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Current News


FASSGEM 2013 Conference - Cardiff, Tuesday 12th - Friday 15th November 2013

Visit here for more details


November 2011 - A Change of Chair and the 2011 Conference

A very successful conference was organised by Clare Bosanko and Iain Ballard at Crewe Hall, with an excellent series of lectures and workshops and an entertaining social programme (apart from the fire alarm the first night!). This event saw our Chair for the last 3 years, Meng Aw-Yong, hand over to our new Chair, Caroline Shaw. We thank Meng for all his hard work over the last three years and wish Caroline well in her new role.

The 2012 Conference will be held on the Isle of Man, and the organisers are hard at work already. Information will be available on the meetings page in the near future.



FASSGEM is pleased to announce an annual Bursary of £1000 for a FASSGEM member as part of its mission objective to support and develop SAS doctors in Emergency Medicine. This sum will be increased to £2000 for the year 2011-12 due to the generous donation of MIAD.

Submission deadline: 31st January 2012. (Download the application form here.)
Prize: £2000 maximum

Open to: all FASSGEM members who must also be RCEM members. Applicants must have been RCEM members for at least a year prior to applying and remain a member for the duration of the Bursary ie RCEM from November 2010 and until 2013

Applications should provide details of a proposal in no more than 1000 words in Microsoft word with references in the Vancouver style. The proposal must be submitted electronically to the Conference Rep and Chair of FASSGEM. Proposal submitted later than the deadline will not be considered.

This Bursary is intended to contribute towards the cost of the proposal which will improve or support SAS doctors in Emergency Medicine. The proposal may be an elective, abroad, an original research, an audit, or a case report. The Bursary may be utilised for travel costs, accommodation (up to £100 per night), locum backfill (limited to £50 per hour) or other related costs. The awarding committee will have all discretionary rights to award costs for other expenses. All applicants must provide receipts or evidence of cost and the total reimbursed may be less but not more than £2000 (2011-2012 Bursary). Locum backfill must be verified by their Clinical Director and will be reimbursed at £50 per hour.

Proposals should outline the aim and objectives, the methodology and any supporting evidence. All submissions will be judged by a panel of four assesors: two of whom will be from the FASSGEM Executive, one from RCEM Executive and one from the FASSGEM membership. Their decision is final. Entries will be judged on their impact on SAS doctors, originality and value to Emergency Medicine.

The winner will be invited to present their proposal at the following FASSGEM Conference and write a short paper for the EMJ (maximum of 500 words) and awarded a certificate.

With kind regards

Dr Meng Aw-Yong



Dear FASSGEM members

5th July 2011

New Chair Elect

Caroline Shaw is the new Chair Elect of FASSGEM, and will take over as Chair at the FASSGEM Conference and AGM in November 2011. We congratulate Caroline and wish her well in this post.

FASSGEM Conference and AGM 2011

The booking form and provisional programme are now available on the Current Meetings page.

Call for presentations or posters for the conference: you are invited to submit an abstract or brief summary of a short presentation or poster which you would like to bring to the conference. Information about this is included on the booking form for the conference.



1st April 2011

Election for FASSGEM Chair 

Caroline Shaw and Adel Aziz are standing for election for this post. The ballot is being conducted electronically only and if you are eligible to vote then you should have received an email containing a link to the voting site and a security code. Don't miss the opportunity to elect your next Chair.

Nominees must be a SAS doctor working in Emergency Medicine who is a member of the College. The College Executive meets monthly and the Council will meet 5 times in 2011, increasing to 6 times in 2012. The meetings usually take place at the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, Churchill House, 35 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4SG. For convenience a list of all SAS doctors in good standing is available below (please note you must be logged in to view the list).

Nomination form for FASSGEM chair

List of nominees


SAS leadership SAS leadership course at HALF PRICE

FASSGEM have teamed up with MIAD to bring you an unbeatable offer of a leadership for SAS doctors e-learning and one day workshop. This is a great course to help you develop your leadership abilities and assist you in your appraisal, and maybe even CESR application. This course is offered at half price only until the end of December. For details please complete the application form and either email MIAD at or call them on 01732 466490 quoting FASSGEM authorisation number FGC151010

Download Booking Form here.




RCEM Committee/Event Calendars
(2010 Calendar: download - 2011 Calendar: download)


Are you a member?
It became apparent during the 2008 AGM that a number of those present had not joined CEM. They were reminded that they needed to join RCEM in order to be voting members of FASSGEM. Information about membership categories is available on the RCEM section of the website - click on MEMBERSHIP for link

Membership of RCEM and hence FASSGEM allows you to register your CPD on line as well as allowing access to the educational resources of the web site. Go to the LEARNING RESOURCES section of the site to see the range of material available.

Please note: For those of us who are Associate Fellows of the College - the letters 'AFCEM' are not a recognised postnominal term, so please don't use them after your name.

Many of the presentations from the 2008 FASSGEM Conference are now available in the PRESENTATIONS section of the FASSGEM site - again, only available to members.