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16 articles

U.S. DVD Release Of 'Pride' Called Out For Removing References To Homosexuality

33 minutes ago | The Playlist | See recent The Playlist news »

Critically acclaimed, a box office success at home, and the winner of Best Picture, Best Supporting Actress and Best Supporting Actor at the British Independent Film Awards, "Pride" had no shortage of accolades in 2014. But when it came to releasing the film, CBS Films couldn't seem to figure out what to do with it. They dropped the movie in limited release on September 26th and try as they might, they couldn't get audiences to show up. But you might think that the awards accolades and critical praise might give them another shot on home video, but it seems they've bungled that too. PinkNews have pointed out that the U.S. DVD release of "Pride," which hit stores on December 23rd, was curiously absent of any references to homosexuality. And it's a bit odd considering the movie is based on the true story of Lgbt activists and mining union groups coming »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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What Would Steven Soderbergh Watch? Learning from the Director’s 2014 Media Diet

54 minutes ago | Filmmaker Magazine - Blog | See recent Filmmaker Magazine news »

In a world of countless choices — and insistent demands by others on your viewing time — the simple act of choosing a movie, a TV show, a book, a play can be fraught with indecision. After all, you only have so many hours left… For fans of Steven Soderbergh looking to step away from the algorithmic in terms of their media consumption — or just anyone looking for insight on the relationship between that director’s inputs and his output — there is his year published media diet, a list of everything he consumed the prior year. 2014’s has just […] »

- Scott Macaulay

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Review: Jay & Mark Duplass' Terrific 'Togetherness' Is The Next Must See HBO Dramedy

1 hour ago | The Playlist | See recent The Playlist news »

Currently on HBO, there is no shortage of high concept, top tier television. The network's most popular show is the fantasy series "Game Of Thrones," their most critically acclaimed is the brooding "True Detective," while their comedy lineup takes viewers to the White House ("Veep"), tech industry ("Silicon Valley"), hospitals ("Getting On"), and into lives of young twenty-something women ("Girls"). But what sets "Togetherness" apart is just how unspectacular or controversial it is. The series follows four regular, middle-aged adults living in Los Angeles, just trying to make ends meet, make their relationships work, and find happiness in their lives. It sounds like the synopsis that launched a thousand Sundance movies, but the most remarkable thing about the show created by Mark and Jay Duplass is how new it all feels. Brimming with heart, humor, and a depiction of adult life that feels honest and real, »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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Trailer Watch: The Frankensteined Remains of David O. Russell’s Nailed

1 hour ago | Filmmaker Magazine - Blog | See recent Filmmaker Magazine news »

You may remember this one: six years ago, NailedDavid O. Russell’s proposed follow-up to I Heart Huckabees, had massive financing problems. The would-be political satire about a waitress (Jessica Biel) who gets a nail to the head was ultimately scrapped and lain aside. In the meantime, the once-galvanizing director embarked on his Huckabees‘ apology tour, going from the not-bad The Fighter to the increasingly dispiriting (but renumerative) The Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle. Now whatever footage was shot (it’s unclear, though the Internet says crucial plot parts were never filmed) has been cobbled into some kind of grotesque thing that walks the earth, with […] »

- Vadim Rizov

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Watch: First 10 Minutes Of SyFy Series '12 Monkeys' Takes You To The Year 2043

1 hour ago | The Playlist | See recent The Playlist news »

Even though Terry Gilliam isn't involved, that small screen adaptation of one of his best movies, "12 Monkeys," still holds lots of potential. The premise is ripe to be explored in an episodic format, and even though it's set in the future, there is a certain timeliness to the subject matter. But can SyFy make it work? Well, here's the first ten minutes of the series, so you be the judge. And straight off, we'll just say this — the acting leaves a lot to be desired. Granted, this is SyFy, but there is something stilted and slightly too serious in the material here, and it's missing Gilliam's touch of surreality and humor. But to be fair, this is just the pilot, and if we based every series off the first episode, we'd have given up on all of our favorite shows ages ago. Here's the official synopsis:  The show follows the journey of a time traveler, »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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Exclusive: Trailer For Retrospective Series 'In Case Of No Emergency: The Films Of Ruben Östlund'

2 hours ago | The Playlist | See recent The Playlist news »

While it didn't crack our 20 Best Films Of 2014, "Force Majeure" impressed many of us here at The Playlist, and has been one of the most acclaimed pictures of the year (indeed, it has made the Oscar Foreign Film shortlist). And while director Ruben Östlund may be a new name to many, he's been making films for over a decade. That said, the spotlight has never shined brighter on the filmmaker than it is right now, and there's no better time to catch up with movies that have helped launch Östlund into an international cinematic voice that is earning big attention. The Comeback Company has put together the retrospective series, "In Case Of No Emergency: The Films Of Ruben Östlund" and today we have the exclusive trailer for traveling film event. Feating both his shorts and feature length films, the series isn't just giving audiences a chance to look back on the filmmaker's work, »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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Biggest Challenge, Best Lesson: Five Nights in Maine Writer/Director Maris Curran

2 hours ago | Filmmaker Magazine - Blog | See recent Filmmaker Magazine news »

When I first speak to filmmaker Maris Curran on the phone, I’m sitting in the driver’s seat of my parked car about two months after breaking both my arms in a bicycle accident. The accident occurred as I was pulling my bike over to the side of the road in order to phone the editor of this publication to discuss some column ideas I had about the business of filmmaking. I missed that meeting, of course, and since the accident, my mind has been almost singularly focused on the psychological impact of tragic accidents. Since that can get a bit […] »

- Tina Poppy

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Matthew Vaughn Says Audiences "Have Had Enough" Of Christopher Nolan's "Very Dark, Bleak Style Of Superhero" Films

2 hours ago | The Playlist | See recent The Playlist news »

Consider the gauntlet thrown. Matthew Vaughn has spent a good portion of his press run for "Kingsman: The Secret Service" declaring that his spy movie action/comedy/parody is a brazen return to fun at the movies that has been missing. He's already described the first billion-dollar-earning Bond movie "Skyfall" as "pretty exhausting," and now he's taking aim at fanboy fave Christopher Nolan.  "People want fun and escapism at the moment," Vaughn told SFX (via THR). "Look at the success of 'Guardians of the Galaxy.' I think Nolan kick-started a very dark, bleak style of superhero escapism, and I think people have had enough of it."  This isn't the first Vaughn has declared his love for the Marvel movie, previously calling it "a fucking genius piece of filmmaking." But about his jab at Nolan? Well, we'd argue that audiences don't care if a movie is a bit more gritty or freewheeling and loose, »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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First Look 2015

3 hours ago | MUBI | See recent MUBI news »

For Astoria’s Museum of the Moving Image to house an event like the First Look series—opening this Friday and running through January 18—is a cinematic blessing. Here, in its fourth year, you’ll find undistributed gems, but, though its similarities to other festivals halt with “undistributed,” the curation of the series is precise and impeccable, giving an illusion of intimacy. This year, with selections from Omer Fast, Gina Telaroli, and Jessica Hausner, there’s a stress on waking nightmares; films whose atmospheres are bone chilling in both overt and subtle ways.

Ville Marie

Opening with a title card dedicating the film to Carlos Lorenzo, Ville Marie—one of the many experimental films being exhibited during the series—intentionally or otherwise becomes a living fever dream, its use of double and reverse exposure reminiscent of E. Elias Merhige’s horror experiment Begotten. That film sought to expose the horror of creation, »

- Kyle Turner

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Steven Soderbergh Lists Everything He Watched And Read In 2014

3 hours ago | The Playlist | See recent The Playlist news »

As you probably already know by now, Steven Soderbergh gets more done in a day that most do in a week. Even in his "retirement," he's knocking out one of the best shows on television at a mind-boggling pace ("The Knick"), and this past fall, he spent his time producing, editing, and lensing "Magic Mike Xxl." Those two jobs alone would be more than enough to fill the days of anybody, but Soderbergh also spent 2014 watching a lot of movies and TV shows, and squeezing in some reading too. And over on his website Extension 765, he's revealed everything he consumed in 2014. It's a lot to wade through, but here's some interesting highlights that jumped out at us: he watched Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey" twice, and read Piers Bizony's making-of book; it doesn't look like he finished "True Detective" or "Transparent"; last month he watched a cut of »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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Daily | Lists and Awards | Senses of Cinema, Reverse Shot

3 hours ago | Keyframe | See recent Keyframe news »

Senses of Cinema has posted the results of its 2014 World Poll and among the many other best-of-2014 lists we've gathered today is Reverse Shot's. #1 is Richard Linklater's Boyhood, followed by Alain Guiraudie's Stranger by the Lake, Tsai Ming-liang's Stray Dogs, Jean-Luc Godard's Goodbye to Language, James Gray's The Immigrant, Stephanie Spray and Pacho Velez's Manakamana, Wes Anderson's The Grand Budapest Hotel, Joaquim Pinto's What Now? Remind Me, Ramon Zürcher's The Strange Little Cat, Jean-Pierre Dardenne and Luc Dardenne's Two Days, One Night and Sergei Loznitsa's Maidan. » - David Hudson »

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Channing Tatum's 'Gambit' Sets Fall 2016 Release Date, 'Game Of Thrones' Heads To IMAX And More

4 hours ago | The Playlist | See recent The Playlist news »

Next year, you'll have nine superhero movies to choose from, and one of them will be "Gambit." The Channing Tatum-starring picture now has an official release date slated for October 7, 2016. Fox is pitting the picture against Ben Affleck's "Live By Night" and Universal's "Monster High," making for a more crowded than usual early October weekend. And of course, the next question is whether or not "Gambit" will tie into "X-Men: Apocalypse" — both written by Josh Zetumer — and given the way every studio is chasing big cinematic universes, our guess is yes. In other Fox release date news: "Macbeth" duo Michael Fassbender and director Justin Kurzel will deliver "Assassin's Creed" on December 21, 2016, and a few days later, Hugh Jackman will be "The Greatest Showman On Earth" on December 25, 2016. Meanwhile, some movie called "Mike & Dave Need Wedding Dates" takes the prime summer slot of July »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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A First Time Writer/Director’s Trial by Fire, Part #7: What The Hell Are You Looking At? (t)

4 hours ago | Hope for Film | See recent Hope for Film (t) news »

I like to tell myself there is great success to be found in the details. A justification for my own obsessive nature? Probably, but often true. Getting sucked up inside the tornado of sweeping, acute tasks necessary to get a film made has been easy. Distribution plans, business plans, breakdowns, pavement pounding, relationship building, due diligence and rewriting. Important details appear less important and fall by the way side. But, like Dorothy landing in Oz, I eventually find myself back in the land of detail. For example: a look book. 

This is an important one. For me, forgetting about this tool is stupid for two big reasons. First, it’s a creative reprieve from production mayhem; second, it’s fucking fun. Oh, turns out there are several other reasons why a look book is incredibly useful, like pitching and other stuff, which are cool but I want to talk about the fun part. »

- Craig Abell-Champion

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Watch: Ethan Hawke Makes A 'Good Kill' In First Trailer For Andrew Niccol's Military Thriller

4 hours ago | The Playlist | See recent The Playlist news »

The last time filmmaker Andrew Niccol explored the nature of modern warfare, it was in the cult fave "Lord Of War," which detailed the wheelings and dealings of an arms dealer with a broken moral compass. But these days, why bother with guns on the ground when you can rain down bullets and missiles from the sky? And what are the consequences of targeting our enemies from thousands of miles away while sitting behind a desk, flying drones like they were in a PlayStation game? Those are the questions Niccol takes on in "Good Kill," his third movie with Ethan Hawke, and the first international trailer is here. Co-starring January Jones, Bruce Greenwood and Zoe Kravitz, the movie follows an Air Force major who now pilots drones twelve hours a day, taking on his targets from a computer screen. But the toll begins to weigh on the soldier as he »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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Red Giant Universe Effects Package Review

4 hours ago | Filmmaker Magazine - Blog | See recent Filmmaker Magazine news »

There are a number of things that are different about Red Giant’s effects package Universe. It’s offered as a subscription, but you can get access to a sizeable number of effects without paying a thing. Members of the Universe community get to vote on effects that are being added to the set. Universe is cross-platform, works with a variety of software applications and supports Gpu acceleration. You can even try out the premium effects for free with your first month of use. The effects and transitions of Universe support a variety of environments: Adobe After Effects (CS5.5 and higher) and […] »

- Michael Murie

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Watch: Trailer For David O. Russell's 'Nailed' Starring Jake Gyllenhall & Jessica Biel, Now Called 'Accidental Love'

4 hours ago | The Playlist | See recent The Playlist news »

When is a David O. Russell movie not a David O. Russell movie? When it's credited to some guy named Stephen Greene. And who is Stephen Greene? Well, considering he doesn't exist on IMDb, we'll wager it's an Alan Smithee-like pseudonym used by the folks behind "Nailed" — now called "Accidental Love" — who obviously couldn't put Russell's name on the picture. As you'll recall, way back in 2008 the troubled production was essentially a stop-and-start affair. Producers struggled to keep the movie financed, and filming was stopped one day before schedule, and before Russell could film the crucial scene he needed to tie it all together. But that hasn't stopped Millennium Entertainment from trying to make this work — they've put the movie back together again and are bringing it to theaters, and the first trailer is here. Jessica Biel, Jake Gyllenhaal, Catherine Keener, Tracy MorganJames Marsden, Bill Hader and more »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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