Category Archives: Movies

Black Widow

Nathan Edmonson Wants a ‘Black Widow’ Movie This Bad

Black Widow 5Black Widow comic book scribe Nathan Edmondson has written his very own script for a feature film starring everyone’s favorite Russian assassin, and he’s posted in on his website.

It’s actually quite good, as is Edmondson’s Black Widow comic. I’m just not sure it’s in the cards for this to happen.

Check out a PDF copy of Edmondson’s script here.


Marvel Vehicles Owenr Manual - Featured

Preview: Marvel Vehicles: Owner’s Workshop Manual

Marvel Vehicles Owner's Workshop Manual - CoverInsight Editions is currently taking pre-orders for a really neat edition to any superhero comic or film fan’s collection of geek awesome. This manual contain detail schematics and tech specs on a plethora of Marvel hardware. Although it’s probably missing the Iron Man armors, that needed it’s own book.  This book has some great interior art, detailed cutaway, blueprint-style schematics, and a ton of vehicles included. Check out the preview.

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Marvel Logo - Featured

‘Black Panther’ Costume Revealed; T’Challa to be Played by Chadwick Boseman

News is still coming from Marvel’s special media event, and with all of the new titles being announced we did get some word on castings for all these movies, namely, who will be our Black Panther. We also got a look at costume designs for the character.

Black Panther

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Marvel Movie 2014 update collage

Today’s Marvel Studios Announced Films Title Art

Marvel threw a whole lot at us in only an hour long event, but we’re trying to keep up. Here’s some logo art for everything announced today.

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Marvel vs DC 2 - Featured

Comic Movie Meltdown: Full Schedule of Upcoming Comic Book Films (updated)

With all the recent news of WB’s DC Comic Book films, I thought it would be nice to summarize the cinematic synergy seeing it’s way into theater the rest of this decade. While this is one hell of a list, there’s bound to be more added as this trendy snowball continues its tumble down a seemingly endless mountain.

Last Updated: October 31st, 2014

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