to vote for those candidates who actually do get input from the Silent Majority. Only with supervisors like them can our county push through all that nasty public opinion, slowing down the process of how things really should be done ... like the important people want.

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Ginger Pendo: Enough with the Fathers of our Country

March 2, 2016 — 

From one very old mother, my country had the Founding Fathers along with over two hundred years of Fathers of our Country.

I think it is about time my country has a Mother. I want to see a Mother of our country. Enough with the Fathers.

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Monica Adams: Celebrate Mitch Adams at Paint the Town Blue 5K

March 2, 2016 — 

On the morning of Aug. 24, 2015, our beloved son Mitch was in a car accident on his way to Nevada Union High School for football practice.

Our wonderful first responders sent him by helicopter to Sutter Roseville Neuro Trauma ICU, where he fought hard. But there was just too much damage to his brain, and we lost him at the end of the week.

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Lawrence Gold: Obamacare is here because free enterprise failed

March 1, 2016 — 

Regarding a recent Other Voices column by Dr. Wagner, it was a rambling incoherent screed by a physician who thoughtlessly worships the good ole days.

Who would substitute modern medicine for the problematic systems of the past that left tens of millions uninsured or worse?

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Caleb Keske: It's the snowboarders who assume the risk

March 1, 2016 — 

I am writing you to refute some of the items carefully explained in your article “Tahoe-area ski resort seeks prosecution against man who triggered avalanche” from TheUnion.com on Jan. 22.

I am snowboarder myself, and love to find back-country jumps and fresh powder. It is unethical to me to for someone to be prosecuted by anybody for just going out of their way to find fresh snow and have a good time.

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