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Sites of Interest


The Human Rights Commission of the Federal District's belief that all public servants are required to perform a transparent exercise of their budgets and be accountable to the people of the use made of them in the implementation of their work programs and compliance obligations and powers by law. Consistent with the above, CDHDF publishes substantive information of its institutional work.

The Law of Transparency and Access to Public Information of the Federal District in Chapter II, establishes the accessibility of information through Internet portals, in which public information office will be published, it is broken down in the articles described below:

  • Índice de Artículos
  • Article 3
  • Article 13
  • Article 14
  • Article 20
  • Article 25
  • Article 27
  • Article 29
  • Article 30
  • Article 37
  • More Info
Índice de ArtículosÍndice de Artículos

Article 3 Solicitud de información y datos personales
Article 13 Rubros Generales de la CDHDF de acuerdo al Artículo 13 Law of Transparency and Access to Information
Article 14 Normatividad, estructura, funciones, directorio, perfiles, remuneraciones, Viáticos, bienes, recomendaciones, budget, reuniones, OIP, archivos, auditorías, convenios, concesiones, information, services, programs, uso de recursos, cuenta pública y adquicisiones
Article 20 Recomendaciones enviadas, addressee and the current status of their attention. Recursos de queja e impugnación concluidos, and the concept by which they got that. Estadísticas sobre las quejas presentadas.
Article 25 Monto, lugar, plazo de ejecución, identificación del Ente Obligado ordenador y responsable de la obra; nombre del proveedor, contractor or the person or entity with whom the contract was made, y los mecanismos de vigilancia y supervisión, including where appropriate, estudios de impacto ambiental y sísmico respecto a la ejecución de obra pública por invitación restringida.
Article 27 Información relativa a las solventaciones o aclaraciones derivadas de las auditorías concluídas
Article 29 Calendar updating information of job.
Article 30 Entrega de recursos a personas morales, civil society, sindicatos o cualquier otra análoga.
Article 37 Registro de Proveedores Impedidos y procedimientos administrativos.

All the information generated, administered or held by public bodies is considered a public good, accessible to any person in the terms and conditions established by this Law and other regulations applicable.

Office of Public Information

In order to make transparent the exercise of public functions the Commission on Human Rights of the Federal District offers the Office of Public Information.

Director and Head Office of Public Information

Lic. Lutwin López löpez

Address: University Avenue, number 1449, Florida colony of Pueblo Axotla, delegation Alvaro Obregón, postal code 01030, Federal District in Mexico. Phone: 52 29 56 00 extensions 1750 , 1752, 1769 and 2403 and 2455

To request public information, You can do this by the following means:

Through Electric Infomex: www.informexdf.org.mx. By mail Transparency: transparencia@cdhdf.org.mx .

How to request information CDHDF?

How to apply for the right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of your personal data?

Request for Public Information through the Electric Infomex.

Format of access to public information.

Format of request for access to personal data

Application form for correction of personal information

Application form for cancellation of personal data

Application form for opposition Policy

Consent form to disseminate personal data or lease

Format withdrawal of consent

Direct inquiry

El artículo 55 de la Ley de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Pública del Distrito Federal señala lo siguiente: En la consulta directa se permitirán los datos o registros originales, sólo en el caso de que no se hallen almacenados en algún medio magnético, digital en microfichas o que su estado lo permita.

Para cualquier duda al respecto puede comunicarse al teléfono: 5229. 5600 extensions 1750 and 1752 ó bien a tráves de correo electrónico transparencia@cdhdf.org.mx

All Ente Obliged Federal District shall publish at the beginning of each year a list of the information held, by general rubrics, specifying the year that corresponds, media and the places where they will make available to interested parties, with the exception of classified information or classified as confidential in terms of this Act.

List of Items General CDHDF under Article 13 Law of Transparency and Access to Information.


Area(s) responsible for information: Presidency, Executive Secretariat, Complaints Directorate General and Guidance, Internal Control, Coordination of advisors, Executive Directorate of Monitoring, Dialogue and Institutional Coordination of Legislative, Coordination of Information and Communication Technologies, First Visitation, Second Visitaduría, Third Visitaduría, Fourth Inspectorate, Fifth Inspectorate General, Directorate General of Human Rights Communication, General Legal Consulting, General Administration, Directorate-General for Human Rights Education, Directorate-General for Human Rights Education, Center for Applied Research in Human Rights, General Strategic Coordination Bonding, Secretariat for the Promotion of Human Rights and Advocacy in Public Policy, Professional Service Coordination in Human Rights, Coordination of medical and psychological.

Fraction I

The law applicable to the Obligor Ente, in which shall include the Official Gazette, laws, codes, regulations, decrees of creation, Procedural rules, administrative manuals, applicable to policies issued within its jurisdiction.

Regulatory framework html
International Standard html

Area(s) responsible for information: General Legal Counseling and Litigation, General Administration, Directorate General of Human Rights Communication, Coordination of Information Technology, Directorate General of Complaints and Orientation, Directorate-General for Human Rights Education, Internal Control, Secretariat Liaison with Civil Society.

Fraction II

Its organizational structure in a format that allows linking for each link of the structure, the duties and responsibilities incumbent upon it in accordance with applicable.

Organization chart
Organizational Structure html

Area(s) responsible for information: General Administration

Fraction III

The relative functions, objectives and relevant activities and include Obliged Ente management indicators.

Functions, objectives and activities CDHDF html

Management Indicators CDHDF

2016 html
2015 html
2014 html
2013 html
2012 html
Mission and Vision CDHDF html
Programmatic, Budgetary Assessment of Institutional Activities CDHDF html

Area(s) responsible for information: General Administration.

Fraction IV

The board of public servants, from the level of department head or equivalent to the holder of Ente Obliged, Named, photography, official address, official telephone number and email address if official.

Public Directory Servers html

Area(s) responsible for information: General Administration.

Fraction V

The profile of the positions and public servants and those in the curricula of these posts.

Curriculum and profiles of public servants and the CDHDF html

Area(s) responsible for information: General Administration. *Note Profiler positions of public servants and the CDHDF is updated annually and update the curricula of these servers is quarterly.

Fraction VI

Gross and net monthly salary of all public servants for wages or fees, including all perceptions, benefits and compensation systems, in a format that allows linking to each public servant remuneration.

Salaries of all personnel structure html
Salaries of persons hired under the scheme fees html
Tab of salaries and allowances of public servants and the CDHDF

Area(s) responsible for information: General Administration.

Fraction VII

A list with the amount per diem and expenses of representation monthly public servants have been executed by way of commission or commission.

Per diem of public servants and the CDHDF 2016 html
Per diem of public servants and the CDHDF 2015 html
Per diem of public servants and the CDHDF 2014 html
Per diem of public servants and the CDHDF 2013 html
Per diem of public servants and the CDHDF 2012 html
Per diem of public servants and the CDHDF 2011 html
Representation expenses html

Area(s) responsible for information: General Administration.

Fraction VIII

The ratio of the assets are allocated and the amount thereof amounting, provided their value exceeds three hundred and fifty times the minimum wage in Mexico City, as well as the catalog or report high and low.


Value of Personal Property html
Books High Chattels html
Low Books Chattels html

Real Estate

Value of Real Estate html
Catalog of High Real Estate html
Books of Baja Real Estate html
Relación de Bienes Inmuebles arrendados html


Information related to the acquisition of the new building CDHDF.
Urban Impact Study to carry out the remodeling and expansion of the new headquarters of the CDHDF

Area(s) responsible for information: General Administration.

Fraction IX

The ratio of the number of recommendations made by the Institute to Ente Obliged, and tracking each.

Recommendations issued by the CDHDF InfoDF html

Area(s) responsible for information: Legal Office.

Fraction X

On the budget in general and program, and quarterly reports on implementation. This information will include:

  • a) Proceeds received by any concept, including donations, indicating the name of the responsible of receiving, manage and exercise;
  • b) The amounts for expenditure on Social Communication;
  • c) The expenditure budget and method for its estimation, including all information relating to preferential tax treatments or differentiated;
  • d) The basis of calculation of income;
  • and) Reports of public account;
  • f) Applying special auxiliary funds and source of income;
  • g) Financial and budget statements, where appropriate, and amounts received so disaggregated concept of self-generated resources, and if, use or application is given.
Links to each exercise
Information each year Exercise 2013 concluded Exercise 2014 concluded Exercise 2015 Exercise 2016
Budget html html html html
Quarterly Reports html html html html
Income / donations html html html html
Social Communication html html html html
Expenditure Budget Decree
Annual Reports
Auxiliary Funds and Income html html html html
Financial and Budgetary States
Self-generated income html html html html

Area(s) responsible for information: General Administration.

Fraction XI

The scheduling, the minutes and records of the public meetings of the various boards, colleges, Cabinets, plenary sessions, committees and working sessions that convened Obligated Entities, in the field of competence. Should disseminate the minutes or records of meetings and sessions in the terms of Article 37 of this Act.

Scheduling of the sessions of the Council of the CDHDF 2016 html
Scheduling of the sessions of the Council of the CDHDF 2015 html
Scheduling of the sessions of the Council of the CDHDF 2014 html
Scheduling of the sessions of the Council of the CDHDF 2013 html
Scheduling of the sessions of the Council of the CDHDF 2012 html
Scheduling of the sessions of the Council of the CDHDF 2011 html
Scheduling of the sessions of the Council of the CDHDF 2010 html

Area(s) responsible for information: Executive Secretariat.

Fraction XII

Name, official address and email address, of public servants in charge of the Disclosure Committee and the Office of Public Information.

Transparency Committee html
Office of Public Information html

Area(s) responsible for information: Public Information Office.

Fraction XIII

The archival and documentary tools, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legal provisions.

Policy documents on file. html
Archival Instruments. html
Work programs. html

Area(s) responsible for information: General Administration.

Section XIV

The ratio of the number of recommendations issued by the Ente Obliged Human Rights Commission of the Federal District, and tracking each, as well as progress and implementation of the action lines of the Human Rights Program that applies to you.

NOTE: With regard to the recommendations made to the Obligor by the Human Rights Commission of the Federal District Ente, and tracking each, This point applies to this Commission, be due to the autonomous government agency that issues these recommendations on the basis of Article 17, Section IV of the Law of Human Rights Commission of the Federal District and Article 39 Internal Rleglamento the Human Rights Commission of the Federal District. The monitoring of such recommendations is published in the section on Article 20 Law of Transparency and Access to Public Information of the Federal District.

Progress and implementation of the action lines of the Human Rights Program:

According to Article 17 Law of Human Rights Commission of the Federal District, CDHDF has an obligation to defend, protect and promote human rights, so that all its activities are directed towards those obligations.

The Law of Human Rights Program of the Federal District, in his article 19, estalece that the Committee for Monitoring and Evaluation of Human Rights Program of the Federal Disrito (PDHDF), CDHDF may participate as an observer with voice.

As for the executing agencies of the Human Rights Program of the Federal District, the Act provides as follows:

Article 3.- For the purposes of this Act shall apply:

VIII. Executing Instances.- The Legislative Assembly of the Federal District, the Superior Court of the Federal District, the Administrative Tribunal of the Federal Disrito, the Board of Conciliation and Arbitration of the Federal District, Institute of Access to Public Information of the Federal District, Autonomous University of Mexico City, the Head of Government of the Federal District, Dependencies, Decentralized Organs Political and Administrative Organs of the Federal District.

Derivadode the Law Reform Human Rights Program (July 2012), CDHDF is no longer an executing instance; so that, from year 2014, does not generate the same criteria informaciónbajo. In addition, Decree Expenditure Budget of the Federal District, no budget is allocated to the Agency to comply with the Human Rights Program.

However, according to its commitment to PDHDF, CDHDF conducted a study on rough action lines related activities whose results can be consulted by year.

List of Reports CDHDF 2016 html
List of Reports CDHDF 2015 html
List of Reports CDHDF 2014 html
List of Reports CDHDF 2013 html
List of Reports CDHDF 2012 html
List of Reports CDHDF 2011 html
Directory CDHDF public servers that act as links to the implementation of PDHDF html
Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism of the Human Rights Program of the Federal District
Information System for Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism(SIMSE)

Area(s) responsible for information: Coordinación de Vinculación con la Sociedad Civil e Incidencia en Políticas Públicas.

Fraction XV

With respect to audits and reviews, a report containing the following:

Audits and Reviews 2013 html
Audits and Reviews 2014 html
Audits and Reviews 2015 html

Area(s) responsible for information: Internal Control.

Fraction XVI

The opinions of the public account and the financial statements and other information that supreme audit bodies used to issue these opinions.

Not applicable. Esta información es generada por la Auditoría Superior de la Ciudad de México”.
Update: 31 March 2016
Validation date: 15 April 2016

Fraction XVII

Institutional agreements concluded by the Ente Obliged, specifying the type of agreement, who celebrated, target, date of conclusion and validity.

Agreements concluded by the CDHDF in 2016 html
Agreements concluded by the CDHDF in 2015 html
Agreements concluded by the CDHDF in 2014 html
Agreements concluded by the CDHDF in 2013 html
Agreements concluded by the CDHDF in 2012 html
Agreements concluded by the CDHDF in 2011 html
Agreements in force 2007 – 2010 html

Area(s) responsible for information: Legal Bureau.

Section XVIII

Regarding concessions, licenses, permits and authorizations, it should publish its object, the name and address of the holder, validity, type, and whether the procedure involves the use of goods, services and / or public resources.

NOTE: In accordance with the Law on the Human Rights Commission of the Federal District, this autonomous public agency does not have authority to issue concessions, licenses, permits or authorizations, as it is to know your competition complaints and complaints of alleged violations of human rights, when they were charged to any authority or public servant who holds a position, or local office in the Federal District Commission or procuratorial organs of law enforcement or whose jurisdiction is limited to the Federal District.

Fraction XIX

The reports should take the Ente Obliged, the unit responsible for them, the legal basis for forcing his generation, and the timetable published.

Reports due CDHDF
Report 2016 html
Report 2015 html
Report 2014 html
Report 2013 html
Report 2012 html
Report 2011 html

Area(s) responsible for information: Internal Control, Directorate General of Complaints and Orientation, General Administration, Center for Applied Research in Human Rights.

Fraction XX

The services and programs offered, including information on population, objective and target, and procedures, response time, requirements and formats for accessing them.

Whenever all the services that this agency serves various Programs, then the information is displayed according to the area of ​​the Commission responsible for providing these services.


The Human Rights Commission of the Federal District through its Center for Applied Research in Human Rights, account with the library service, same which is located on University Avenue, number 1449, Florida colony, People of Axotla, delegation Alvaro Obregón, in a schedule to the public from Monday to Friday 9:00 a 18:00 hours.


Services 2015.

Legal Office html
Coordination Liaison with Civil Society and Public Policy html
Dirección Ejecutiva de Educación por los Derechos Humanos html
Directorate General of Complaints and Orientation html
Professional Service Coordination in Human Rights html



How is a complaint has?
Request for Public Information through the Electric Infomex.
Format of access to public information.
Format of request for access to personal data
Application form for correction of personal information
Application form for cancellation of personal data
Application form for opposition Policy
Consent form to disseminate personal data or lease
Format withdrawal of consent

Description of user benefits

The Human Rights Commission of the Federal District, You will find professional and trained staff who support providing alternatives for addressing and solving their various approaches, either through an orientation or, by preparing a complaint for existing violations of their human rights, committed by public servants the authorities locales del Distrito Federal.

All services provided by the Commission are free, so it does not require a private attorney and attend every day of the year, the 24 hour.


Internal Control Services html

NOTE: In accordance with the Law on the Human Rights Commission of the Federal District, this autonomous public body with powers to cuenta have programs apoyo allowance, as it is to know your competition complaints and complaints of alleged violations of human rights, when these be imputed to any authority or public servant who holds a position, or local office in the Federal District Commission or procuratorial organs of law enforcement or whose jurisdiction is limited to the Federal District.


Area(s) responsible for information: Secretariat for the Promotion of Human Rights and Advocacy in Public Policy, Directorate-General for Human Rights Education, Directorate General of Complaints and Orientation, Professional Service Coordination in Human Rights, Internal Control.

Section XXI

On programs of support or subsidy shall be disseminated design, execution, amounts allocated and access criteria, well as the standards of the beneficiaries.

NOTE: In accordance with the Law on the Human Rights Commission of the Federal District, this autonomous public body with powers to cuenta have programs apoyo allowance, as it is to know your competition complaints and complaints of alleged violations of human rights, when these be imputed to any authority or public servant who holds a position, or local office in the Federal District Commission or procuratorial organs of law enforcement or whose jurisdiction is limited to the Federal District.

Section XXII

Amounts, criteria, calls and listing of individuals or corporations to, for any reason, les are given permits to use public resources. Also, when the internal regulations as set, reports that recipients give them about the use and allocation of these resources.



2016 html



2015 html



2014 html
Call for Citizen Initiatives 2014 html



Area(s) responsible for information: Executive Secretariat Coordination and Liaison with Civil Society and Public Policy Issues.

Fraction XXIII

The related programs and centers for the practice of physical activity, exercise and sport, including their addresses, schedules and procedures.

NOTE: In accordance with the Law on the Human Rights Commission of the Federal District, this autonomous public agency does not have authority to have programs or centers for the practice of physical activity, exercise and sport, as it is to know your competition complaints and complaints of alleged violations of human rights, when these be imputed to any authority or public servant who holds a position, or local office in the Federal District Commission or procuratorial organs of law enforcement or whose jurisdiction is limited to the Federal District.


Fraction XXIV

Annual operating or work programs of each of the regulated entities, in which form reflects the implementation of disaggregated budget by item and chapters, to verify the amount and partially exercised full.

Annual Operating or Working Programs html
Budget allocated by category and chapter html

Area(s) responsible for information: General Administration.

Fraction XXV

Report programmatic or budgetary developments, balance sheets and financial status;

Programmatic Progress Report

2014 2015 2016
html html html

Area(s) responsible for information: General Administration.


Fraction XXVI

Public Account.

Public account of the Federal District consolidated by the Ministry of Finance
Public Account html

Area(s) responsible for information: General Administration.

Fraction XXVII

The results of direct award procedures, restricted invitation and bidding of any nature, including the relevant records and contracts or. If that contain privileged or confidential information, on them a public version will be distributed shall contain:

Exercise Analyzed quarter Competitive Bidding Procedure Type, Restricted Invitation, Direct award Category: Public Works, lease, procurement of goods, services
2012 January to December Competitive Bidding During 2012, CDHDF lleva out in public work, Lease, Procurement of goods and services by Public Tender.
2013 January to December Competitive Bidding During 2013, CDHDF lleva out in public work, Lease, Procurement of goods and services by Public Tender.
2014 January to December Competitive Bidding During 2014, CDHDF lleva out in public work, Lease, Procurement of goods and services by Public Tender.
2015 January to December Competitive Bidding During 2015, CDHDF lleva out in public work, Lease, Procurement of goods and services by Public Tender.
2012 January to December Restricted Invitation html
2013 January to December Restricted Invitation html
2014 January to December Restricted Invitation html
2015 January to December Restricted Invitation html
2016 January to December Restricted Invitation html
2012 January to December Direct Contracts html
2013 January to December Direct Contracts html
2014 January to December Direct Contracts html
2015 January to December Direct Contracts html
2016 January to December Direct Contracts html
2012 January to December Register of Suppliers and Contractors html
2013 January to December Register of Suppliers and Contractors html
2014 January to December Register of Suppliers and Contractors html
2015 January to December Register of Suppliers and Contractors html
2016 January to December Register of Suppliers and Contractors html

Area(s) responsible for information: General Administration.

In addition to what is stated in Article 14, the Human Rights Commission of the Federal District, the beginning of each year, shall maintain updated, printed form for direct consultation and the respective websites, according to their functions, as appropriate, information on the topics, documents and policies detailed below:

Fraction I

Management Recommendations, addressee and the current status of their attention, care at all times not to disseminate information restricted.

Recommendations 1994-2014 html
Recommendations 2014 html Recommendations 2013 html Recommendations 2012 html
Recommendations 2016 html Recommendations 2015 html

Fraction II

Resources and concluded impeachment complaint, and the concept by which they got that.

Resources challenge 2015 html Resources challenge 2016 html
Resources challenge 2014 html Resources challenge 2013 html Resources challenge 2012 (4° trimestre 2012) html
Resources challenge 2011 (4° trimestre 2011) html Resources challenge 2010 html Resources challenge 2009 html
Resources challenge 2008

Fraction III

Statistics on complaints to identify the age and gender of the victim, the reason for the complaint and the geographic location of the act complained, care at all times not disclose restricted.

Statistics complaints
2016 2015 2014 2013
Total complaints received html html html html
Reason complaints html html html html
Complaints territorial demarcation html html html html
Complaints authority involved html html html html
Complaints age people html html html html
Complaints of gender-specific html html html html
Figures released by the CDHDF (Annual Reports) Information relating to the annual report is published 2014 Commission on Human Rights of the Federal District.
Statistics on complaints during 2013
Statistics on complaints during 2012
Statistics on complaints during 2011

Note that this Public Agency of Human Rights hears complaints of alleged human rights violations when WHATSOEVER imputed to any authority or public servant carrying out duties or position of a local character in the Federal District, not therefore refers to crimes.

Area(s) responsible for information: Executive Office of Legislative Affairs.

All information provided in the Obligated Entities, respect to the execution of public works for restricted invitation, shall specify:

I. The amount;

II. The place;

III. Lead time;

IV. Obliged identification Ente computer and responsible for the work;

In. The supplier name, contractor or the person or entity with whom the contract was made, and

WE. Mechanisms for monitoring and surveillance, including where appropriate, environmental impact studies and seismic.

First Quarter 2016

xls html


xls html


xls html


xls html
Area(s) responsible for information: General Administration.

The control board governance and Treasury Accounting Assembly, should provide, upon application, the results of audits completed budget year that each obligated party made. By providing the information referred should clearly indicate the stage of the proceedings and the legal scope of the same.

Obligated entities must provide applicants, information concerning solventaciones or clarifications resulting from completed audits.

Also, the supervisory organ of public administration must publish the solventaciones relation to all views given by the Institute, for breach of the obligations referred to in this Act, including the reason why the track that originated and were given.


xls html


xls html


xls html


xls html


xls html


xls html
Area(s) responsible for information: Internal Control.

In order to verify that the public receives information that any person is the most current version, the Public Entity shall disseminate, within the first month of each year, a schedule update, for each content area information and responsible. If no rule exists, and instructs the update some content, it must be updated at least every three months. In all cases shall state the date of last update for each item to which this Chapter pertain.

Calendar updating information of job.

Area(s) responsible for information: Legal Office.

Toda corporation, civil society, unions or other similar receiving public funds for any reason, except dues, must provide Public Entities which receive the information regarding the use, destination and activities carried out with such resources.

2016 html
2015 html


2014 html
Coinversión 2014 html


Area(s) responsible for information: Executive Secretariat Coordination and Liaison with Civil Society and Public Policy Issues.

It is all public information in the files of public bodies, except that which is expressly and specifically provides information as I booked in the following cases:

Fraction VIII – In the case of judicial proceedings or administrative procedures that form of judgment, while the judgment or resolution fund has no executory. Once that decision will cause state public records, safe or confidential information which may contain.



Fraction IX – In the case of accountability procedures for public servants, while it has not issued a final administrative decision.

Administrative procedures have been filed in the Internal Comptroller in accordance with the Federal Law of Responsibilities of Public Servants to First Quarter 2016
Administrative procedures have been filed in the Internal Comptroller in accordance with the Federal Law of Responsibilities of Public Servants to Fourth Quarter 2015
Administrative procedures have been filed in the Internal Comptroller in accordance with the Federal Law of Responsibilities of Public Servants to Fourth Quarter 2014
Administrative procedures have been filed in the Internal Comptroller in accordance with the Federal Law of Responsibilities of Public Servants to Fourth Quarter 2013

Responsible Area: Internal Control

Other documents used to issue opinions, are those holding Treasury Accounting Office of the Legislative Assembly of the Federal District, which allow us to establish a link to the same page.

Administrative proceedings in which penalties were imposed for failing to timely submission of the Statement of Financial Condition in 2016

Administrative proceedings in which penalties were imposed for failing to timely submission of the Statement of Financial Condition in 2015

Administrative proceedings in which penalties were imposed for failing to timely submission of the Statement of Financial Condition in 2014

Administrative proceedings in which penalties were imposed for failing to timely submission of the Statement of Financial Condition in 2013

National Institute of Social Development (Indesol).

Proactive Transparency: In this section you will find public information requests made to the Commission and responses thereto.

Area(s) responsible for information: Internal Control.

Suggestions Índice de Artículos

Email the maintainer Transparency Portal: soporte.tecnico @ cdhdf.org.mx