SOVEREIGN vol 1 - Featured


EPIC FANTASY RULES SUPREME IN SOVEREIGN Cultures, magic, and reason collide in December graphic novel from Image Comics

SOVEREIGN, a new graphic novel from Image Comics, is a lush, dark fantasy slated for publication in December. Written by Chris Roberson (iZombie, Edison Rex) and drawn by Paul Maybury (AQUA LEUNG, Catalyst Comix), SOVEREIGN reveals an expansive world of clashing religions and philosophies, rich cultures, and untold horrors.

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SOVEREIGN vol 1 Preview CoverSOVEREIGN by Chris Roberson and Paul Maybury (colors by Maybury, Jordan Gibson, Brad Simpson, Afu Chan, and Marissa Louise)

  • ISBN 978-1-63215-144-5
  • Diamond Comic order code OCT140656
  • 136 pages, paperback, full color
  • $14.99
  • In comic book stores December 3, bookstores December 16
  • Rated Mature
  • Collects SOVEREIGN #1-5

In Khend, “Land of a Thousand Gods,” the old traditions of the Luminari, who conduct the rites of the dead, burning the bodies to keep them from being vessels for dark powers, are fading. Three Luminari journey to the court of the Emperor to warn of the Convergence, an event that will raise the dead, while power struggles within the court threaten the empire.

Writer Roberson has been a science fiction and fantasy author for many years, but SOVEREIGN marks his first foray into epic fantasy, as he related in an interview on the Image Comics website.

“I’d always wanted to do a big, sprawling ‘secondary world’ fantasy (as they’re called in the prose world),” Roberson told Multiversity Comics, “and had wanted to do a story that was about different cultures in collision, with their various philosophies and religions and outlooks.”

Artist Maybury’s drawing strategy reflected the themes of colliding cultures.

“Part of what I like about fantasy as a genre is the idea of it coming from within,” he said. “If I have to draw an elephant, I first want to draw whatever default elephant is in my head. Then I’ll go look one up and bring some of those details into the drawing. The same goes for people and architecture. It keeps everything loose, and leaves the door halfway open to follow history and culture just enough to give you an idea of what to expect, but also allows me to pull from different cultures and ideas that might not be historically or even geographically present.”

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SOVEREIGN will be in comic book stores on December 3 and in bookstores on December 16. It is available for pre-order now.

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